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-Throwing up

Clay's POV

While the guy was taking a shower, I put off the "being funny" mask and laid down on the couch with tears in my eyes. I had just thrown up four times after eating the donut and a few pieces of bread, my stomach was extremely bloated again and I had a lot of pain.

I really regretted pulling out my tube now, but luckily I could come there this evening to let it get placed back since I couldn't eat close to enough otherwise.

My mother sat with me and pulled me up, holding me in her arms as a tear rolled down my face. 'I feel so sick,' I whispered.

'I hope the medication is going to work soon, sweetheart.'

'My intestines hurt so much too,' I cried. 'It might be weird to say, but I haven't been able to use the toilet for anything the last few days. I've also barely had to pee.'

'Are you dehydrated, honey?' my mother asked. 'And constipated again?'

'I'm in so much pain and I feel very weak.'

'Do you think your blood sugar is too low? You haven't been eating well at all,' my mother questioned.

I shrugged. 'I'm hungry, but I also have so much pain.'

'You threw up all the food you ate today, so I don't think you have anything left in you, sweetheart. I'm very glad we can go to the hospital tonight to replace your tube. Do you want me to try to feed you through this tube?'

I sighed. 'I really want some food, but it hurts so much. You can give me a tiny bit so my hunger goes away.'

'Okay,' she smiled as she stood up to grab my tube feeding. When she came back, she attached it to my tube and gave me a tiny bit of food through it. 'I hope your stomach manages to digest this.'

'My chest is burning,' I sniffed. I couldn't keep my act of being funny up anymore and had tears rolling down my face as I laid down in my mother's arms.

Even when George came back, I didn't act happy again and he sat down with a smile.

'Hi,' I whispered as I wiped my tears away. 'Sorry, I'm having a very bad time because of the pain and it's a bit too much now.'

'Don't worry, I'm very sorry!' George answered.

'You look cute in those clothes,' I mumbled, causing George to smile. I smiled back as I sniffed my nose and then stood up slowly.

'I might take a bath because I'm dying of the pain,' I mumbled.

I went upstairs and turned the bathtub's tap on as I started crying loudly. I knelt down next to the bath and rested my head on the edge as I took heavy breaths. I wanted to feel good, but I had such abnormal pain that I didn't know how to deal with this anymore.

I stood up slowly and looked in the mirror as I lifted my shirt. I was so incredibly bloated, I had never been this bloated before.

I pulled off my clothes when the bath was filled and curled myself up in the bath and the warm water. I laid down for half an hour as I felt myself getting really nauseous again.

I began to cry again as I knew I was going to throw up and stamped my foot on the ground to ask for help. Some people may have found it weird to have someone walk in, but in these situations I really needed someone more than I had shame.

'It's dad, I just came home. Do you need help?' he asked as he knocked on the door softly.

I curled up again and mumbled softly. He came in and looked at me, reaching out to grab my hand. 'What's wrong, honey?'

'Throw up,' I whispered while panting quickly.

'Do you want me to lift you up to get to the toilet or grab a bucket?'

'Bucket,' I mumbled.

'Okay, sweetie.' My dad stood up and ran off, coming back with a bucket.

He lifted me out of the bathtub and gave me a towel to wrap around my waist as I pulled the bucket close to me.

'What did you eat today?'

'A donut, a bit of bread and I had tube feeding,' I sniffed. 'I pulled my tube out because I was angry and now I haven't eaten much all day.'

'It's okay, sweetie. I understand that it's very difficult and no one is mad at you,' he smiled. He grabbed another towel to dry my back, chest and hair while I hung above the bucket.

⚠️ Throwing up

I grabbed his hand as I felt the tube feeding come up and he sat next to me, holding me closely. I threw up all the tube feeding I got and then rested my head against my dad's shoulder. He held me tightly as he gave me some water and kissed my hair.

⚠️ Over

'Are you okay?' he asked.

I nodded slowly, sobbing softly. 'I'm so bloated and in a lot of pain. I'm very tired, I threw up a lot today and I had a very bad day. I think I might go to sleep for a little.'

'Alright,' my father answered with a smile. 'Are you okay enough for me to leave?'

I nodded and he left the bathroom. I dried off fully, pulled my clothes on as I slowly walked to my room. My dad was standing there already and smiled.

'I have a heating pad for you and another surprise! I was scrolling through internet because you really wanted a gay shirt, like you call it, and found this,' he summed up, giving me the heating pad and then showing me the shirt that said: "gay and proud."

I smiled. 'Thanks, dad. I really love it. I'm too tired to be energetic now, but I genuinely like it and appreciate what you do for me a lot.'

'That's no problem, honey. You'll always be my son and no matter how sick you are, I will never give up on you. I love you the way you are, I love that you're gay too. I love you because you're my son and you'll always be.'

I had a big smile fill my face and closed my eyes. 'I love you too, dad.'

1070 words

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