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-Mentions smoking addiction

George's POV

From the day I got kicked out to now, a lot changed. It had just been two weeks that I had been living on the streets and my whole life changed for the worse.

Because I got so sad and depressed while I was alone in the streets, I started looking for ways to escape from the pain inside. I went into a store one day and my eye fell on cigarettes.

Since I was sixteen, I couldn't buy them myself so I firstly started asking around if anyone wanted to buy them for me. No one approved of that until I saw a guy smoking in the park.

I went up to him, he seemed to understand me and started selling me cigarettes, buying them for me when he didn't have any more themselves.

I sat on the ground outside, it was cold and rainy and my clothes were soaked since it had been raining very slightly all day.

I really wanted to smoke right now, but I had to go to the family I was going to babysit. I needed more money, not only for smoking but also for food and drinks. I hadn't had a normal meal in weeks, I was always cold and tired. I hated my life more than I hated my parents.

I put my package with cigarettes away and slowly stood up as I looked around me. Luckily I knew where the street was since I didn't have a phone anymore. Well, I had one, but it was empty for weeks now.

I was pretty nervous as I started walking there and took deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth when I stood in front of the right door. With a sigh, I pressed the doorbell and heard music start playing.

I could hear someone stand up and then the door opened. A woman appeared in front of me and smiled.

'Hi! You must be George?'

I nodded slowly and shook her hand, hoping I didn't look like absolute shit with my unwashed hair, ripped and soaked clothes and big bags under my eyes.

She looked at me with pity in her eyes. 'Did you have to walk for long? You're soaking wet. Are you cold?'

'Yeah, but it's fine!' I shrugged.

'No, dear! Would you like to take a shower here? I have a son who is a bit taller than you but you can borrow some of his clothes if he allows you to,' she smiled.

'Don't worry,' I answered as she let me come in.

'Oh, my son is laying down on the couch. He's feeling a bit sick,' she pointed as I saw a boy lay down.

He had a heating pad on his stomach and was curled up on the couch with a bucket next to it. I saw a tube in his nose with two stickers on his cheek. I noticed it was the pride flag and the gay flag and smiled shortly as I also noticed his sweats with rainbow on it.

The boy lifted himself up slowly. 'Oh my goodness, hold on,' he mumbled. 'I prepared such a good speech, but I feel like shit.'

I smiled at him and he sighed softly while sitting up. 'Don't worry, by the way,' he started. 'It's not contagious, my stomach doesn't work well.'

'I'm sorry, I hope you'll feel a bit better soon,' I replied.

'Okay, but listen up here. I'm so extremely gay and I was not allowed to use my amazing pickup lines, but HERE I GO,' he laughed as he grabbed his phone. I giggled as he started scrolling very fast and then lifted his phone.

'THIS ONE! Do you mix concrete for a living? Because you're making me hard.' He was quiet for a little. 'Wait, that was the wrong one.'

I bursted out into laughter. 'That's kind of straight forward,' I mumbled as his mother held her hand in front of her face.

'Clay, that's too far. This poor guy is here to babysit and you say these horrible things,' she laughed with an ashamed face.

'She's so homophobic,' the boy, apparently named Clay, sighed. 'She doesn't even like my pickup lines. So homophobic, it's actually gross.'

His mother just grinned. 'I'm not homophobic at all for the record, he just calls everyone who disagrees with him homophobic.'

Clay rolled his eyes. 'Don't listen to that, she's so homophobic. My dad is even worse, HE WASHED MY GAY PANTS!'

'Your gay pants?' I giggled.

'YES,' Clay sighed dramatically. He held up his leg. 'These are my gay pants and my dad just WASHED THEM! I didn't have them for a day and I felt straight, that was the worst day in my life.'

I laughed shortly and he stood up. 'You don't look gay enough,' he yelled. 'You really need more gay.'

I rolled my eyes and giggled. I didn't want them to know I slept on the streets and barely had any clothes, because I knew they would never accept me as their babysitter.

His mother walked off to grab some papers as Clay walked closer. 'Look, I have a lot of pride flags, you need to look more gay so you better let me buy flags for you or you're homophobic.'

I giggled and nodded. 'Sure.'

'Also, you seem wet. I'm too, for the record.' He stopped his sentence to wheeze. 'I'm kidding, unless? Anyway, want some clothes to borrow? You can also sit here naked, I bet you're hot.'

I shook my head with a soft laugh. 'You're so weird.'

'You're so homophobic. Anyway, do you want some?'

His mother came back. 'Can he borrow some clothes?'

'He can keep my other pair of sweats, they aren't gay enough for me anyway.'

'You can take a shower, George. You look tired, are you alright?' she asked with a concerned smile.

'Yeah, don't worry.' It sounded like such an obvious lie which made me worried. Clay was too busy with scrolling through his phone for pickup lines and his mother smiled at me.

'Take a shower! I'm here all day and I really don't mind.'

I would have never accepted a shower in strangers' houses, but I hadn't showered in two weeks, I felt disgusting, I was very cold. I needed a shower. I thanked her again and then went to the bathroom after Clay gave me some clothes from him. I was really happy to finally take a shower again.

1088 words

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