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Clay's POV

When Drista got home, she told us she would take care of the twins so we could go out together. I managed to get a spot at the bowling place and the restaurant and I was walking there with George with a big smile.

I used my tube feeding after my sandwich so I wouldn't upset my stomach for tonight and I really hoped it would go okay. I knew I would probably have a hard night, but I still didn't care about that. I just wanted to make George happy.

We arrived at the bowling place and put on the weird bowling shoes, walking to the right place. We could start immediately and I grabbed the bowling ball, letting it fall onto the floor.

'Gosh, I didn't expect those to be this heavy,' I giggled.

'Or you're just weak,' George laughed in a teasing way.

'That's actually so homophobic,' I sighed. I pointed at my shirt saying: "gay and proud", my sweats with rainbow and then the sticker of my tube. 'I'm gay, George.'

He bursted out into laughter. 'Do you think I didn't know that yet?'

'Homophobic,' I scoffed as I threw the bowling ball. I managed to hit three pins and George laughed again. 'You're so homophobic.'

'Mhm,' he grinned. 'I'm so homophobic.'

I rolled my eyes and hit five other pins. 'That ball went way too straight, that's disgusting. Also, you look too straight too. You need more gay because this is gross.'

George chuckled. 'And how do I do that?'

'More gay, more rainbow,' I sighed.

He giggled and grabbed a ball too, throwing it.

'Why don't you grab my balls like that?' I scoffed.

'My goodness, we are in public. People are not supposed to hear this,' he grinned.

'I'll stick my fingers in your ass like I stick them in that ball.'

'CLAY! Stop it!' George laughed as he threw the ball another time. Only one pin was still standing and he sat back as I went again.

We had a lot of fun playing and I went to get drinks for George and me. When I came back, I suddenly saw him sitting with a boy which caused a wave of jealousy. I didn't walk closer as the boy wrapped his arm around George's shoulders.

I felt tears coming up in my eyes as I put the glasses down and sat down in the distance to see what they were doing.

They sat like this for a while, until I heard George raise his voice and push the boy. I grabbed the drinks again and walked up to them with a confused face.

'What was that? Who is this?' I mumbled with a jealous voice.

'George, you're gay now?' the boy grinned.

'This is my friend, Clay. You just leave, stupid asshole. You've done nothing else than bully me all these years.'

I felt myself getting angry and pushed the guy away from George, standing in front of him. 'Dude, can you just leave us alone? George my friend now, understood? I want you to stay off him with those disgusting fingers of yours.'

⚠️ Ableism/bullying

'Oh, I'm so scared of a guy who has anorexia and doesn't even dare to eat,' he grinned.

I laughed at him. 'Mhm, I have anorexia.' I grinned, grabbed a glass of cola and drank it in front of his face. 'I have a paralysed stomach, asshole.'

'I can just rip your tube out,' he smiled.

'Okay, that's so cool of you! But you know... I can do that too for the record. Now, you've been very funny tonight but if you don't leave us alone, I will make you, okay?'

'Do you really want to be friends with a guy who used to break stuff at school just so he could be part of a group? Or a guy who sometimes threw stuff around from anger?'

'Why would I care? I love him and whatever he did in the past isn't relevant anymore. He learnt from his mistakes and that's the only thing that counts!' I shouted as I turned away from him to walk to George.

⚠️ Over

He walked off and I grabbed George's hand, cheering him up a little. We started bowling again and then after that we left to go to the restaurant.

I firstly ordered some soup since that was easy to eat for me and George did the same as we talked and ate slowly. He ate just as slowly as I did so he wouldn't finish hours before I was done which I really appreciated. He showed that he cared about me and my disability a lot. He made sure I wouldn't be very hurt.

After the soup, I still decided to eat some bigger things which took more to chew on. I just didn't want to ruin this time with George right now so I ordered whatever I wanted.

George was worried, but didn't talk about it during dinner so I wouldn't think about this evening yet. Instead, he continued eating at my extremely slow pace and smiled as we talked about random things.

I sometimes used my amazing pickup lines that made him laugh and then my romantic ones to make him feel loved after everything that happened to him. He knew I wasn't actually trying to make him fall in love and he didn't mind either.

After a long evening, I paid for the dinner and then walked home with George again.

'Did you enjoy it?' I asked.

'I did,' he smiled. 'How are you feeling?'

'A bit nauseous,' I shrugged. 'It's fine. We are free tomorrow. I was going to stream but I'll see how it goes tonight.'

'Okay,' George answered. 'I'm really happy that we went here, I really enjoyed it with you.'

'Me too. I just want to spoil you all day, I finally have someone, next to Sapnap, who really cares about me now. I really want to do everything for you.'

'You're just sweet,' George giggled.

I sighed softly. 'I love you.'

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I wrapped mine around his shoulders to pull him closer and then he smiled. 'I love you too.'

1039 words

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