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-Throwing up (a lot)

Clay's POV

I woke up at two in the night, knowing what was going to happen again. I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I quietly got out of bed which made George whine in his sleep.

I stood up slowly and walked to the bathroom, kneeling down in front of it with the most cramps, stomach pain and nausea I experienced in weeks. I knew my stomach was very bloated again so it made it obvious that it hadn't digested anything I ate today.

⚠️ Throwing up

I grasped onto the toilet as a wave of nausea came up and I threw up loudly. I really tried to keep the sounds down, but because I felt like choking, I couldn't stop myself from gagging a lot.

⚠️ Over

I was panting as I stared at the toilet, flushing it slowly as I drank some water. It could take hours before I would throw up again now so I silently leaned against the wall as I played with my shirt.

I sat alone until I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked at the door and saw George come in with a very sleepy face, two pillows and a blanket.

He laid them on the ground and made me rest my head on it as he pulled the blanket over me, laying down next to me.

'If you can't stay in bed, then we will rest here,' he smiled as he held my hand and ran his hand through my hair. 'How often did you throw up?'

'Just once,' I whispered with a sad face. 'This is only the beginning.'

'I'll be here with you,' George smiled. 'I'm staying up this night to be with you.'

'Thank you,' I mumbled. 'You really don't have to stay with me if you're tired.'

'You're feeling very sick, of course I'm staying with you,' he answered.

⚠️ Throwing up

I smiled shortly but then abruptly lifted myself up. George did the same and held his hand on my back as I threw up again. He noticed my back was covered in sweat and grabbed a towel to wipe some of it away.

⚠️ Over

'Drink a lot of water if you can,' George demanded. 'I don't want you to get dehydrated again.'

I nodded slowly and drank again, still hanging above the toilet. I flushed it again and laid back down next to George. He pulled me closer and ran his hand through my hair as I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

⚠️ Throwing up

When I finally thought I stopped throwing up and hour later and almost dozed off to sleep, I flew up again and threw up a third time. It was around four at night now and I felt so bad that George didn't have any sleep because of me.

⚠️ Over

'You can go to sleep now,' I whispered. 'I'll keep throwing up all night so you can leave.'

He smiled softly and shook his head. 'I'll sleep during the day to catch up.'

⚠️ Throwing up

I wanted to lay down, but sat back up immediately, throwing up again. I drank water, flushed the toilet and cleaned my face as I laid back down next to George with a sad face.

⚠️ Over

'I want it to stop now,' I whispered.

'I'm getting your medication for the nausea and the pain.' He stood up and started walking away as I lifted myself up again.

I stared into the toilet as my body started sweating and felt numb again. I panted softly as George came back and he grabbed my hand tightly, laying my medication down as he saw I was about to throw up again.

⚠️ Throwing up

And again, I threw up. There was barely anything left in me which caused me to throw up bile now and George smiled softly. 'Maybe this is the end.'

⚠️ Over

He gave me my medication and I laid down in his arms as I sobbed softly. 'I feel so sick and tired. What time is it?'

'It's almost five,' he answered after checking his phone.

'Are you tired?'

'I'm totally fine,' George replied with a smile.

George started wiping my forehead with a towel since I was covered in sweat and then smiled shortly. 'Do you want to take a shower tomorrow morning?'

I nodded slowly. 'But I want to sleep then.'

'You can take a shower now,' George proposed.

'What if I throw up again?' I mumbled as I held him tightly.

'I don't think you will. You have nothing left in your stomach,' he answered as he kissed my hair. 'I can stay here, I can't see you anyway because of the curtain.'

I nodded slowly. 'I feel so disgusting and sweaty, right now. If I fall asleep, I want to keep sleeping.'

George nodded understandingly and I looked at his clothes and then to him. 'I'm too sick to make jokes now, but I would definitely tell you I'm very hot.'

George laughed shortly and softly and I looked back at my clothes.

'Do I just-,' I mumbled as I stared at him.

'I can go away,' he replied, standing up.

'You don't have to, but I will tell you that I'm very hot,' I giggled.

'I'll look away.'

I turned the shower on and pulled off my shirt, sighing as I noticed my bloated stomach.

'We ignore the bloated stomach, I look pregnant.'

George giggled and looked away as I pulled the rest of my clothes off. I stepped in the shower after telling George I was gone, sitting down since my stomach hurt a lot. I quickly washed myself and my hair and stepped out again, having George look away.

I dried myself off, looking around me. 'I don't want to put on my sweaty clothes again. I'll just sit naked,' I joked.

'My goodness,' George sighed as I sat down next to him, closing his eyes. 'Stop this madness. Pull something on.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I don't have anything.'

'I'll get you something!' he exclaimed as he quickly ran off and came back with boxers, shorts and a shirt.

I pulled my boxers on and then cuddled up with him since I was feeling really warm.

George held me tightly since his body was cold and he enjoyed warming up because of mine. I pulled the blanket over us, intertwined our legs and arms together and then we both closed our eyes.

The medication started working, I had less pain and didn't have to throw up anymore. To make sure, I still stayed in the bathroom which wasn't a big problem, because George and I fell asleep in each other's arms.

1114 words

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