~Chapter Three~

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Y/N and Ri Hye walked to the home. As Y/N was entering the house, she turned to Ri Hye. "Aren't you coming in?" She asked her. Ri Hye shook her head. "I don't live here my Lady. I have to get home to by younger brother and mother. I'll see you tomorrow." She told her as she bowed and left. Y/N gave a small smile, before heading inside. She walked straight to her room, and fell onto the bed. "Ahh. Today has been such a long day." She said as she stretched her limbs. 'I wonder if I'll still be here in the morning.' She thought as she sat up.

She started to take off her hanbok, so she could change into her night clothes. Y/N still wasn't used to it so she struggled a bit to get out of it. After she finally got out of it she changed into her night clothes that were set out for her. She quickly climbed into bed, and pulled the blankets up to her chin. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Y/N was once again woken up by people running back and forth outside of her room. She groaned and opened her eyes. 'I'm still here.' She thought as she sat up. As she was rubbing sleep out of her eyes, there was a knock at the door. Before anything was said, Y/N immediately told the person to come in. She had a feeling it would be Ri Hye. Turns out she was right. Ri Hye entered the room, and bowed. "Lady Myung Hee it's time to get dressed." Y/N sighed, and got out of bed. "Good morning Ri Hye." She said as she slipped out of her night time attire. Ri Hye smiled and bowed. "Good morning, my lady." She said as she started to dress Y/N once again.

Y/N knew she would never get used to people dressing her. It was just to weird for her. Once Ri Hye was done, they left the house once again. "Please tell me we're not meeting the princes today." Y/N whined. Ri Hye giggled slightly. "I'm sorry my Lady, but you are." Y/N groaned. "Prince Eun is going to have a fit." She mumbled as she followed Ri Hye once again.

After a couple of minutes they arrived at the palace. As the walked through the doors they were met with a surprising scene. Hae Soo and Prince Eun were fighting. Y/N burst out laughing. It was even funnier in person. Ri Hye looked at Li Na like she was crazy. "Shouldn't we do something my Lady?" She asked. Y/N quickly shook her head. "Prince Eun already thinks Hae Soo and I are working as partners or something. If I do something he'll definitely think that. Although I guess that wouldn't be so bad." Y/N said as she tapped her chin in thought. "Ahh what the heck. Let's go." Ri Hye looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry, my lady. I don't understand what you're trying to say." She told her. Y/N bit her lip. 'Right. They don't know modern language.' She thought. "Oh I uh meant we should go help." She said as she walked over to Hae Soo and Prince Eun.

Y/N pulled both of them away from each other. "Okay! Every body stop. What is going on here?" She asked. Hae Soo glared at Prince Eun. "He was looking in on Chae-Ryung changing!" She yelled out. Y/N bit her lip. 'Ah! That's right, I remember now.' She looked over at Prince Eun. "Wasn't it you, accusing Hae Soo and I of spying on you and the Princes yesterday? But you're doing the exact same thing you accused us for?" Y/N asked as she turned to him with her arms crossed. Prince Eun scoffed. "Like a Prince would do something like that." "Well she just said you did." Y/N told him. All of a sudden Hae Soo attacked him again. Y/N looked at both of them shocked. She quickly tried to get in between both of them again, but she was having a hard time. With all of the commotion they were causing, rest of the princes came to see what was going on.

Just as they arrived Y/N was thrown aside. She landed on her butt. She was quickly growing annoyed. She stood back up and huffed. "That's it." She muttered before she stormed over to them and grabbed them both by the hair. "Knock it off!" She yelled. Both of them froze, when she grabbed their hair and pulled them apart. Everyone stared at Y/N in surprise and confusion. Most of them didn't understand what she said, and they were also shocked at her actions.

Y/N looked down at both of them. "Are you two going to stop fighting? And act like adults?" She asked. They both nodded. Y/N sighed and let go of both of them. Prince Eun quickly backed away. "Both of you, are insane!" He yelled out. "Do you not know how to treat a prince?" He growled as he rubbed his head. Hae Soo and Y/N both scoffed. "Well maybe if you weren't a pervert, I wouldn't have beaten you up." Hae Soo said. Prince Eun looked at Hae Soo. "I've never been treated that way until you two came along. And I already told you! I wasn't looking at her changing!" He said as he stomped his foot.

The rest of the princes watched the scene unfold before them. Y/N looked around at the princes and noticed that Prince Won wasn't there. As Y/N looked around her eyes met with Prince Baek-Ah's. She quickly looked away and blushed. Prince Baek-Ah was always her favourite when she watched the drama. He was so kind hearted and loving, how could you not fall for him? So actually being in the same area as him, and making eye contact made Y/N a little shy and star struck.

She looked around at the scenario unfolding in front of her and she smiled. Maybe she could change things for the better. Maybe they could all have a happy ending.

*Im sorry if I mess up the timeline of the events. I haven't watched Scarlet Heart Ryeo since it ended, but I'll look back and try and line up all of the events in order! Hope you guys like the story so far!*

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