~Chapter Nineteen~

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As you walked down the dirt path you couldn't help but look around.

The scenery really was beautiful. The trees were a beautiful deep green which contrasted with the purple and yellow flowers that were around them.

You continued to walk down the path. Soon you came upon the small village that was close to the palace.

The village was lively to say the least. Everyone was running around and trying to customers to come to them.

As you looked around you stopped at a small table that had a lot of simple but beautiful hair pins, and jewelry.

You gently picked up a hair pin. It was simple but it had a beautiful faded pink stone at the end of it, and some beads hanging off of it.

You smiled as you gently set it back down. You could see the owner looking at you out of the corner of your eye.

"You have some really beautiful pieces ma'am." You told her softly as you smiled at her.

She smiled back at you and bowed. "Thank you my dear. Is there anything that you're interested in buying?"

You quickly shook your head. "I dont have enough to pay you for it. Maybe when I get enough money I'll return."

As you said that you smiled and bowed to her one last time before you continued on your way.

As you continued to look around you realized that you needed to find a place to stay.

"I guess that part totally slipped my mind. I was so anxious to get away that I completely forgot." You laughed.

Sighing you stopped and looked around. There wasnt really many places to stay. Until you spotted kisaeng. You frowned slightly.

"No. I-I can't possibly be thinking about working there am I?" You asked yourself. "But it will give me a place to stay."

You slowly made your way towards the entrance. As you were walking towards you recognized some people that were coming out of there.

It was Prince Yo and Prince Won. They were in disguise but you could recognize them.

"Prince Yo." You breathed out softly. They both quickly turned there heads towards you.

"Myung Hee? What are you doing here?" Won asked harshly.

"I could ask you the same thing." You said as you crossed your arms.

Won grabbed you harshly. "You will not speak of this. Do you understand me."

You quickly struggled to get out of his hold. "Let me go."

"If word got out that two high ranked prince's were visiting a brothel, how do you think the king would feel?" You taunted as you got free from Won's hold.

You never got along with Won. He didn't like you and you didn't like him.

Yo on the other hand. You knew that he was a bad guy, but you also knew why he acted the way he did. All he ever wanted was love from his mother one of the Queen's.

Won growled. "You're coming with us. I'm going to make you work under me so I can keep and eye on you and your mouth shut." He said as he grabbed you again.

He dragged you along towards the palace. Yo followed behind quietly.

As you struggled to get free Won hoisted you over his shoulder. This caused you to thrash around more.

As you thrashed around on his shoulders he lost his balance and fell. Causing you to fall too.

As you hit the ground dirt flew up into your eyes and mouth. You groaned in pain and laid there for a minute.

Coughing you slowly got up off the ground. You looked around and realized you were back in front of the palace doors where you were this morning.

"I literally just left here. Theres no way I'm going back in there. That would be so embarrassing." You mumbled as you turned around.

As you turned around you collided with a hard chest. You looked up.

It was Prince Yo. "Prince Y-Yo." You stuttered out.

"What Won said was true. We need you to stay quiet. The only way for us to know that you will is to keep an eye on you."

Won stood up slowly. "You are such a nuisance. I do not know how my brothers can stand having you around."

You rolled your eyes. "Please you're one to talk." Won's eyes glowered.

He stalked forward and grabbed you by the hair pulling your head back. "I'll have to teach you some manners while I have you working." He snarled.

"Let's go." He said as he pulled you by your hair.

The palace doors opened. You grabbed onto the wrist that was holding your hair.

"You need to learn how to treat a woman." You muttered as you tried to pull his wrist away from your head.

This only caused him to tighten his grip and practically drag you across the yard by your hair.

Tears sprang to your eyes at the pain. "Let me go you monster!" You screamed at him.

This ignored you and kept walking. After a couple more steps he threw you to the ground.

You groaned. As tears fell down your cheeks.

As you were sitting up you heard footsteps. Alot of them.

Won walked up to you and grabbed your face. "You. Will. Listen. To. Me." As he pinched your cheeks between his hand you glared at him.

"Like I'll ever work for someone like you. You're a sorry excuse for a prince." You spit out.

Won growled and lifted his hand. Just as he was about to bring it down against your face you heard someone yell. You didnt break eye contact with Won though.

"Won! What do you think you're doing?" Prince Jung growled.

Won smirked as you continued to stare at him. He let his hand fall to his side as he slowly let go of your face with his other.

"Myung Hee!?" Baek Ah called out in surprise.

You lowered your head. So much for getting away. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't escape these prince's. It was like fate always brought you back to them.

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