~Chapter Six~

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Y/N groaned in pain as she got up from her bed. It had been a couple days since Princess Yeon Hwa had beat her with the  whip, and like Baek Ah said her wounds had closed up but that didn't mean she was in any less pain. Her back still hurt like hell.

Y/N slowly made her way out of her room, and looked around. She walked out of her house and walked to the palace. She was supposed to meet with Hae Soo this afternoon to talk about what had happened a couple days ago. Y/N was a bit nervous, she didn't know what she would say to Hae Soo. She really didn't even know why she did it to begin with. She just saw that Chae Ryung was being punished for something she didn't do, and she thought that wasn't right.

As Y/N walked up to the palace she saw some people talking out of the corner of her eye. She didn't really pay any attention to them and kept going on her way.

She was almost to the garden where she was suppose to meet Hae Soo when she saw that Hae Soo and Prince So were talking. She stopped in her tracks and watched their interaction. It didn't look like a happy conversation. She couldn't help but think back to when she watched them in the drama.

It was still crazy to her that she was in the drama. She couldn't believe that she was. She bit her lip contemplating on whether she should interrupt them or just let them be. After a couple minutes of thinking she decided on the latter.

As she was about to step away she bumped into someone. She groaned as she held her nose. She looked up and her eyes widened. It was Prince Wook. "Oh your highness, I'm so sorry for bumping into you." She quickly apologized as she bowed to him. From watching the drama she knew how bad his personality could get, so she didn't want to upset him in any way.

Prince Wook gave her a small smile. "Ah, Lady Myung Hee it's alright." He told her as he helped her stand back up straight. She smiled in gratitude. "Thank you Prince Wook." He smiled at her again and stepped to go around her. Y/N realized that he was heading towards the garden where Hae Soo and Prince So where speaking.

She quickly grabbed his arm, which caused him to look at her in surprise. She quickly dropped her hands. "Prince Wook, would you be able to walk me back to my room?" She asked him quickly. "My back is in a lot of pain, and I don't know if I'll be able to make it back by myself." She lied.

She didn't want Prince Wook to find Hae Soo and Prince So talking, because she didn't want things to turn yet. She doesn't even remember this scene in the drama. 'Is me being here messing things up?' She thought to herself.

Prince Wook looked at Y/N for a couple of minutes before he agreed. "Thank you again Prince Wook." She told him as she tried to take a step towards her home. Okay maybe she wasn't lying about her back being in pain. Her bowing to Prince Wook really hurt her. Her legs buckled out from beneath her, and she fell to the ground.

Prince Wook quickly bent down next to her. "Princess Yeon Hwa really didn't hold back did she?" He muttered as he helped Y/N to her feet. Y/N winced as she stood up. She turned and bowed her head to thank the Prince once again.

They started to walk slowly towards her home once again, her limping and wincing in pain every once and awhile. Prince Wook putting her arm around his so she could lean against him. She prayed that Prince So and Hae Soo would be done talking by the time he gets back to the palace.

"Lady Myung Hee, may I ask you a question?" Prince Wook asked her. She looked at him in curiosity before nodding at him. "Why did you step in when Princess Yeon Hwa was beating the servant girl?" Y/N looked at the Prince before answering him. "To be quite honest my body reacted before my mind, but I still would've stepped in. Chae Ryung was being wrongly accused, and I didn't agree with what Princess Yeon Hwa was doing. I know she's your sister, but I just didn't agree with her methods Prince Wook." She told him as they continued to walk to her home.

Prince Wook nodded as he listened to Y/N, but staying silent. After a couple more minutes they arrived at Y/N's home. Which also happened to be Wook's house. Y/N later learned that she was related to Lady Hae. "Do you need me to walk you to you room Lady Myung Hee?" Y/N smiled at him and shook her head. "I should be alright, but thank you Prince Wook." She said as she bowed her head once again.

Prince Wook nodded and slowly untangled their arms. "I'm sorry for what my sister has done to you Lady Myung Hee." He apologized. Y/N raised her hands in protest. "It's alright Prince Wook, it wasn't your fault." She told him. "I should probably head in and rest. Thank you again Prince Wook." She thanked him as she headed into her house.

She sighed in relief as she entered her home. She slowly walked towards her room, all she wanted to do was lay down and rest. Her back was killing her. She slid open her door and smiled when she saw her bed. She slowly walked towards her bed and slowly sat down.

She sighed in content when she sat down. She undid the ribbon on her hanbok and slowly took her hanbok off. She looked around and smiled when she found her more comfortable hanbok. She slid out of her other one, and into her more comfortable one.

She stood up and walked out of her room. She felt like some tea could help her relax after this painful day.

*I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time!*

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