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-Smoking (addiction)
-Self harm (burning)

Clay's POV

I spent the whole day with George, mostly telling him pickup lines as we laughed together. He gave me my tube feeding since I couldn't eat right now and played with my siblings, giving them food too.

It was later that afternoon when George and I sat next to each other. He was bouncing his leg up and down because he was really nervous since we were going to tell my parents what was going on.

I washed his clothes so they didn't smell like smoke anymore, but George admitted he was afraid he'd smoke again. I knew it wasn't so easy to quit so I told him I hoped he would try, but wouldn't get mad if he relapsed.

We waited for my parents and as soon as they arrived, I tapped the couch for them to sit down. They understood the hint and sat down with a soft smile.

'What's up?' my dad asked.

'Do I start?' I questioned as I looked at George. His face was red and then he nodded heavily.

'I'm just going to be gay up. George's mother kicked George out a while ago and since that day he has always been living on the streets. I want to help him, I want him to be gone from there and stay with us. I understand that it's not as easy as it sounds, but I really want to do everything I can,' I summed up.

It was quiet for a little and then my mother held her hand in front of her mouth in shock after grabbing George's hand with her other hand. 'Honey, why haven't you told us immediately?'

He shrugged. 'I was afraid you'd fire me and definitely also because of certain behaviour I have. I don't want to lie anymore about it. I smoke because I get so stressed and yeah-.'

'Sweetheart, we would never fire you for these reasons. You're also not going to sleep on the streets anymore. How long have you been out there?'

'Two to three weeks,' he whispered. 'I've been very hungry, tired and cold. I'm surprised I didn't get sick since it has been raining all day.'

'Sweetie, I'm so sorry. Why did your mother do this to you? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to,' my mother smiled as she held his hand tightly.

'Well... because I hung out with the friend I was absolutely not allowed to see anymore after he made me steal and he told my parents we hung out,' George admitted, staring at his hands.

'We accept you, whatever happened in the past does not matter anymore,' my dad added. 'I believe in second chances and that everyone can change. I trust you and I'm sure you've learnt from it.'

I smiled and George laughed softly. 'Thank you for accepting me,' he whispered. 'I was just so scared to tell you this.'

'We will for sure not fire you, we will do anything to help you. We don't have a spare room so you can stay in Clay's room for now if he accepts that,' my dad offered.

I giggled. 'I'll gladly accept that,' I smirked.

George smiled and rolled his eyes as he sat back with a soft sigh. 'I don't know how to thank you.'

'You don't have to thank us, this is something everyone should do,' my mother answered.

'I don't have much, but I guess I get my stuff then?' he questioned. 'It's only a mattress, a pillow, a blanket, a few clothes and then well... my cigarettes.'

'Let's get it together,' I smiled as I stood up slowly.

George nodded and we went to the place we had to be at. George pointed to a small place. 'I guess this is where I always stayed.'

It upset me a lot to see where he had to stay as a sixteen year old boy and I helped him grab all his stuff. He grabbed his uncharged phone, wallet, his pillow and blanket and his cigarettes as I carried the rest with me. I didn't want to lecture him on taking his cigarettes with him and just went home again.

I put the stuff in the living room and I saw George looking at his cigarettes with a sad face. I walked up to him and grabbed his shoulders.

'You really want to smoke, don't you?'

George nodded with a sad face.

'I'm not going to force you to stay off it, but I promise you that it's better for you to stay off them, okay?' I smiled, pulling him a bit closer to me.

He sighed. 'Just one? I'll shower after that if I can so I won't smell like smoke.'

I shrugged. 'I'm not going to force you to not do it, but I do want you to actually just smoke one,' I demanded.

'Okay,' he mumbled as he grabbed his lighter and a cigarette. He walked outside and I sat in front of the window as I saw him smoking the cigarette.

I really pitied him. He was just sixteen, had been homeless, was addicted to smoking and had no family around him. He really didn't deserve this.

⚠️ Self harm (burning)

I kept looking as he suddenly lifted his sleeve and pressed the cigarette on his skin. I didn't hesitate any longer and jumped up, running outside.

⚠️ Over

'George! Why did you do that?' I yelled out with a concerned voice and face.

George immediately pulled his sleeve down and threw his cigarette away as he stared at the ground.

'My goodness, do you self harm?' I asked as I grabbed his arm. 'Can I look?'

'Don't get mad,' he whispered.

I nodded and lifted his sleeve, seeing his multiple burns on his arm. I ran my fingertips over them and then wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

'I'm so sorry that you felt this hopeless. Do you think we can try together so that you won't do this anymore?' I asked. 'I can sit with you if you really want to smoke so I can make sure you don't put them out on your skin.'

'If you want to,' he whispered. 'I just really wished I wouldn't smoke anymore, but I feel out of control when I only just started.'

'I'm going to try to help you,' I smiled. 'Just tell me what I can do and I'm there for you.'

'I would like to go back to school one day,' he sighed. 'But I'm so scared of their reply since I just left and didn't let them know anything.'

'It will be okay, maybe I can come with you or my parents too if you want.'

'Thank you,' George whispered.

'Do you want to go inside again?' I questioned. 'It's getting cold outside and I'm very tired too.'

'Me too,' he smiled.

We stood up and went to my room. Since I was too tired to do anything, I just laid down and pulled George next to me. Without me even realising, we cuddled up and then fell asleep.

1183 words

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