Thirty Seven

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Before she knew it Lily was thirty-seven weeks and three days pregnant but she had a feeling she would go into labor any day, a few days prior she had begun having Braxton hicks contractions, fake ones but she knew it wouldn't be long until the real thing happened.

She was nervous and a little anxious about going into labor, At any moment both Lily and Do Hwan were going to start the journey of parenthood, they had waited a long nine months for this moment and were very much now waiting for Eaven to make an appearance.

From discussing things with Do Hwan Lily had decided to have a home birth, at first he was a little worried about it but quickly had come round to the idea, he knew that Lily wanted to be in a place that was familiar to her where she would feel calm and comfortable and understood why she didn't want to go to the hospital not wanting to feel overwhelmed and unsettled with many people being around.

But no sooner had Lily had the feeling that she would soon be labor did it become apparent how quickly it would start.

Waking from her deep slumber curled up beside Do Hwan, her hand rested upon her belly when she began to feel slight pain, she waited a moment to see if the pain would disappear but it didn't. A short time later it came back this time making Lily gasp and groan from the pain that was slowly but surely starting to increase.

Waking up from movement and hearing the groans of pain, Do Hwan was quick to wake up with worry written on his face turning on the bedside lamp his face stricken with worry seeing the way she held her belly and the slight grimace on her face.

"Jagiya, is everything alright?"

"No I - I don't know I think I've just started to have contractions.", she replied, her breathing becoming somewhat heavy trying to breathe through her first contraction.

"They aren't the practice ones the braxton hicks contractions?"

"No, they are definitely the real thing."

"Okay, do you want to call the midwife now or wait a little longer and see when exactly we need her to be here?"

Lilly shook her head, "no it's okay we don't need her just yet, the contractions are uncomfortable but not extremely painful and I'm guessing given that this is my first pregnancy it may take a little while for things to progress to the point where the contractions are a certain time length apart and I'm almost fully dilated."

"Alright, do you want to try and get some more sleep?"

Nodding Lily lay back down trying to get to get as close to Do Hwan as possible and although she didn't say anything more he could tell she was scared as he kissed her forehead.

"It's okay Jagi I'm here, I'm here."


Two hours later, at two a.m. Lily woke up again but by this time she could no longer sleep and be comfortable due to the ever-increasing discomfort from the contractions.

Getting out of bed Lily watched as Do Hwan began preparing the room ready for their impending arrival of their daughter in a matter of hours. With the bedding removed and the bedsheet covered with absorbent sheets before helping Lily get back on the bed trying to get her in a comfortable position.

But no sooner did she lay down did she need to change positions as the pain she was feeling in her back was starting to become unbearable.

Moving off of the bed, Lily could only find the perfect position for her was to be on her knees resting against the bed finding it helped to lessen some of the pain.

With Do Hwan from behind rubbing her back helping her to breathe through each contraction every so often, he hoped in some way it helped her because although in this case feeling pain was normal It still made his heart ache to see his girlfriend in pain.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?", he asked softy continuing to rub her back.

"Okay... Tired and in a bit of pain but other than that, I'm doing okay."

"I know it's alright Jagiya, you are doing amazing. You're doing so well, so well."

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