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Good news, I'm still good at drawing 😩
Thank god,, for without slef indulgent art,,,, w hat am i ?

Also... a mix of hope and angst,,, soo,,,, be ready 4 tht


Your eyes snap open at the sound of metal crashing and clanking, like a rain of pots and pans.

The gentle hold of Leo held you close as you listened, lifting your head a bit towards the door.

"It's alright Y/n." Leo murmured, his eyes still closed. Your attention stolen from the door to the steadily breathing turtle, almost wondering if you were just hearing things. He take in a deep slow breath. "Donnie's just working." He sighs, settling farther into his pillow as his arm around you rubs soothing circles on your side.

With a newfound apathy, you easily laid back down with Leo. He hummed and nuzzled his head into the slope of your neck as you both settled back into the bed sheets.

That was until another, louder and more troubling crash came that sounded like glass shattering. Your eyes opened suddenly then peer over to Leo who's eyes were now also open as he listened.

The clattering got worse as the sound of something like a body hit the floor.

Leo sat up suddenly, shortly followed by you as you both shared a worried look.

A quiet second passed between you both until the turtle shot out of bed, making a beeline for his katana. You instead ran straight for the door and swung it open, trying to track the sounds back to Donnie's lab. Leo was right behind you as you both rounded the corner out of his room, passing his other katana on the way.

"Donnie?" Leo called out, racing towards the lab through the living room where the entirety of the conspiracy club was, some standing, some sitting; but all stared towards the lab in concern.

As you and Leo pushed inside the lab doors, your eyes tried to adjust to the low lighting within the lab.

"Donnie?!" Leo cried out, rushing farther in.

You blinked rapidly, trying to get my eyes adjusted in time to understand what was happening. A few seconds of frantic blinking cleared way into the sight of Leo placing his katana on the messy work bench then placing his hand on Donnie's hunched over back. "What's going on? What happened in here?"

You notice the floor harboured shattered test tubes and beakers littering the floor, painted with unknown chemicals. There was a large hunk of matter, something that looked be like a brain creature, laying solidly still on the floor.

Donnie's face was stone cold as he stared at his desk angrily, rapidly crumbling into a weak, teary acerbity. "I-I'm sorry Leo. I don't know what came over me."

Shortly after, Raph barrelled in on a stream of light from outside the lab, eyes wideand searching. "What's going on in here?!" He hollered, confused as he lessened the gap between him and his brothers. He spares you a curious glance, to which you could only shrug.

"Donnie, you can't scare us like that!" He chastised, stepping over the chemicals towards his brothers. "I thought something awful happened!"

Donnie's body tensed as his head lowered. "I'm sorry Raph." The slight tremor in his voice was enough to shut even the loudmouth up. "I really am."

You carefully approached the turtles, stepping over the slightly bubbling chemicals and glass beakers.

Leo, concerned as always, reached his hand out to which you readily accepted, careful not to fall as you made your way over with his steady hand.

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