~Chapter Twenty~

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As you stared at the ground you could hear the prince's arguing in the background.

You weren't really paying attention to what was going on. You just wanted to get away.

Slowly starting to step back you cautiously looked up to see if anyone was noticing that you were trying to get away.

As you walked back, you collided with something, or someone. You looked over your shoulder and noticed Prince Yo standing behind you.

You groaned softly. "Can't you please let me go?" You asked him.

He looked at you before he shook his head. "Like I said before Won was right. We can't risk what you saw getting out."

Rolling your eyes you sighed. "Like anyone would listen to me anyway." You mumbled.

As you turned back around to try and find another way, you felt Yo grab your wrist.

"I'm not risking anything." He told you quietly as he slightly tightened his grip.

"What you were doing to Myung Hee was totally unacceptable!" You heard Prince Jung yell causing you to whip your head in his direction.

As you looked over you could see that most of the Prince's were there now, along with Hae Soo.

They all looked upset with Won.

"I was just giving a punishment that she deserved. She's not royalty, I think you're forgetting that dear brothers." Won told them calmly.

You sighed softly and gently rubbed your head with your hand that wasnt preoccupied with Yo's.

You were tired. Tired of everything. You didn't really have any more fight left in you at this point.

Hae Soo looked over at you. You gave her a tired smile. Before turning your attention back towards the arguing boys.

"That's still no way to treat a lady. Is that how you would treat your mother?" Baek Ah asked Won.

Won grabbed Baek Ah's collar. "Don't forget that I'm older than you Baek Ah." He growled.

You tugged on Yo's hand. This caused him to tighten his grip.

"Prince Yo, please just let me stop this. I don't want the others to get hurt because of me. Please." You pleaded softly.

Yo sighed before gently letting your hand go.

You ran up to Baek Ah and Won. "Stop!" You said as you tugged on Won's hands trying to get him to let go of Baek Ah's collar.

"Prince Won please. I-I'll do as you said and work for you. Just please don't harm any of them." You told him as you continued to pull on his hands.

Won smirked. "Perfect." He said as he let go of Baek Ah.

You sighed in relief as you gently fixed Baek Ah's clothing. "Are you okay?" You asked worriedly.

Baek Ah gently grabbed your shaking hands. "I'm fine. Myung Hee, what you agreed to-"

"Its fine Baek Ah. I-I'll be fine." You cut him off.

Won grabbed your arm and tugged you away. "Okay, enough of that. Come with me Lady Myung Hee." He said as he pulled you along.

You gently sighed and let yourself be pulled away.

As you looked up you saw the faces of the Prince's all of them. Jung, So and Wook looked mad. Baek Ah and Eun looked at you worriedly. You sent them all a small smile.

Before you knew it you were at Prince Won's home. As he opened the door, he shoved you in.

"Okay. Now that we've established that you'll be working for me theres a few rules I want you to follow. Fail to apply by these rules and you'll get punished." He told you.

"One. I don't want you to have any contact with any of the other Prince's. Yo can be an exception. Two. You do everything that I tell you to do. Three. You'll speak only when spoken to. Four. You'll never speak of what you saw to anyone. Got it?"

You nodded slowly. "Yes Sir." You answered.

"Good. Now that's out of the way, let's go see where you'll be staying."

You nodded. 'This is going to be hell.' You thought to yourself as you followed Prince Won.

Surprisingly enough the room wasnt that bad. It had a bed, which was more than you were expecting to say the least.

"Get changed. There's some new clothes on the bed. After your done I want you to make dinner. So hurry along." Won said as he stepped out of the room.

You sighed softly as you slowly took your dress off. All of today's events suddenly hit you. A wave of tiredness came over you as you changed into your new clothes.

All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball on the bed and fall asleep for a couple days, but you couldn't. You had a job to do, no matter how much you hated it.

As you stepped out of the room you were met with some maids. "Lady Myung Hee, prince Won has requested that we teach you to cook dinner." One of the maids told you.

You silently nodded and followed the maids towards the kitchen.

As you got to the kitchen and looked around at everything in it your eyes widened in realization.

You had no clue how to cook with anything that was in that kitchen. You were used to cooking with modern technology.

You sighed softly. "This is definitely going to be interesting." You mumbled as you stepped foot into the kitchen.

"Uh-I... just so you know, I have no idea how any of these things work." You told the maids softly. You felt your cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

The maids laughed softly. "We kind of figured. Don't worry though, we'll teach you. That's what we're here for." One of the maids told you.

You smiled gratefully at her. "I'll do my best to learn." You told them as you started to follow along to there instructions.

As you continued to follow along you couldn't help but to smile. 'This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe I'll actually be able to cook.' You thought as you laughed softly.

Even though you were technically a slave for Prince Won it wasnt to bad so far, but something in your gut told you that this wouldn't last forever.

That you working for him would soon turn to hell.

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