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-Mentions smoking addiction

Clay's POV

I painted my nails but got bored of it and looked at George who was playing with my siblings. I stood up to sit with him, noticing again that he smelled a lot like smoke.

'Do you smoke?' I mumbled. 'You're sixteen, right?'

'Uh- I'm sixteen, yeah,' he answered with a quiet voice.

'And you smoke?'

'Y-yeah,' he whispered, looking away from me.

'Why though? Why so young?' I asked with a confused look on my face.

'I guess that's my way of staying calm,' he replied quietly. 'I'd rather not talk about it because I'm really afraid I'm not allowed to work here anymore if I do tell you.'

'No, you can tell me. If you're a serial killer, I'd rather not have you here anymore, but I'm pretty sure I don't know why I wouldn't otherwise.'

'It's fine,' George sighed as he stood up slowly. 'I'm sorry that your clothes smell like smoke now, I don't have anything else next to this and my old ones.'

'Are you alright? I don't want to sound rude, but it doesn't seem like you're okay,' I mumbled. 'And I'm actually serious, right now. I know I always joke around, but I can be serious too if you want me to. How did the clothes get this dirty so soon?'

'The street isn't-...' He stopped himself and looked at me with a slightly opened mouth. Suddenly something clicked in my head and I knelt down next to him.

'Do you have a home to stay in?' I asked as he gently grabbed his hand.

'Please, I really need this job. Don't fire me,' he whispered.

'Of course not,' I replied as I pulled him a bit closer to me. George was staring at his hands for a while and then his eyes filled with tears. A tear dropped down his face and felt onto my hand. He quickly wiped it off but I pulled his head against my chest.

'Do you live on the streets?'

'Y-yes,' George sniffed. Another tear dropped down as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 'I really need a hug.'

I gave him a tight hug and pulled him onto the couch, laying with him. 'Can we talk about it? Or rather not.'

'Promise to not laugh at me or whatever,' he sobbed.

'I promise,' I answered as I looked at him. He rolled to his side as he faced me and I pulled him closer to me.

'It's a few weeks ago,' he began. 'I uh- you know... I had a friend and we hung out in secret but he got mad because I didn't want to tell my parents we hung out after he dared me to steal and my parents forbade us to hang out ever again. Eventually, he told my mother and she got so mad that she kicked me out.'

I didn't know what to say and just softly massaged his head while he talked.

'I never got to say goodbye to my dad and sister,' he whispered. 'And I miss them... anyway, I know it's dumb, but I started smoking to stay calm while living on the streets.'

'Are you getting money for cigarettes?' I asked. 'Because I understand you need money, but please spend it on food, drinks and clothing.'

'But I really need cigarettes,' George mumbled. 'I guess I might be addicted, but they calm me down.'

'It's really unhealthy, George,' I admitted. 'I know you need money, but I'd rather give up my room then give you money to let you buy more cigarettes.'

'I just really miss my home,' he cried. 'All because I hung out with the boy who made me steal. I know it was dumb to, but-.'

'I'd never judge you for that. So wouldn't my parents. It happened in the past and I'm sure it wasn't anything big,' I smiled and wiped his tears away with my thumbs.

'Would your parents fire me if they knew this? I only stole a pack of biscuits and I brought it back too.'

'No, of course not. They'd help you more. Do you want me to tell them? Or are you not ready yet.'

'I don't think I'm ready to, I'm just very scared,' he whispered. 'This is the only thing I have left in my life. I haven't been to school anymore because I can't show up like this.'

'Come, let's bring my siblings to bed and then you can look through my closet and grab the things you want,' I smiled.

George nodded slowly and we brought my siblings to bed since they always slept around this time. We went to my room and I grinned as he looked at my pride flags, gay flags, rainbow stuff and a whiteboard with: "I'm gay" on it.

'As you can see, I'm pretty gay.'

George smiled shortly and I opened my closet. 'Do you want to go back to school?'

He nodded. 'But I'm scared too. What if they notice?'

'They won't, because I'll give you food, you can take a shower and if you want to you can sleep over but then I might have to tell my parents about it,' I told him as I held up some clothes he could take. 'You'd have to sleep in my bed, though.'

'And you?'

'I can sleep with you,' I smirked. 'No, anyway. We can share if you don't mind.'

George just nodded and grabbed some of the clothes I showed him. 'Do you want me to put those in the washing machine?'

'Please,' he mumbled shyly.

I smiled and pointed at the bathroom. 'You can put your clothes there. Or you can undress in front of me,' I grinned.

He rolled his eyes and walked to the bathroom, coming back into different clothes.

'This is not meant to be a sexual joke, but do you have different underwear?' I asked. 'And socks.'

He shook his head. 'Alright, we can't leave the house now, but I'm taking you shopping tomorrow. I'll pay.'


'Of course, everything for my future boyfriend,' I grinned.

'You're so cocky.'

'I like cock-.'

'CLAY, my goodness,' he laughed. 'I know you do, no need to tell me it like that.'

George rolled his eyes and we went downstairs again. 'Also how does it work with lunch? And your tube?'

'I might eat a tiny bit, but if my stomach hurts a lot, I have to get my tube feeding.'

'Okay,' he nodded. 'Tell me if I can help.'

1091 words

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