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Physics is done! Omg thank God! And I finished with like... A sweet ass 74%! That's a win in my book.

Welp, on to physics 30 hahahaha- Fuck.
('• ╭╮ •')╯┻━┻



You jumped at the rude awakening, as the sudden sound made you feel as if you just slipped on ice and took a tumble off a cliff.

Before you knew it you landed face first at the bottom of the dream plunge you snapped into reality painfully, only to find your face pressed against the cool wooden floor as the screeching continued, quickly and disoriented you sat up, hair splayed every which way.


Smashing your fist on top the button made the box of hell shut up. With a relived sigh you sat back, resting your back against the side of your bed.

Looking over tiredly, the clock on your alarm read was at 7:30 am. The day after the most fucking ridiculous night of your life.

Your groggy eyes drifted back over to your window that overlooked a dirty alley and a brick wall on the other side of it.

"Alright, day 1 of tracking down that turtle." You cheered yourself on as you slowly got to your feet and began your morning with a shower, change of clothes, quick breakfast and the brushing of the teeth.

Grabbing your hoodie you slipped it over your head, the warmth of it pulled a small relaxed smile onto your face. Checking the time, your phone read 8:04 am.

Alrighty, let's go find that turtle.

You grabbed the your small satchel which held a notepad, pencil (mostly just to feel some sort of detective) and most importantly your wooden spoon.

Right as you were about to head out the door, Floyd stepped out of his room, rubbing his eyes. He was dressed (thank god) but he looked very tired, like he was still half asleep and just threw on any clothes that were around him. His hair was sticking up and out in multiple different ways as he swung his head in your direction.

"Wh-Where're you going?" He yawned as he found his way towards you.

"Getting a job." You lied, surprisingly quickly too, almost too quickly.

He squinted "A job?" You nodded, inching towards the door, but he followed "But, you already have a job. You work at that ice cream place?" He said sleepily.

"Uh yeah sure, I'm just getting another job on the side." You said dismissively, hoping to get out of there unscathed.

"Look Y/n." You internally groaned and looked at him over your shoulder as he finished his thought "I want to apologize for being a prick last night. I was just really worried about you, and I don't want you to think I don't trust you. I just wasn't really in the mood for jokes at the time." He poured out, rubbing the back of his neck meekly.

You felt like sort of a dick for not really paying full attention to his apology but your mind was a fucking roller coaster at the moment.

But you knew this was important to your friend so you turned to him fully and set a firm squeeze on his shoulder "Floyd, you had every right to be confused and junk about what I said happened to me last night, and it's admittedly nice to see how much you were stressing over me." You looked him dead in his light brown eyes "But I wasn't lying or joking about anything I said."

Floyd's eye widened a smidgen before he squinted at you "What." He shook his head with a frown as he attempted to understand that you were still saying the same thing as last night when he just figured you were drunk or something. "You... You're saying that you were kidnapped by a turtle from the party, conveniently after all other witnesses ran out of the smoke, but not before being roughed up by a humanoid hog and rhinoceros."

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