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uwu *notices my four month publishing gap*

Unrelated note, I started that sonic book now 😎 ahahahahahaaaa I thought I knew better than to write another one.


"Remember, staying calm is the best thing you can do. We'll be right outside the window, so if anything gets dangerous I'll stop it." Leo said with a reassuring smile over the shoulder, trying to make you less nervous.

I mean, maybe it would've worked if he hadn't said it so many times. It started to make you think he wasn't actually as sure about this plan as he was trying to seem.

"Okay, I got it Leo." You said as you all touched down in the alley next to your apartment building, all crouched behind a dumpster. You slid off his back and onto your wobbly legs, and faced the three.

"Don't worry dudette." Your attention diverted to the always cheery Mikey. "Your old pals the turts are here. We'll keep you safe." He reassured with two thumbs up.

A timid smile pulled up on your face before you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Alrighty then." You opened your eyes with slightly more confidence than before then rested a hand on both Leo and Mikey's shoulders. "Thank you guys." Your gazed switched between them all, even Raph.

Mikey broke into a big grin and Raph hummed gruffly, looking at the evening sky. "Hurry up and do this already, we shouldn't be so out in the open."

Leo sighed and drooped his head for a moment before lifting it once more, looking at you with a little, concerned smile. "Just... be careful."

You smiled back and gave a firm nod before slipping back around the dumpster to the moderately busy street.

The door to your building looked a lot more daunting than usual. An eruption of nerves tackled your confidence as you opened the door to the small, dingy lobby full of mail boxes with the receptionist, sitting across from them behind a large desk. She clearly had better things to do as she scrolled through her phone.

You wanted to run up the stairs, burst in and save Floyd from this woman. You wanted to be the valiant hero that overcome your emotions and help your friend. But fear was cement blocks weighing you down, pulling you back towards the street.

A cold sweat beaded along your back, palms and feet while your throat felt dry and scratchy. Climbing the stairs was a chore in of itself but knowing what awaited at the top? It just felt impossible.

The door loomed two floors up, and as it came into view muffled voices started to leak throughout the level. It was definitely Floyd, most likely attempting to make a joke.

Okay, nothing bad has happened as far as I can tell...

Reaching for the handle was the most taxing thing you'd done in years as your suffocating thoughts ate away at you from the inside out, claiming your rationale.

You reached out and slowly turned the knob until the door softly clicked open. The voices quieted, waiting to see who was walking in.

You stepped inside, immediately bombarded by two pairs of eyes with the ghost of amusement fading to a welcoming warmth.

"Oh! Hey Y/n!" Floyd greeted joyfully as Polly waved kindly with a warm, polite smile. The blonde man reached over to a chair next to him, pulling it out with one arm. "Join us!" He said happily.

You tried to speak but the words evaporated in your dry throat. Your eyes shifted rapidly between Floyd, Polly, Polly's big purse, and the chair waiting for you. "I—"

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