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Damn bitch, look at that piece of art right there ^^^^

Also also my new favorite thing motto is Skip class, Eat ass. Stole it from my best friend... He's very dorky, but ya gotta love him.

But don't actually skip class... And you can eat as much ass as you want, but avoid infected ass, be safe out there ass eaters.



"Okay, But in all seriousness," He took a step forward. "We really need to talk with you, you could be in danger."

A groan escaped you as you tilted your head back "Oh my god, I'm always in danger when you're around!" You complained. You didn't mean to sound ungrateful, I mean he had saved your ass more than once, but literally all the close calls you had were connected to him.

A frown creased his surprisingly normal looking green face. "Look, I'd be all for not bringing you into this more than you already are. But this cannot be put aside, you've found something we've been trying to find for months, and you found it within a few days of first being introduced to this whole situation." His blue eyes seemed to look right through you, like he knew that you were only thinking about the Kraft Dinner in your pantry waiting to be eaten.

"Are you even listening?" He asked, very much exasperated with you already. "You need to take this seriously, a lot of lives are hanging over our heads because of this, and unfortunately your cooperation is paramount." He had stepped even closer to you leaving not but two feet. If only you were a bit more intimidating, then maybe he wouldn't get up all in your business.

Still, the vague yet dire situation he described tugged harshly at the centre of your mind. It pulls you toward a conclusion that the 'something' he spoke of was a certain purple goo. It was a curious situation to be sure and you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to know how all these dots connected.

But you sure as shit weren't about to run off with him somewhere to find out.

Probing for more info you gave him some grace. Not being completely uncooperative, you settle into this 'dire situation'. "Alright Leo, how exactly do you know this concerns me?"

Despite your perceived cooperation, each stalling question seemed to only make him more impatient; antsy almost. "I'm really not the one who should be trusted with explaining it, especially out here." He glances about.

An irritated look crossed your face and you swung both arms above your head. "Who do you think should explain it then?" You asked with a boat load of sass and dropping your arms back to your side.

"Donnie!" He said loudly through an uncontainable burst of frustration.

"Fuck Donnie!" You replied with an equal amount of vigor. Although the angry and irritated frown that slapped itself on Leo's face made you reconsider your words. "Sorry! I didn't mean that! I'm sure Donnie is fantastic at explanations!" You apologize in the same risen tone used to initially insult this 'Donnie' character.

You shook your head clear of any sidetracking. "But you could just try to explain to me the situation couldn't you?!"

He huffed, exasperated. "Look, I'd like to tell you but again," he lowered his voice. "not in the open, we don't know who could be listening."

Your rolled your head back annoyed and raked your fingers through your hair. "Oh my god! But why would I need to go to a 'secure' place that has this Donnie character?"

A defeated sigh left Leo's mouth. The small gesture made your tensed muscles relax in relief, you felt like the fight was over and that he may have even given up.

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