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Hey babes, welcome back! To my fanfiction! That you are reading! Thanks!

Also, February was super busy and I had no internet, and I've been using most of my time for homework so I'm sorry I've neglected you my sweet reader child! I love and cherish all 53 of you <3



It had been close to a week since you first met the Shane, David, Frankie, Jamie and Roy... the guys, and you've all been busy with the both mystery goops you'd found and brought back to them for science. Roy says there is a similarly between the two, but you all just need to figure out why the similarity exists, and by you all, I totally mean just Roy.

And going up on the roof became a daily ritual. Eventually you even started to leave stuff up there, like an occasional blanket and bag of candy... And your sanity!!

It hadn't even been that long since you last saw that turtle but it was driving you crazy that there were so many goddamn unanswered questions, It was consuming your thoughts and made it extremely difficult to focus on anything but, and your paranoia had skyrocketed because whenever your home alone you began to hear things and always had the eerie feeling that something was watching you. Your professors pointed it out, Floyd pointed it out... Hell even Jamie figured something was up with you, and you haven't even known him for a week.

When you thought about it, really the only time you found yourself to actually relax was being alone on the rooftop in your favourite pair of pants.

Maybe a sandwich, depending on your mood.

Currently you were sitting on the roof and had already screamed out your nonsense at the top of your lungs, hoping the turtles might here you and possibly come out of hiding. But you knew it was incredibly unlikely you'd actually find them like that so you started saying things a crazy person would say to see how your neighbors would react to it.

Really the idea of yelling for the turtle had melted into a tool for irritating the shit out everyone. Tonight someone even threw a partially opened package of Dunk-a-roos.

However you didn't eat it (no matter how much you wanted too) because it wasn't hard to believe that there could be something funky done to it... Couldn't exactly blame them if they did either since you were sorta becoming a daily public nuisance. So you skillfully threw it across the alley back into the window it came from. It got a few astonished gasp from on lookers in different windows, one kid even started clapping and yelled excitedly "Is that LeBron James?!"

But aside from that it had been a classically uneventful evening sitting up there, in fact your were about ready to head in for the night. Ruefully you picked up you blanket and tucked your phone into your back pocket.

"Y/n?" You heard you name called just as Floyd poked his head up from over the ledge. "Y/n, what're you doing still up here?" He asked tilting his head, making some of his hair floof to one a side.

"Uh, just hanging out..." You said with a passive shrug. He sighed and climbed all the way up and sat on the edge, then pat the area beside him as he looked at you over his shoulder with his soft eyes.

A slight smile crossed your face and you walked over, sitting yourself next to him. He intertwined his fingers together and tiredly smiled at you. "So, what exactly have you been doing up here all the time?"

The look in his eyes told you that he knew the purpose of you being up here all the time, but just needed confirmation or denial from you.

So being the little shit you are, you avoided it with expertly executed grace.

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