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-Throwing up (dehydration)
-Mentions smoking addiction

Clay's POV

The hell started at one at night. My father carried me upstairs apparently and he was sleeping in my room. I tapped his shoulder and stood up, going to the bathroom.

I had such a bad stomach ache that I knew I was going to throw up all night. I sat in front of the toilet and heard my dad stand up, walking into the bathroom. He sat down next to me without saying much and held his arm around my waist as he breathed quickly.

'Stay calm, honey,' he whispered. 'It's going to be okay.'

⚠️ Throwing up

I nodded slowly, but not long after that I threw up. I tried to be quiet, but almost choked and gagged loudly as I threw up.

⚠️ Over

My dad held me closely and laid down a pillow to lay down on. He knew this was going to be a really long night too since it sometimes took hours in between the times I threw up.

⚠️ Throwing up

I sat in silence for half an hour, throwing up again. My dad lifted himself up and gave me some water. I drank one sip and put it away as I flushed the toilet again, sitting down against the wall.

I threw up four more times, but my dad started worrying a lot when it was four am and I still didn't stop throwing up.

⚠️ Over

He lifted himself up and shook his head. 'I'm calling the hospital.'

I nodded slowly and he ran off, waking up my mother as he came back, calling a doctor for advice. My mother sat with me now and smiled shortly. She looked tired.

'I'm sorry, did I wake you up?' I whispered with a weak voice.

'Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm more worried about you. I think it's best if you stay in the hospital for a short while until your stomach is doing a little bit better.'

⚠️ Throwing up

I nodded slowly and pushed her away softly as I threw up again.

⚠️ Over

My dad ran back into the bathroom. 'The doctor advised me to take him the hospital for acute dehydration and malnourishment. They want to check his blood sugar too.'

I just let it happen and I got lifted up and laid down in the back of the car with a bucket on my lap. With a high speed, my dad drove us to the hospital and once we got there, I immediately got allowed into a room.

I got an IV in my hand and they gave me fluids through it while I just laid with my eyes closed and got extra medication.

'He's very dehydrated,' someone confirmed. 'His blood sugar is low and he's malnourished.'

~ Six Hours Later ~

I laid on the couch as my mother waited for George to arrive. I told him we would go shopping today, but I was very sure he would understand that I couldn't go today.

I was feeling very sick since I was severely dehydrated and spent all night in the hospital. I hadn't had any sleep because of the pain and nausea, but luckily the medication worked now.

I had my eyes closed since I was really tired as George rang the bell. My mother opened the door and let him in.

'Clay is feeling really sick,' she whispered so it wouldn't be too loud for me. 'He spent the night in the hospital because he was severely dehydrated and malnourished after throwing up around six times at night.'

'I'm so sorry to hear that! Do I need to go upstairs with the twins so he can lay down?' he mumbled back.

'It's fine, he's awake, but he hasn't had any sleep so he might fall asleep though.'

George came in and my parents left after giving me tube feeding.

'George,' I whispered as I reached out my hand.

'Hi,' he smiled, sitting down next to the couch to hold my hand.

'My friends were really mean to me,' I sighed, ignoring the bad scent of smoke around him. He had smoked a lot, it appeared.

'What did they do?'

'Force me to eat,' I mumbled. 'They are not my friends anymore, though.'

'I'm so sorry.' George smiled shortly and then looked at his clothes. 'I'm sorry, I think you noticed it already. I'll change clothes so I won't smell like smoke.'

'How much did you smoke?' I whispered with a weak and soft voice.

He shrugged. 'Don't get mad, please.'

'I won't,' I answered with a soft smile.

'Eight,' he muttered. 'I wanted to stop after the third, but I just couldn't and then this morning I started smoking again.'

'Are you ready to tell my parents? I really want to help you,' I admitted as I sat up.

He shrugged and then nodded. 'If you're sure they won't kick me out, then I guess it's fine.'

'I'm very sure. Let's tell them together when they come back. I really don't want you to sleep on the streets anymore, okay? I'm very weak right now, but I really want to take you shopping soon.'

'Take your time,' he smiled.

'I need to say my daily pickup lines, hold on. I can't stop with those,' I grinned.

'Sure, do you want me to colour new stickers for your tube?' George asked.

'If you want to.'

'Can I draw something instead of colour it? In rainbow colours obviously.'

'Yeah, of course.'

He giggled and sat at the table as I lifted my phone. 'ALRIGHT! I wish you were soap so I could feel you all over me.'

George chuckled and just left me to it. I laughed loudly as I saw another one and lifted myself up.

'I'll kiss you in the rain so you get twice as wet.'

'My goodness,' George laughed as he kept colouring the sticker. 'I've accepted defeat at this point. I'm just letting you do this while I cry inside.'

'You know what else you can do?' I grinned. 'You can also do me, that's better. Even better, I can do you.'

'I made a mistake,' George chuckled with an eye roll. 'Can I shower in a minute?'

'We can shower together to save the water, you know?'

'Yeah, we CAN. But we won't do that.'

'Then let me do you at least,' I smirked.

George just laughed and then showed me the sticker. He drew a blob with rainbow colours and stuck it onto my skin.

'Thank you,' I smiled. 'I can't stop myself, but do you want to know what's sticky too?'

'You, don't worry. It's nothing new,' George wheezed.

'Ugh, so homophobic,' I laughed as I laid back down on the couch. George just laughed and then left to shower shortly before my siblings would wake up.

1130 words

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