~Chapter Eighteen~

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As Y/N was walking out of her room she bumped into Prince Jung and So who had followed her and Baek Ah.

"Lady Myung Hee, you're leaving?" Jung asked her softly.

Y/N laughed. "Yeah. Sorry Jung, I clearly cause everyone so much trouble. So I thought I would leave and make it all easier for you." She told him as she started to walk by the two prince's.

Jung gently grabbed her hand.

Y/N immediately yanked it away. "What is with everyone grabbing me lately?" She sighed.

Just as Jung was about to speak Baek Ah appeared in the hallway.

"Myung Hee, please. It's dangerous outside the palace walls. Please just stay." Baek Ah pleaded.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Yeah cause it's so safe inside the palace walls. I think I'll take my chances, thank you."

"Lady Myung Hee." Jung whispered.

"Look," she looked at the prince's. "I'm not staying. I'm sorry Jung. I don't belong here. I never did. I think we'll all feel better once I'm gone." She told them.

"At least stay the night. Wait until daylight breaks. Please Lady Myung Hee." Jung begged.

Y/N looked at Jung. He seemed to be genuinely worried about her. As she looked at the other two, they seemed to be as well.

Y/N sighed. "Okay. I'll stay. Just until there's daylight."

She headed back towards her room.

"Prince So," she turned to look at him. "Can I have a word please? Alone." She asked him softly.

Prince So nodded. Y/N headed towards her room.

Prince So followed.

"I hate to ask, but I'm still not familiar with this place. Would you be able to show me the best way to go after I leave the palace?" She asked him.

So looked at Y/N. "Are you absolutely sure you want to leave Lady Hee?"

Y/N nodded. "I don't belong here. I-I'm not-I don't suit this lifestyle I guess." She told him softly. "Plus I'm not wanted here anymore."

Jung and Baek Ah both barged in.

"That's not true Lady Myung Hee!" Jung yelled out. "Our brother was just being stupid, right Baek Ah?" Jung said as he hit the back of Baek Ah's neck pushing him forward.

Baek Ah nodded. "Myung Hee, please just stay. All of us will feel so much better if you stayed with us."

Y/N looked at him. "You don't trust me Baek Ah. How am I supposed to stay with someone who doesn't trust me?"

Baek Ah looked down in shame. "I-I'm sorry Myung Hee. I trust you. I swear it."

Y/N smiled sadly. "I've already made up my mind Baek Ah. I can't stay here any longer. I want to stay somewhere where I feel comfortable. I-I don't feel comfortable or welcomed here anymore. I'm sorry."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get some sleep before daylight hits." She said as she ushered the boys out.

They all quietly left her room. Y/N softly closed the door.

As she exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding, a couple tears leaked out of her eyes.

She quickly wiped them away. "No Y/N you're not crying over these boys anymore."

She sighed as she walked to her bed. She laid back on her bed as she thought about the days leading up till now.

A part of her didn't want to leave them, but the bigger part of her knew that she needed to get away.

She felt like she didn't belong there anymore. As these thoughts ran through her head Y/N fell asleep.

Y/N groaned slightly as the sunlight hit her eyes. Her eyes shot open as she realized it was daylight out.

She sat up slowly and looked around. It would be the last time she would be in this room. Over the past couple of months she grew to enjoy her room.

Y/N sighed and got out of bed. Grabbing all of her things she headed towards the door.

As she opened the door she was greeted by most of the princes.

Y/N sighed in agitation. "What?"

Eun looked at her. "Are you really leaving?"

Y/N nodded. "Yeah Eun I am. There's no use in trying to convince me to stay. I've made up my mind, I'm leaving."

The prince's frowned. "Where will you go? Just stay Myung Hee, you have a home here." Wook told her.

Y/N bit her lip. She hadn't really thought about where she would go.

"Sorry Prince Wook but it doesn't really feel like home here anymore. Thank you for taking care of me, but now that Lady Hae isn't with us anymore you don't have to take care of me anymore." Y/N told him.

Wook stared at her in surprise. "M-Myung Hee, I hope you know that I let you stay here because I care about you. Yes you may be related to Lady Hae and I loved her, but she wasn't the reason why i let you stay. I care about you. Just like I care about Hae Soo."

Y/N nodded slowly. "Well thank you for saying that Prince Wook, but I still can't stay. I feel like I've over stayed my welcome. It's time that I go out and feel like I'm useful to someone and not a burden for a change."

She lightly pushed past them. "I'm so grateful that you all let me stay. I'll be forever grateful towards all of you." She told them as she bowed to them.

As she stood back up she looked over at Prince So. "Prince So? Would you be able to show me the best way to leave?"

Prince So looked around with uncertainty before slowly nodding.

Y/N gave him a small smile. "Thank you. Shall we head out?"

Y/N turned to look at all the prince's one last time before she left trying to memorize their faces.

She smiled at them softly before turning to follow Prince So out.

As they made it to the palace doors she took a deep breath.

"Are you positive you want to leave Lady Hee?" So asked her.

"I can't exactly go back and act like I didnt cause a huge scene for nothing. Besides I'm sure you all will be fine without me."

So frowned. "You may not realize it Lady Hee but you've all made an impression on us, and we all care about you."

She turned to look at So tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you for saying that So. Maybe I'll be able to come visit every once in awhile." She told him softly.

She looked at the guards and nodded. They opened the doors and she gently stepped outside of the palace walls.

"Myung Hee!" She turned to see all of the prince's once again.

She smiled sadly at them as the palace doors closed.

She turned and looked down at the road ahead. "Now or never Y/N" she whispered to herself as she set off.

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