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Guess what dude, Leo fluff time!

Happy new year! Got a good feeling about 2019
And happy birthday to this book y'all! January 19th it's 1 year old!

to think this was just a drunken mistake! Lol



You'd bought two noodle boxes from some little shop called Mr. Pings Noodle Shop. It was run by a very short and very welcoming man who eagerly told anyone who walked by about his son. (who occasionally comes by and helps out and is supposedly an incredibly high ranking police officer in some kind of task force.)

But you didn't mind being told the same stories over and over by him since he was such a sweet old man. That and he made the best noodles you'd ever tasted. It was kind of exciting to share this gift of the taste buds with someone other than Floyd.

Leo. Your new... somewhat pal.

You had to do a few things in your flat before going up so you just told Leo you'd meet him there.

Opening up the door to your little apartment made you feel a certain degree of relaxedness. However you didn't feel as relaxed as you would've liked and that was most likely because you still had to entertain another person, a person who wants the detailed information of the long and emotionally exhausting study (whilst actually spying on a buddy) date.

There was a creeping feeling inside you that you weren't going to enjoy this at all.

With a small groan you dropped your caught up homework on the table and grabbed a soft blanket (in case Leo wanted one too) then climbed out the window with your takeout noodles in hand.

Once you climbed up your fire escape to the rooftop of your building you spotted Leo sitting a few feet from the edge of the building, looking at the big ball of light beginning to nestle itself under the horizon. You figured he was having a moment and decided not to try and scare him. You wanted this to go as smoothly and as quickly as possible since you were so fucking tired of today.

So, quietly you walked up next to Leo, gaining his always seemingly interested gaze on you. "Hey." You greeted with a tired smile.

His gentle inquisitive look morphed into a kind, tipped smile. "Hi."

After a moment of examining it you extended the blanket you'd brought up, then looked back to him. "You cold?"

His smile seemed to subtly grow before he shook his head. "Not yet." He said leaning back on his palm. You simply nodded and let the blanket land next to where you were going to sit.

As you sat next to him his eyes landed on the plastic bag you'd carefully set in your lap. Like a hungry puppy.

You eagerly fished out the two takeout boxes and proudly handed one to him. He accepted it and smiled a bit wider. "You know you didn't have to do this." He said, looking over to you.

You simply shrugged and then offered him a pair of chopsticks, still in its little paper package. "Yeah well, it wouldn't be polite to have food without offering some to a guest."

He hummed with a slight nod and right as he touched the paper covered chopsticks, you couldn't help the teasing words that seemed to slip out, not fully thinking it through. "I don't want you to think I'm the absolute worst again." You said with a light chuckle.

Leo paused as his hand gripped the offered chopsticks with a slightly taken aback expression before chuckling too. "I didn't think you were the absolute worst. Just.. close to being the worst." He defended surprisingly light heartedly. You couldn't help the laugh that pushed out of your chest.

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