~Chapter Ten~

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Y/N smiled as she headed back to the store that had the hair pins.

She could hear footsteps behind her, telling her that the two princes were behind her.

Y/N suddenly turned around and laughed softly at the prince's startled faces.

"You do know that you don't have to follow me around right? I'm sure the both of you have other things to do." Y/N told them.

Jung shook his head. "Baek Ah and I were just out for a walk when we saw you. Trust me Lady Myung Hee we don't have anything to do."

Y/N nodded. "Okay if you're sure. Also you can just call me Myung Hee. Lady Myung Hee seems to formal to me." She told them softly.

Baek Ah and Jung's eyes widened a little. Y/N frowned a bit. "Did I say something wrong my prince's?" She whispered softly so only they would here.

They both shook their heads. "No Lady- I mean Myung Hee. It's just we're not really used to things being so casual." Baek Ah explained.

Y/N nodded in understanding. "I guess that makes sense. You two are prince's after all." She mumbled.

Baek Ah smiled softly. "Its kind of nice. Makes me feel like I have a real friend though." Jung nodded in agreement.

Y/N frowned slightly. "You mean, you didn't think of me as a friend before?" She asked.

Baek Ah's eyes widened. "N-No that's not what- I mean..." he trailed off not knowing what to say.

Y/N giggled. "I'm kidding. But its really nice that you think of me as a friend." She smiled at them.

As she turned back around Y/N spotted a white hair pin with some red flowers on the end of it. It looked perfect for Lady Hae.

Y/N paid for the pin and smiled at it as the store owner packaged it carefully. She hoped that Lady Hae would like it.

"I should be heading back now. I'm sure Lady Hae is worried. Would you like to accompany me back?" She asked them softly.

They both smiled and nodded. "Of course." Jung said.

As they got back to the palace everyone was in a frenzy. Y/N's eyes widened a bit.

She stopped one of the girls that was running by.

"W-Whats going on?" Y/N asked worriedly.

The girls eyes filled with sympathy. "L-Lady Hae has fallen very ill. The doctor doesn't think that she has very long left. I-I'm so sorry Lady Myung Hee."

Time seemed to stop as Y/N listened to what the girl was telling her. Tears welled in her eyes as she fell to the ground on her knees.

Jung immediately went to Y/N. Baek Ah was in the same state Y/N was.

"Lady Myung Hee! I-I know it's a lot to take in, but we should go see her shouldn't we? You bought the pin for her. You should go see her and give it to her." Jung told Y/N softly.

"Right Baek Ah? Myung Her should go see Lady Hae." Jung waited for a reply. When he didn't get one he turned to look at Baek Ah.

He was staring off into the distance. He seemed to be in the same state that Y/N was in.

"Baek Ah!" Jung yelled causing Baek Ah to snap out of it.

"S-Sorry Jung what?" Baek Ah stuttered.

Jung tightened his grip on Y/N and gently brought her to her feet. "I said that Lady Myung Hee should go see Lady Hae."

Baek Ah nodded in agreement. Y/N slowly snapped out of it. Tears falling down her face.

"I-I...I need to go. I have to see her. I can't let her go like this. She-She can't leave." Y/N mumbled softly.

Even though Y/N knew this would happen it still felt like she was losing her own mother. She wasn't prepared to let Lady Hae go, not yet.

Y/N looked over at Baek Ah. She knew that he must be going through a hard time as well. "W-Will you guys come with me?" She asked softly as more tears fell down her face.

Baek Ah locked eyes with Y/N. She could see so much pain in them. She moved closer to him to gently wipe his tears away. "Please." She mumbled.

Jung walked up behind her to steady her. "We'll both go with you." He said softly. "Right Baek Ah?"

Baek Ah nodded. Y/N nodded and started to head towards Lady Hae's quarters.

As they grew near more and more dread started to fill Y/N. The tears wouldn't stop falling.

She could see Hae Soo standing outside of Lady Hae's room.

Hae Soo looked up and saw Y/N and the two princes. "M-Myung Hee" she cried as she hugged her.

Y/N immediately hugged her back and started to sob. "S-She can't go." She cried.

Hae Soo held Y/N tighter as they both cried.

Wook and Lady Hae both came out of the room. Y/N's eyes widened as she took in her appearance. She looked beautiful.

Y/N turned to look at Hae Soo. "S-She wanted him to remember her with beauty." Hae Soo whispered.

"Lady Hae said she would like all of you to join us on our walk." Wook told everyone.

Wook and Lady Hae then set out. With him gently clasping Lady Hae's hand.

Everyone to shocked to say anything silently followed.

They kept their distance though as to give the married couple some privacy.

Y/N snuck a look at Baek Ah and she could see sadness in his eyes. As she thought more about the situation she realized something.

Baek Ah and Jung were never here before. It was only Hae Soo and Wook.

Y/N quickly turned her head towards the couple and frowned. Wook was carrying Lady Hae on his back.

"No...No" Y/N whispered out with tears falling down her face. She knew where this was headed.

"Lady Hae!" She screamed out just as Lady Hae's hand went limp.

Everyone's eyes widened. "Shh Myung Hee lets not wake Lady Hae up." Wook said as he made his way back to the palace.

Denial. Wook was in denial that Lasy Hae had just passed away.

Y/N covered her mouth as she fell to the ground sobbing. She felt arms wrap around her.

She looked up to see Baek Ah hugging her tightly. Her eyes wondered over to see Jung hugging Hae Soo comfortingly.

"S-She's gone. She's gone Baek Ah." Y/N mumbled into his shoulder as she sobbed.

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