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-Mentions throwing up

Clay's POV

I started my stream and waited for a second before turning on my camera and saying hi to everyone. It took a minute before ten of my viewers came in and I happily greeted them, turning on my camera.

'I got a gay sticker!' I yelled out with a grin. 'My dad put my gay pants in the washing machine and I felt way too straight so then he did this for me.'

I giggled as I read the chat and everyone seemed happy for me.

'I had a donut this morning, I haven't had one in ages. I'll probably have a bad stomach ache later, but it's worth it,' I smiled as I looked at the chat.

'What's the sticker for?' I read up. 'My stomach doesn't work fully so I have this tube in my nose. If there's no sticker, it might slip out. Oh my goodness, chat! I have the most amazing pickup lines. I told some to my parents and sister too, but I think a few might be TOS.'

I read chat again as I loaded a game and then grinned. 'Alright, I'll read a few. Don't ban me Twitch, I'm just being gay. You're homophobic if you ban me.'

I giggled as I grabbed my phone while Minecraft was loading. 'Here! I know you think I'm sexy, I know you think I'm fine, but just like all the other guys get a number and wait in line. Maybe this is not the greatest pickup line, but I'm so hot. I do deserve a line with bitches.'

The chat was laughing and I grinned as I looked back at my phone.

'This one! When I'm around you I can't think straight. Smooth, isn't it?' I grinned and rolled my eyes. 'I'm so gay, my goodness. Anyway, let's play Minecraft.'

I went onto my survival server and started playing the game for hours as I felt a very bad stomach ache come up. I swallowed and took a deep breath in, then breathing out as I smiled shortly at the camera.

'Guys, I don't feel well at the moment. I've been live for two hours, I think I'm going to end the stream here.'

The chat spammed hearts and wished me good luck as I ended the stream and slowly walked downstairs. My mother was sitting on the couch and looked at me sitting next to her. I curled myself up and rested my head on her shoulder.

'I don't feel well,' I whispered. 'I shouldn't have eaten that donut.'

'Are you going to throw up?' she asked as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

I nodded slowly as I held my knees up and started sniffing softly. 'I don't want this anymore, mom. It makes me so sad, I just really want to eat what I want to.'

I felt anger grow within me and I pulled away from my mother and slammed on the couch. 'I want to eat, I WANT TO BE NORMAL.'

'Honey, calm down. You are completely normal, your stomach just doesn't work as well as others do,' she comforted.

'It's unfair. IT'S SO UNFAIR,' I screamed as I started scratching the sticker from my face.

'Your dad made a beautiful sticker, keep it on there, sweetie,' my mother smiled as she kissed my cheek softly.

I shook my head and let out a scream as I fell onto my knees on the ground. 'I DON'T WANT THIS ANYMORE,' I screamed as I grabbed my tube and pulled it out.

'Clay, keep it in, honey,' my mother tried as she grabbed my hand, but I pulled it again.

I managed to pull the whole tube out and my mother immediately held my hand as she slowly pulled the last bit out. 'Honey, I get that you don't want it anymore, but it's better for you, okay?'

She laid my tube down and then smiled softly. 'I'm going to call the hospital to place a new one and till that time I'll help you place one that goes to your stomach, sweetie.'

I began to cry loudly and my mother lifted me up on her lap.

'But the tube that goes to my stomach doesn't work anyway,' I whispered with loud sobs. 'I'm sorry for pulling it out, I just want to be normal.'

'It's okay, sweetheart. I can't feed you well now, so I'm going to help you place the tube that goes to your stomach.'

'I will have so much pain,' I cried. 'My stomach just doesn't do anything it feels like.'

'Let's hope we can go back to the hospital soon, sweetie.'

'I'm sorry for being so complicated, mom,' I sniffed as I curled up on the couch.

'I love you so much, honey. You're never too complicated to me. Do you think you're going to throw up soon or can I place the tube first?'

'Place it,' I mumbled as she smiled.

'Okay, sweetie. Do you want me to colour a sticker for you too? I can colour it the rainbow or the gay flag? Whatever you like.'

'Can I have two stickers?' I asked as I wiped a tear away.

'Of course, honey,' she smiled as she walked to my bag with feeding and extra tubes I could place myself.

There were two different types of tubes. Since my stomach didn't work well, I had one which went straight to my intestines, but I couldn't place it myself. The other one went to my stomach which wasn't ideal because then it still had to digest it. Luckily that was easier with tube feeding than normal food because it was already a liquid.

My mother measured how long the tube had to be and gave me a glass of water as he pushed the first bit into my nose.

'Swallow,' she demanded as it had to pass my throat. I started drinking a lot as she pushed it in and then she smiled. 'All done. I'll put this temporary sticker on it so it doesn't slide away before I have the other two done.'

I smiled and nodded. She firstly sat with me and held my hand. 'Are you okay?'

'Can I please have a heating pad?'

'Of course, I'm getting it. Call me if you need me.'

I closed my eyes as I curled up, smiling softly because I loved my parents so much.

1070 words

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