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This chapter is dedicated to woolymammoth58
Thank you :)

Despite the fact that this time you were in their lair on your own terms, it almost felt more nerve wracking.

They all climbed out of the van with you trailing close behind Leo, flicking through the files on the groups tablet attempting to find the video file Roy had shown you.

A small buzz from your pocket sounded.

As you were about to check what it was, a wise, fatherly voice shrouded with that distinct Japanese accent nabbed your attention.

"Welcome home my sons." He greeted gently. "Have you brought back Y/n?"

Before you could mentally prepare to meet with Leo's dad again, you were led out from behind your blue turtle bro-but-wishing-to-be-more-than-bro by Mikey, who was smiling widely.

"Here she is!" He cheered, presenting you as if you were a drawing done by an eight year old Mikey.

The father smiled at his son before his eyes flicked to you.

"Uhh-..." you looked to Leo quickly who looked at you and gave an subtle, yet encouraging smile.

The rats keen eyes did not miss this. His whiskers twitched, covering the tiny smile he wore.

"Hello!" You said quickly looking back to him.

This time meeting Splinter was undeniably more nerve wracking than before, as you had no rage to hide behind. "It's good to see you again!" You said with a volume that seemed a tad louder than it should be.

He chuckled warmly and bowed in greeting. "It's good to see again as well." He straightened himself back up before stealing a mischievous glance at his boys.

"You've been a common topic of interest of my sons." He said calmly, looking to them for a moment. This moment gave you ample time to let a panicky sweat emerge in your palms before his eyes landed back on you. "You are truly helping us a great deal. I hope they have thanked you for all your efforts."

This seemed to take the edge off of your thoughts, realizing that it wasn't just idle chit chat about you and actually what information you've been gathering. "Heh, yeah..."

You thought for a moment before a slight frown creased your face. "Wait..." you whipped your attention back to the four turtles, Leo specifically. "They haven't thanked me." You condemned them.

Splinters eyes seemed to go dark at this. "They haven't?" His voice was harsh, harsher than you thought he could sound for being a big fluffy rat.

A certain type of fear covered the turtles auras, their faces went a ghostly pale green. You couldn't help but feel like you being there was the only thing saving the turtles.

Attempting to smooth this over for them was the first thing that left your mouth after that thought. "It's okay though! They've saved my life a few times already, I'm just doing my best to repay them." By 'them' you meant Leo, but you weren't about to let Mikey get any grief because of this.

Upon hearing this, Splinters ear twitched slightly as he glanced to his sons once more, you followed suit and turned halfway to watch.

"Is this true?" The rat interrogated.

Mikey, Donnie and Raph all nodded ferociously and chorused their confirmation. Leo looked a bit at a loss for words, going from staring at you surprised to sending the subtlest of glares at his brothers for taking credit he'd earned.

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