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-Throwing up

Clay's POV

I had a lot of energy after ending my stream and sped myself downstairs as I sighed loudly in front of my dad.

'Dad...' I started dramatically. 'WHY did you wash my gay sweats? SPEAK UP!'

'Because you had been wearing them for two weeks,' my dad laughed.

'Dad, this is unacceptable. Those are my gay pants!' I yelled out. 'You're a horrible person, I LOOK STRAIGHT NOW.'

I looked at my normal sweats and shirt and sighed. 'It's the end of the world if I look straight, alright? I need to look more gay.'

'You don't need to do much for that,' he grinned.

'So rude,' I sighed as I ran to the stickers that I always stuck on my cheek to keep my feeding tube from sliding out. I grabbed one and ran back to my dad.

'I need a gay sticker!' I yelled.

'Fine, I'll make it into a gay sticker. I put some applesauce in the fridge, if you want it,' he told me as he sat down and grabbed some pencils to draw onto the sticker.

I went to the fridge and grabbed the applesauce as I stared at it. 'Is it a good idea to eat this, right now? My stomach hurts a lot from the bread I ate this morning. I think there's a high chance I'll throw up in a few minutes to hours.'

'Give it a few minutes, if it doesn't feel better then I'll give you tube feeding,' my dad replied.

I nodded and sat down on the couch, looking at my extremely bloated stomach with a sigh. I was in a lot of pain right now.

When I was seven, I had a bad infection which caused my stomach's veins to be damaged. Since then, I developed gastroparesis which meant that my stomach worked very slowly to digest things or just not at all.

I could eat very small, mostly liquid, things which took hours to digest in my stomach. When I ate too big things, I would throw it up hours later without it being digested in the slightest.

I had a lot of pain too and I had so much trouble at the moment that I got a tube into my nose that went down all the way to my intestines so it didn't have to pass through my stomach. They placed it in the hospital since they really needed to check well if it was at the right place in my intestines.

I curled up since I had so much pain and then lifted my hand. 'Dad, I think I'm going to throw up.'

'Alright, honey,' he answered, immediately laying his pencil down to grab me a bucket. He walked up to me and placed the bucket next to the couch as he softly rubbed his hand over my stomach. 'You're really bloated again, are you?'

I nodded slowly and pulled my shirt up a little. He nodded. 'I think it's better if you get some tube feeding in a minute.'

'Yeah,' I mumbled.

My happy mood got replaced for an incredibly sad one and I sat up with the bucket between my legs. My dad rubbed my back and smiled.

'I almost finished the sticker. I made a rainbow drawing on it so you look less straight,' he grinned.

⚠️ Throwing up

I laughed shortly and then nodded as I knew I was going to throw up. The bread from hours ago came back up, not being digested at all and I laid back down after that.

⚠️ Over

My dad cleaned the bucket and came back again. 'Do you think that was it?'

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes as he quickly finished the drawing on my sticker. He came back with a smile and showed me it. It was in rainbow colours and he cut it into a heart shape.

I smiled and my dad gently pulled off the current sticker, replacing it with this one.

'You look great,' he grinned. 'Extra gay.'

'Not gay enough without my gay pants,' I sighed with an eye roll.

He laughed and then knelt down next to the couch. 'Do you want me to get you a heating pad for your stomach?'

'Please,' I nodded. 'I'm really bloated and I have an extreme amount of pain.'

'I'll give you some medication and then tube feeding because you haven't eaten in eight hours,' he smiled.

He walked off to the kitchen and I grabbed my phone, seeing a notification from the group chat with some of my friends.

I'm home alone today, who wants to go get some food? Just some McDonald's?

I felt myself getting really sad and I laid my phone back down as I stared at the ceiling with tears in my eyes. My dad came back with a heating pad, medication and my tube feeding and noticed me tearing up.

'What's wrong, sweetie?' he asked as he grabbed my hand tightly.

I shrugged and put the heating pad on my stomach, showing my dad the text.

'Do you want me to say something back?' he asked. I nodded slowly and looked at the screen as he started typing.

I'd prefer you to discuss this somewhere else since it makes me very sad that I can't even eat that while you have fun together.

'Thank you,' I smiled as he gave me my phone back. A message from Sapnap immediately popped up and I clicked it.

Sorry dude, I didn't think about it. I'll ask this in private next time! <3

I laid my phone down again and looked at my dad who was feeding me through my tube.

'Dad?' I whispered.

'Yes, sweetheart?'

'I'm so sad,' I sniffed as I looked at the feeding pass through my nose to go to my intestines. 'I really want to eat too.'

'Honey, I know you want to and I wish you would be able to, but you're having a bad time now. Maybe you can eat something small tomorrow or the day after!' he smiled as he kissed my forehead.

'I should make myself look more gay,' I sighed. 'I'm so gay and I don't even have my gay pants.'

My dad laughed. 'Your gay pants are almost washed. Do you want me to grab your pride flag?'

'I need my pride flag so there's no way I look straight,' I giggled.

My dad rolled his eyes and stood up to go upstairs and grab my pride flag. He came back with two. 'You can choose, the gay flag or the rainbow pride flag.'

'Both...' I sighed with a dramatic silence after that.

My dad laughed and threw the flags at me. I laid them down on top of me and grinned. 'Gay enough.'

1135 words

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