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By no surprise, Liliana was told that she would be spending the rest of the afternoon and night In the hospital so she could be monitored by doctors and they could keep and eye on her and her condition, but It was no surprise herself that she was napping throughout the day since she was brought and admitted to the hospital as she knew the trials and tribulations of the day were taking It's toll on her.

With a gentle squeeze of her hand, she soon heard Do Hwan wanting to make sure that she was alright.

"Are you alright Lily?"

"Lily?", she replied with a smile on her face.

"Sorry do you-"

"No, It's alright I like It you can call me Lily for short. But to answer your question, I'm alright don't worry I'm just tired that's all It's okay, will you come and lay with me? You don't have to If you don't want to."

"Of course I will sweetheart."

In a matter of seconds, she watched as he removed his jacket and shoes before joining her laying beside her In the bed, placing his arms around her as Liliana returned the gesture by laying her head on his chest.

As he placed a kiss against her forehead, she couldn't help but smile. Liliana knew that she had a rough couple of months recently but to her, Do Hwan was the only person that had kept her from completely crumbling and falling. He was the only light In her life, It was almost like she could see Is aroura, he was the only member of the public to care for her and to stop her from falling apart and she could not thank him enough.

"I love you Do Hwan and I'm not just saying that, I really do love you and I never thought I could love someone as much as I do you but I do, I love you so much."

In that moment, she felt Do Hwan cup her face In his hand turning It slightly so he could look her In the eyes as she could see a gentle smile appearing on his face as began leaning Into his warm touch soon feeling his lips on hers and for Liliana, It made things easier being In the hospital with the person she loves most In the world.


By the morning, Liliana felt movement from beside her and she knew Do Hwan had fallen asleep with her and not moved from the bed. She could feel his arms gently wrapped around her middle, turning her head she accidently bumped her head against his, quietly cursing to herself for quite possibly disturbing him from his sleep but thankfully he did not wake, not until a few minutes later.

"Morning darling did you sleep well, how do you feel?", he asked his deep morning voice resonating throughout the room as he opened his eyes.

"Hey, handsome I did thank you and I'm feeling a little better today but I'm sorry for head butting you I didn't realise how close we were."

"It's alright, don't worry I don't mind being head butted by my girlfriend."

"Oh, okay well, In that case, I guess I'll just continue to do so In the future shall I?"

A cheeky smile appeared on Liliana's face as It earned a chuckle from Do Hwan and she couldn't help but love his laugh, It was very much something contagious and one of the many reasons why she had fallen In love with him.

They were alone In the room for a short while longer until there was a knock at the door and upon the door opening, they were greeted by a doctor. Through his explanation, she had come to learn that due to having narcolepsy she had had a very bad episode causing her to blackout, fall, and take a nasty bang to the head.

Thankfully, Do Hwan was by her side as he began to see his now girlfriends rising distress and sought to calm her down before she was overwhelmed.

My Saviour | Woo Do-hwanWhere stories live. Discover now