~Chapter Thirty-Three~

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It had been a couple days since Won had been in Y/N's room.

Surprisingly Won had left her alone for those couple days. Y/N was still on edge the whole time. Jumping at every little noise, constantly checking the hallway that lead to her room. She was terrified of him.

She didn't know why he kept harassing her when she's told him countless times that she wouldn't say anything about what she had saw.

Part of her knew that Won was just doing it because he loved playing with her, loved breaking her down. It was getting to the point where she was getting fed up with it. She wanted to say something, that way she would be getting tormented for an actual reason.

Y/N opened the door to her room and headed towards Wook's room. As she got closer to his room, her steps slowed.

'Would he care?' She thought to herself as she stopped in front of his room.

Taking a deep breath Y/N tentatively knocked on Wook's door. Anxiety growing the longer she waited.

Just as she was about to leave Wook's door opened. "Myung Hee? What's going on? What's wrong?" He asked her as he opened his door farther.

Y/N took a peek inside his room before answering him. It was just an ordinary room nothing to really remember. "It's about Prince Won, and why he's been harassing me." She told him softly causing Wook's eyes to widened slightly.

"Maybe I should tell Prince So about this as well. Do you mind waiting here while I go find him?" She asked Wook.

Wook nodded. "I'll just be in my room. Knock whenever you come back." He told her as he started to shut the door.

Y/N nodded, setting out on her way she turned around and walked out the door.

It didn't take long for her to find Prince So. He just happened to be around everyone else as well. While biting the inside of her cheek Y/N stopped to think about what she was going to do. She needed to get So away from the others.

She didn't really want everyone knowing what she was going to say about prince Won. Won wad a very skeptical and paranoid man. Y/N knew that if she got everyone all together all at once Won would know something was amiss.

Y/N continued to stare over at everyone in thought. She didn't realize that Baek Ah had noticed her.

She jumped as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. "I'm sorry Myung Hee. I didn't mean to startle you." Baek Ah apologized.

Y/N shook her head. "Ah no it's okay. I was just lost in thought." She smiled politely.

"Were you looking for something? Or someone?"

Y/N nodded. "Prince Wook was looking for Prince So. You all looked busy so I didn't want to intrude." She lied.

This was the only thing she could come up with in the short amount of time. Not the greatest lie, but it would do.

Baek Ah nodded slowly. "Wook wanted to see So? That's very unusual. They don't exactly get a long these days. With them both liking the same woman an all." Baek Ah whispered out.

Y/N's jaw clenched. She still hadn't forgiven Wook and Hae Soo for what had happened behind Lady Hae's back. It was a sore subject for her, but she also couldn't hold it against them forever. She knew that Hae Soo was a good person. Deep down she also wanted to believe that Wook was a good person as well, but she wasn't so sure about him.

From watching the drama Y/N knew what kind of character Wook could be. She also knew that things could change as well. Her friendship with Prince Yo was a testament to that. Even Prince Yo himself now was a testament to how things could change.

Y/N knew that Yo could still become like how he was in the drama. He hasn't totally changed personalities, but she could see changes in him as well.

Y/N quickly snapped out of her thoughts. "Ah sorry. Yes. Well maybe that's what Prince Wook would like to see Prince So about." She mumbled as she looked around.

Baek Ah crossed his arms. "Mhm. Well maybe I should come with just in case things get heated."

Y/N's eyes widened. She quickly held up her hands in protest. "No! I uh I mean no you don't have to do that Baek Ah. I'm sure WooHee would love to see you." She told him as she started to head towards So.

She needed to grab him and get going.

Baek Ah grabbed Y/N's wrist gently. "Why do you seem so urgent? What's going on? I don't believe your story about Wook wanting to see So of all people. Tell me what's going on please. I'm worried."

Y/N turned to look at him. It hurt to look at him. She came to terms with her feelings long ago about Baek Ah, but she also knew that she couldn't get involved with him in that way. She needed to let go.

"Baek Ah I can't tell you. Not yet at least. I need to tell as few people as possible right now or he'll get suspicious. I'm tired of always being on edge, wondering how he's going to torture me next."

Realization came to Baek Ah's eyes. "Won. This is about him isn't it? Just answer me this at least please."

Y/N sighed. "Yes. Now please I need to go see Prince So."

"Why don't you trust me? Why Wook and So? I'm closer to you than them aren't I? So why do you need them?"

"Because Prince So is feared among almost everyone including Prince Won. It may be a horrible thing to say but he does. No matter how good of a person he is, people fear him because of the rumors. I need that. Prince Won stiffens everytime Prince So is around. As for Wook, well he's cunning. They'll get Prince Won to leave me be."

"I need to tell as few people as possible so he doesn't become suspicious and get to me first. I have to make the first move this time. Hopefully if things go well I can tell everyone. Even if things don't go well I'll have to tell everyone anyway. So either way I guess you'll find out. For now though I need to go to Prince So." Y/N said as she headed towards him.

As she made her way to the group she stood behind So. So turned around to face her. Y/N bowed politely. "Prince So, sorry to bother you. Prince Wook would like to see you in his study. It's very urgent. Just. You." She told him.

Prince So nodded slowly with a confused face. "Of course Lady Myung Hee. Lead the way please."

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