~Chapter Thirteen~

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Y/N and Baek Ah eventually made it back to everyone else.

The rest of the night went on. Stories of Lady Hae were shared. Everyone reminiscing on the memories they all made with her. Tears and laughter were all shared that night.

As the sun rose the next day, Y/N woke to commotion outside. Y/N frantically rose out of bed and headed outside.

She gently grabbed one of the lady's scurrying by. "What's going on?" She asked.

The lady bowed to her. "Lady Myung Hee. The king has ordered Lady Hae Soo to be married."

Y/N's eyes widened. Right! The marriage. It happened this soon after Lady Hae's death?

Y/N quickly ran to the palace. As she got closer she could see all of the princes minus Prince Yo standing outside the kings doors.

Y/N ran right past them and went for the doors. Before she could open them she was gently grabbed from behind.

"Lady Myung Hee, you can't enter. We're all worried about her too but it's best if we wait." Prince Jung told her as he held her resisting body.

"Put me down! I have to stop this. She cant marry some old man. She's to young to be married off." Y/N said as she struggled against Jung's hold.

All the princes stared at her with a bewildered look on there faces. "You'd be crazy to go in there and defy orders from the king." Wook told her.

"I don't care! I already lost Lady Hae I-I can't lose anyone else." Y/N mumbled as she stopped struggling.

Jung slowly let go of Y/N. As he let her go Hae Soo came out from behind the doors. She looked up and her eyes widened. Not expecting everyone to be there.

Y/N walked over and grabbed Hae Soo's hand. "Come on. We need to leave. I have to get you out of here."

Baek Ah gently grabbed Y/N's hand stopping her. "Slow down. We'll all think of something okay? We won't let Hae Soo get married off that easily."

Y/N looked at him and frowned. "We dont have much time. She has to run."

"You two go pack her things. We'll set everything else up." Wook told them.

As Hae Soo packed it was relatively silent. Y/N was to busy keeping an eye out for anyone.

Her eyes widened as she saw Princess Yeonhwa approaching. "You have to go. Meet the princes, I'll try and distract Princess for as long as I can."

Hae Soo was just about to argue when Eun showed up. "Hae Soo, Myung Hee let's go."

Y/N looked at Eun. "Take Hae Soo. Princess Yeonhwa is coming. I'll keep her occupied for as long as I can. Please Eun take her and go."

Eun nodded and gently grabbed Hae Soo's hand. "W-We can't just leave Myung Hee. Who knows what Princess Yeonhwa will do to her!" Hae Soo said as she struggled against Eun's hold.

They soon approached the other princes who gave them a confused look. "Where's Myung Hee?" Baek Ah asked.

"We have to go back, she stayed back to distract Princess Yeonhwa but who know's what they'll do to her." Hae Soo told them.

Eun shook his head. "She told us that she would hold Yeonhwa off as long as she could. We dont have a lot of time, we have to get you out of here Hae Soo."

Hae Soo frowned. "B-But." Wook gently hoisted her up into So's horse.

"We'll make sure she's okay after we get you out of here." Wook told her softly.

Eun got up on Wook's horse with the same pink cloak Hae Soo had on. "Jung, Eun and I will distract the guards. Baek Ah, you and So get Hae Soo out of here." Baek Ah nodded.

Y/N bit her lip as guards burst through the door. "Where is she?" Yeonhwa asked Y/N.

Y/N gave her a confused look. "Wheres who?"

Yeonhwa growled. "Don't pretend you don't know where she is Myung Hee. It won't end well for you if you do." Yeonhwa threatened.

Just as Y/N was about to reply she saw Jung and Wook ride by. She smiled.

"Well Prince Jung and Prince Wook are totally not sneaking her out of the palace right now, nope."

Y/N then put her hand over her mouth acting surprised. "Did I just say that?"

Yeonhwa smirked. "Guards find Jung and Wook. Myung Hee you're coming along too." Yeonhwa said as she grabbed Y/N.

Y/N didn't move. "I'm not going anywhere Yeonhwa." She stated.

Yeonhwa rolled her eyes. "If you won't come willingly then I'll just make you join us forcibly. Guards tie her up and bring her with us."

Y/N's eyes widened. She looked around the room and made a run for the back door Eun and Hae Soo left out of.

The guards immediately ran after her. Y/N didnt make it very far before she was tackled to the ground.

Y/N could feel the air leave out of her lungs as the guards tackled her to the ground. She still tried to put up a fight though.

It wasnt long before she was tied up and heading towards the direction Wook and Eun went though.

As they rode along Y/N could taste a bit of blood in her mouth. 'Probably from the fall.' She thought to herself. 'I hope I bought them enough time.'

"Princess Yeonhwa! We have found them and surrounded them." One of the guards had said.

Y/N bit back a smirk. 'To bad it's the wrong trio that you caught.' She thought to herself.

As they approached Y/N could see the surprise on the prince's faces when they saw her.

"Myung Hee? Are you okay?" Jung called out.

Y/N nodded. "I tried to get you guys as much time as I could!" She yelled back still playing along.

Yeonhwa smirked. "To bad it didn't work. Get Hae Soo now." She ordered.

The guards went up to Wook's horse and grabbed ahold of "Hae Soo".

As they pulled her off the horse the hood fell off revealing Prince Eun.

Yeonhwa's eyes widened in surprise. Which turned into realization.

"Hae Soo's with Baek Ah and So."

Hey Guys I know it's been awhile! And I've also made some changes once again. I know I know it always seems I'm making changes to this story haha I changed Y/N's character name in goreyeo times from Yoon Mi to Myung Hee instead. Yoon Mi just wasnt clicking with me as well anymore. Sorry guys!
Hope you guys enjoy the update xoxox

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