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Clay's POV

It was the next morning and I stood up early after a decent night. I only woke up once with bad stomach aches, but I fell asleep half an hour later.

I heard my parents talk to each other downstairs and I jumped up, running downstairs too.

'Good morning, Clay!' my dad smiled as he looked up at me.

I sat down and sighed. 'DAD! My gay stickers are not sticky enough anymore because apparently I ROLLED in my bed.'

He grinned. 'I don't have time to colour them so I'll get you a white one for now.'

'Oh my goodness, you're homophobic,' I sighed as I put the sticker on my tube and cheek.

'Colour some stickers with George,' my dad laughed as he kissed my forehead. 'I prepare a sandwich for you and cut it into fifty pieces. Eat slowly, okay?'

I nodded. 'Is my tube feeding here?'

'In the fridge.'

'Okay,' I answered.

Not even half an hour later, the whole house was empty and I sat on the couch, waiting for George to arrive. He rang the bell ten minutes later and I jumped up, opening the door while I was still eating the sandwich. I had been eating for half an hour now, but I really didn't want to throw up again.

I stood up with my plate and opened the door for George. He smiled at me and walked in, it confused me that he smelled like smoke.

He went into the house and I pointed to the couch with a grin. 'Did you eat already?'

He shrugged.

'Otherwise you can eat me,' I smirked.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. 'I didn't eat, but I'm not eating you either.'

'Do you want some meat?' I wheezed. 'I got some for you.'

'Clay!' George yelled out. 'I just got here and you're already acting like this. This is going to be a long day.'

'Homophobic,' I scoffed as I ate another piece of my sandwich. 'Do you want something? I can give you some cream.'

'My goodness,' George mumbled with a smile on his face. 'I'd rather starve.'

'Ugh, fine. Here, I can make you a sandwich,' I offered. He nodded slowly and I began to make it, handing it to him. He smiled and I grinned again.

'That's a beautiful smile, but it'd look even better if it was all you were wearing,' I wheezed.

'This is going to be a long day,' George joked.

'Just as long as my-.'

'DON'T SAY IT!' he yelled out. 'Keep it in your pants.'

'Aww, I was planning on showing you, you're just homophobic,' I scoffed again.

'My gosh,' he mumbled with a laugh. 'Are you here all day?'

'YEP! Long enough to do great things together,' I smirked. 'What is a nice boy like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?'

George just laughed as he started eating the sandwich and let me continue.

'Call me leaves, because you should be blowing me.'

George just shook his head as he smiled. 'You are actually so incredibly gay.'

'HOMOPHOBE,' I yelled. 'I have more.'

'Oh, please no,' he grinned. 'No, I'm not homophobic, but anyway. Continue.'

'Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed,' I wheezed.

'You're probably just a lonely guy who never had a relationship,' George teased me.

'Ugh, so homophobic,' I shouted with an eye roll. 'I mean, what if you're my first? Also, those sweats look great on you, but... I think I would look better on you.'

George just smiled as he ate his sandwich. 'Fine, DO YOU WANT TO COLOUR WITH ME?'

'Am I babysitting you or your siblings?' George giggled in a joking way.

I pouted and crossed my arms. 'I wanted to colour my stickers for my tube,' I sighed. 'But I'll do it alone.'

'I was just kidding, I'll help. What colours do you want it to be? You need to help me a little because I'm colourblind.'

'Homophobic,' I scoffed.

'I'm colourblind! How is that homophobic?' George grinned.

'It just is. Let's colour.'

I sat at the table with George and grabbed two stickers that my dad cut into a heart shape. George got one of them and I gave him the rainbow colours in order while I coloured the gay flag onto my other sticker.

While I was colouring, I grinned and looked at him again. 'If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?'

'Fifty fifty... oh, never mind,' George started, chuckling after that. 'You got me there, not going to lie.'


'CLAY! TOO FAR,' George yelled out as he finished the sticker and stuck it onto my cheek.

'This sticker is just as sticky as my-.'

'Clay, don't say it,' he grinned. 'Get yourself together.'

'Are you my homework? Cause I'm not doing you but I definitely should be.'

'Do you have a sex addiction?' George wheezed.

'No. I'm just lonely,' I sighed dramatically. 'I've always been lonely. BUT, you can change that.'

George rolled his eyes again and I finished the other sticker. He pulled the white one off and replaced it with the other one. 'Looks good.'

'If you would have said it didn't look good, you would have been homophobic,' I scoffed. 'Glad you didn't say that.'

George rolled his eyes and looked at his clothes. 'Do you want them back? I don't really have others.'

'That's fine, just sit here naked,' I grinned.


'Me too!' I defended, holding my hands up in the air. 'Anyway, no I don't need them back, but I'd still prefer you to just pull them off.'

He smiled and I laughed.

'Smile if you want to have sex with me,' I quickly yelled.

'YOU-,' he started, pushing me softly.

'If you touch me, I'm going to kiss you,' I exclaimed.

George grinned and started tickling me which caused me to laugh and scream for forgiveness.

'Fine,' he chuckled after I begged for him to stop. 'But I'll do it again if you don't stop.'

'Then I'll kiss you and then you're homophobic.'

'You're so dumb.'

'You're homophobic. I'm going to be gay.'

'You already were, but what were you going to do to be gay?' George laughed.

'Blast gay music and then cry as I think about boys I can't get.'

'Such a poor guy,' George giggled.

'Oh my goodness, I need to steal my mother's nail polish and paint my nails,' I sighed. 'I need to look more gay. If you say I already look gay, you're homophobic.'

George wisely shut his mouth and grinned as I ran upstairs to get nail polish.

1117 words

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