~Chapter Five~

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Baek-Ah wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist, and he wrapped her arm around his neck. "You'll be okay, let's get you home." He told her softly as he started to walk. Y/N nodded silently. Her body hurt to much.

They walked slowly and carefully to Y/N's home. After a couple of minutes Baek Ah and Y/N made their way into her house. "It's okay, I've got you Lady Myung Hee." He said as he guided her down a hallway. "Where is your room?" He asked. Y/N looked up at Baek Ah, as she looked at him she realized how close they actually were which caused her to blush, and look down. "It's at the end of this hallway." She whispered out.

Baek Ah nodded and carefully guided her down the hallway to her room. He opened the door quietly as he walked into the room with Y/N. He guided her to her bed and gently sat her down. "We should put some medicine on your wounds so they can heal properly." He told her as he looked around her room.

Y/N's eyes widened. "D-Does that mean I have to take my dress off?" She asked him. Baek Ah looked at her with kind eyes before nodding slowly. Y/N sighed and started to slowly untie the ribbons around her dress. As Y/N was untying her dress, Baek Ah found some herbs, and started to make an herbal remedy. As he was finishing the remedy he heard a whimper of pain. He quickly turned around to see Y/N struggling to get her dress off her shoulders. Baek Ah quickly walked over to her. "Lady Myung Hee, are you alright? Do you need my assistance?" He asked her softly.

Y/N's face went red at Baek Ah's question. "I-I..No I'm alright. I should be able to get it off." She told him as she looked away from him. Y/N lifted her arm up to try and get the dress to go down around her shoulders, as she was doing that she felt blood run down her back again. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain. She dropped her head. "P-Prince Baek-Ah, could you assist me?" She asked him softly. Baek Ah nodded and carefully pulled her dress down around her shoulders. 'I can't believe a prince is undressing me right now. This is so embarrassing. Y/N thought to herself.

Prince Baek Ah carefully started to put the herbal remedy on Y/N's wounds. Y/N bit her lip as he gently put it on her back. As he got to some of the reopened wounds that were bleeding, he softly wiped the blood away before putting some of the remedy on her. "My mother used to put this on my cuts when I was younger. It works I promise." He told her softly. Y/N only nodded to embarrassed to say anything. As he finished, Y/N suddenly stood up surprising the prince.

"Could you maybe turn around so I could get dressed?" She asked him softly before blushing. Baek Ah's eyes widened. "O-Oh of course Lady Myung Hee." He said as he quickly stood and turned around. Y/N walked behind one of those dividers before she slowly took off her dress. She tried to change as quickly as she could, but it wasn't very fast considering the wounds on her back. As she finished changing into her nighttime attire, she stepped out from behind the divider. "P-Prince Baek Ah?" She called out softly. Baek Ah quickly turned around when he heard his name.

Y/N smiled softly at him. "I'd like to thank you for helping me. It really means a lot to me." She told him as she walked towards him. Baek Ah blushed slightly at her close proximity. "It's alright My Lady, I'm happy to have helped you." He told her as he smiled at her. Y/N gently grabbed his hand into both of hers. "I..You really are very sweet." She told him as she squeezed his hand. Baek Ah looked at Y/N. "It wouldn't have been right to leave you in the state you are in." He told her softly. "I'm sure the other Prince's would've done the same."

Y/N looked down and smiled. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm still thankful to you." She told him as she slowly let go of his hand. She looked up at him and smiled once again. "You should probably leave, you don't want to get caught in a girl's room late at night. They might assume the worst." She told him as she laughed softly.

Baek Ah's eyes widened slightly before he quickly nodded. He headed towards the door quickly. Before he left he turned to look at Y/N. "Get some rest, don't push yourself to much. Your wounds should heal in a day or two. I'll come and check up on you alright Lady Myung Hee." He told her as he smiled at her. Y/N nodded before she gestured for him to leave. "Thank you again Prince Baek Ah. I'm very grateful towards you." She told him as he left her room quietly.

Y/N sighed a breath of relief as Baek Ah left her room. She slowly walked back to her bed before sitting down. Y/N looked around her room in thought. 'What am I doing? I can't fall for any of the princes. Especially Baek Ah, he falls in love with Wook Hee. I can't mess that up. I just can't.' She thought to herself as she looked up at the ceiling.

Y/N sighed and carefully laid down on her stomach. 'Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep tonight. I'm not looking forward to tonight, my back is going to hurt so much.' She thought. Y/N laid her head down onto her pillow and closed her eyes. 'Please let me be able to get at least some sleep tonight.'

*This has not been edited yet, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! Hope you guys enjoy the story so far.*

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