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300 followersss!!?! Thank you guys sooooo so so much! This means so much to me!
A low grade author like me getting all that support from all of you beautiful people is just so amazing!

PS. Please refrain from unfollowing me until someone else follows me so I'll stay at a crisp 300 😂😂 thanks 💞

Also, I have just realised my love for grapes, and it's kinda scary, I've eaten like 200 today.
Will I die or something?? Because I keep eating them.


Six hours had passed.

You both were still watching Crognard the Barbarian. Only now, there were bunches of blankets everywhere, a bowl of half eaten (wayy too salty) popcorn and more pillows then you thought possible on the couch.

Finally the anti-climactic finale came around and you huffed at its grim end. It didn't really affect you anymore, just left a bitter taste in your mouth. Floyd sighed to himself as he leaned back into the couch "I can't believe we watched that whole thing." He groaned out, rubbing his hands over his face.

His reaction was always amusing since it was always did the same thing each time. He says he'll watch one episode with you, and then 4-8 hours later he'll be depressed that he watched that whole thing and didn't do anything else.

And there was only one cure for post binging depression! The Gas Station's nachos and slurpies.

Definitely not a healthy (or all that great) meal, but it was cheap, and could be bought for $5 in total from the dingy gas station down the street. You were really hoping he'd get his inheritance soon in order to afford such delicacies, such as real cheese and slushies that never had a chance of having a toe in it. That last one was only a romour, but you couldn't help but wonder if it were true.

Pushing the gross thought away you smiled at Floyd. "You want the classic from Big Penny's?" At the mention of the Gas station you both knew and loved, he groaned again. "I don't want a stomach ache, but I also don't want to keep thinking about how much of my life has been wasted on this fucking shoooow..."

You laughed shaking your head then stood to your feet. "Don't worry fam, I got you." You grabbed a five out of your wallet and stuffed it in your pocket. Floyd smiled sleepily up at you "My knight in shining armor."

Ruffling his messy blond locks around you grabbed your bag you'd made a habit out of carrying with you all the time and walked out if the apartment and made your way down to the street.

The smell of ozone washed over you as a dense feel hung in the air. The rain clouds had swelled to be three times the size of it originally on the horizon as they were now almost straight above you, the thunder was much more evident over the sounds of the loud city.

Eyeballing the walk you had to make and how much time you had concluded that you'd have enough time to get there, buy the stuff and get home, with only a slight chance of getting rained on.

So you began your journey for cheap nachos out into the busy streets of New York.

There weren't as many people as there would be if the threat of rain wasn't so prominent. Everyone stuck to themselves seeming to be trying to get to where they needed to be before the clouds dumped the buckets of water that were forecast.

You pushed the glass door open and the rusted chimes clunked together dully. The cashier didn't even spare you a glance as she thumbed through a magazine, obviously bored out of her mind. You made a beeline for the slushies, ready for that frozen goodness. There were only two flavours there, blue and red... You could never fully distinguish what the hell there actually tasted like, but you enjoyed the sweet red more while Floyd preferred the sour, tangy taste of the blue.

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