~Chapter Fifteen~

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Yeonhwa roughly lifted Y/N's head up by her hair.

"What you said to me was completely out of line, and you need to be punished for it."

Yeonhwa grabbed Y/N's chin before slapping her across the face.

Y/N could feel tears well up in her eyes from the stinging of her cheek. Yeonhwa could really hit.

"Let's see the princes stick up for you now that you're all broken and battered. Well about to be at least." She laughed.

Y/N slowly stood up. "I'll say this again. I'm not afraid of you. Trust me, I've dealt with worse." Y/N told her as she looked at Yeonhwa.

Yeonhwa smirked. "We'll see about that." She said.

Yeonhwa looked over at the door at one of the guards that was standing there. "You know what to do with her." She told him.

The guards nodded and headed towards Y/N.

Y/N immediately started backing away from them. The guards were intimidating.

Y/N looked around for an escape. As she searched around she couldn't find one. "How can you escape a cell y/n? Of course you can't." She muttered to herself as she kept backing away from the guards.

As her back hit the wall she frowned. "I definitely could use a miracle right now." She thought to herself. "But I'm not Hae Soo so there won't be any princes to help come and save me." She whispered to herself. She quickly shook her head. "You've got this Y/N. You don't need anyone to save you." She thought to herself.

She closed her eyes and mentally prepared herself for what was about to happen.

The two guards each grabbed one of her arms roughly and forcing her on her knees.

As she hung her head she couldn't help but think of how much she's been through these past couple months.

It may not feel like it, y/n in fact has been there for almost a year now. She really had no idea when she would be going back home, or if she ever would be.

Y/N felt Yeonhwa roughly grab her hair and lift her head up so she was facing the princess.

Yeonhwa smirked. "I never understand why you risk your life for other people. You do know they would never do that for you right?"

"They may seem like they care Myung Hee but this is reality. They don't. Everyone only ever cares about themselves in the end. Oh and apparently that Hae Soo girl as well since all the princes are now with her." Yeonhwa told her.

Y/N let Princess Yeonhwa's words flow through her head. Maybe Yeonhwa was right. Here she was in a cell being held captive because she decided to help someone she cared about, but where were they?

No one she thought that cared for her were showing up. She's been risking her life ever since she got here, and for what really?

Yeonhwa let Y/N's face go. Y/N let her head drop. She was tired. Tired of everything.

"You'll always be a second thought to the Princes, Myung Hee. You don't matter to them. They would be here helping you if they really cared for you." Yeonhwa laughed.

"Maybe you're right Princess." She told her. Yeonhwa smirked. "I always am. Guards let's leave her to her thoughts."

The guards nodded and let go of Y/N letting her body drop to the ground.

Y/N crawled over to the corner of the cell and curled into a ball. She hid her face in her knees as she cried.

Y/N tightened her grip around her knees as she cried harder. For the first time since she's been here Y/N fully broke down.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home. I thought I could be strong enough and smart enough to be able to stay here, but I'm not. I just want to go home." She mumbled to herself as she tried to calm herself down.

"Snap out of it Y/N. You will get through this. You've survived worse mental abuse." She thought to herself as she wiped her tears with her hand.

"Its the physical abuse that's worse here though." She mumbled as she looked at her body that was covered with scars, bruises, blood, and everything else.

As Y/N was staring at her trembling hands she heard footsteps. A lot of footsteps.

She curled farther into herself as she hid her head into her knees. Her whole body started to tremble. Tears started to silently fall down her face.

She heard her cell door open and a pair of footsteps coming closer to her.

"P-Please don't hurt me." She whispered out as her body continued to tremble with fear.

"You'll be okay, just bare the pain. It'll be over soon. You'll be okay." She kept repeating to herself quietly.

"M-Myung Hee?" A voice called out softly as a hand softly touched her arm.

Y/N jumped as she felt the touch, but she recognized the voice.

She looked up. It was Baek Ah. Y/N then looked around the cell. Everyone was there.

Her eyes soon found her way back to Baek Ah who looked worried.

"Myung Hee, what happened? Are you okay? We were expecting you to follow us when we went to help Hae Soo, but when you weren't there we became worried." Baek Ah told her softly.

Y/N gently pulled out of Baek Ah's grasp. "I-I'm fine. Princess Yeonhwa just wanted to toughen me up a bit." She smiled softly.

Baek Ah and the others frowned. "Myung Hee? Are you sure you're okay? You don't look all that great. What did Princess Yeonhwa do to you?" Eun asked her.

Y/N looked over at Eun and the others. She noticed that Hae Soo was there as well.

"They went to her first. She'll always come first remember that Y/N." She thought to herself.

She really truly tried not to feel this way. She liked Hae Soo she really did, but Y/N couldn't help but feel jealous of her.

She was jealous of how much the princes cared for Hae Soo.

"You'll always be a second thought to the princes. They don't care about you." Yeonhwa's words rang through Y/N's head.

Y/N closed her eyes as Yeonhwa's words swirled through her head.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes. She slowly stood up.

Baek Ah reached out to help her, but Y/N moved away. Causing Baek Ah to frown.

"Like I said earlier. I'm fine." She told them as she pushed her way past everyone.

As she slowly walked home Yeonhwa's words continued to swirl in her head.

"They don't care."

Y/N looked up at the stars. "Maybe you actually were right Princess. They don't care." She said softly.

Y/N's face hardened. "I won't care either. I'm done trying to interfere with everything. I'm not going to risk my life for people who could care less about what happens to me."

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