~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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It had been about a month an a half since Y/N started serving Prince Won.

True their word the other prince's still kept trying to find ways to get her out of his chambers.

She appreciated their efforts, but she knew deep down that their efforts were just in vain. She wouldn't be leaving Prince Won's side.

As Y/N was walking around outside she saw Hae Soo and Prince So. Y/n smiled softly. She could see that they were definitely growing closer to each other.

Y/N sighed softly. 'Honestly why am I still here? I haven't been able to change anything. I've just been creating more mess.' She thought to herself as she watched the two.

" I don't need to be here anymore." She whispered out.

"Why would you even say that?" A voice behind her asked causing her to jump.

Y/N quickly turned around to find Baek Ah. "Of course you need to be here, where else would you be?" He asked her.

Y/N smiled. " I thought I would be able to change things, make things better. Turns out I can't. I'm not needed here Baek Ah, I'm more of a nuisance than anything." She told him.

"Myung Hee you're not a nuisance. You'd never be one."

She gave a half smile. "You don't get it Baek Ah. No one does. Myung Hee isn't even my name." She mumbled the last part.

Tired. That was all she felt. She was tired of lying about who she was and where she came from. Tired of being a nuisance in everyone's lives. Tired of not being able to change anything. Just tired.

Y/N sighed softly. As her eyes shifted behind Baek Ah her eyes widened slightly.

WooHee. She was standing behind Baek Ah. Y/N quickly looked back to him. "I think Lady WooHee is waiting for you my prince. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sure prince Won is wondering where I am. It wont be long before he'll send guards after me." She told him softly as she stepped away.

Baek Ah stepped forward. "Myung Hee wait."

Y/N bowed. "Forgive me my Prince I really must be going now. Have a wonderful date."

Baek Ah frowned. He watched as she left. "What did she mean when she said that Myung Hee wasn't her name?" He whispered to himself.

As you were walking back towards Won's quarters, you bumped into Prince Wook.

"Myung Hee, how are you feeling?" He asked her softly. Y/N laughed slightly. "Forgive me for saying this, but I do not think you really care my prince."

Wook's eyes widened. "Myung Hee, I know what I did was wrong. I was so worried about Hae Soo. I know that's no excuse. I'm truly sorry for how I reacted to you that day."

Y/N stared at Wook. "What about me? What if I was in the exact same position as Hae Soo was in? What would you have done?" She asked him softly.

Wook opened his mouth to answer and then closed it. He did that a couple times before Y/N scoffed.

"You wouldn't do anything. You dont care about me Wook. You never did, did you?"

Wook stepped forward. "Myung Hee that's not true."

Y/N quickly wiped her eyes. 'Even here I'm meant to be miserable.' She thought to herself.

Wook's eyes widened as he watched her wipe her eyes. He gently grabbed her hand.

Wook pulled her into a hug. "Myung Hee, you are important to me. Never doubt that. I know that what I did was unforgivable. You were in a bad situation too not only Hae Soo. I'm so sorry." He told her softly as he stroked her head as she silently cried.

For the first time since she's been here Y/N fully broke down in front of someone.

Y/N gently grabbed Wook's clothes as she cried. "Its so hard pretending not to care about anything, and to be okay with everything that's thrown at me."

"I just feel so alone." She sobbed.

Wook held her tighter. "You're not alone. You'll never be alone in this Myung Hee."

Y/N eventually stopped crying just soft sniffles came out of her.

She eventually pulled away from Wook.

Y/N immediately bowed. "I'm so sorry for losing myself Prince Wook. It won't happen again." She told him softly.

Wook shook his head. "Myung Hee it's okay. You dont have to apologize for that."

Y/N shook her head as she continued to bow. "You won't have to see me like that again my prince. It was a moment of weakness. It wont happen again I promise." She told him.

Wook stared at Y/N confused as to where this sudden attitude shift came from.

"Myung Hee, again you dont have to apologize for this. You shouldn't lock everything up to yourself. A lot of people in the palace care about you. Myself included." Wook told her softly as he lifted her head up to look at him.

Y/N looked up at Prince Wook. 'Why is he being so kind?' She thought to herself as she stared into his eyes.

Wook took a step forward. His hand now softly caressing Y/N's cheek.

As Y/N got lost in her own thoughts trying to figure out what was going on with Prince Wook, she missed that he took another step closer to her.

Wook gave Y/N a small smile. "I should've taken better care of you and Hae Soo. I'm so sorry Myung Hee." He whispered softly as he leaned his forehead against Y/N's.

Y/N's eyes widened. Realizing how close they actually were now. "I-It's okay Prince Wook. I-I've been able to take care of myself." She told him as she leaned away from him slightly.

Wook smiled. "That you have Myung Hee, but I promised Lady Hae that I would take care of you and Hae Soo. I haven't been keeping my promise to her." He looked away from her.

As he looked back at Y/N he started to lean in a little closer. Y/N's eyes widened again. "P-Prince Wook?" She squeaked out softly as she froze.

Just as Prince Wook leaned in a little closer, someone cleared their voice from behind Y/N.

Y/N remained frozen. She didn't want to find out who was behind her. She didn't even know what was happening in front of her.

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