4. Crushing, I guess...

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I was sitting with Logan in Rumble Juice and I was really enjoying it. The past two days were one of the best of my intire life. "So this is fun!" I said while I sipped from my drink. "Yes, it's really fun. Just you and me. I like that." He said smiling. I looked around and saw Jenna sitting on a table behind us. I wondered if Logan said this because she sat there of really meant it. "Really?" I asked in a quite flirty way. "Yeah of course." He said and he looked honest. "Aw, you're such a sweetheart!" I said smiling big time. "I really think our plan is working" Logan said less loud than before. "You think?!" I hoped this didn't mean he wanted to quit... "Yes, Mike looked so jealous just when I gave you a kiss on your cheek" he said. "And Jenna is staring at us this whole time!" I said pointing to her - but she couldn't see it. Logan looked and smiled. "I'm happy it's working!"
"But you know just to make sure, maybe we could go here again tomorrow night?" he said with his most handsome smile. I tried to hide my happiness a bit because on the inside I was freaking out. He asked me out. So he didn't want to stop! That fact made me so happy! "Its a date" I said winking. He laughed and we both enjoyed the rest of the night. I probably more than he but that didn't matter.

"So Jaz about tonight" Logan said during the first break. He had a huge smile on his face and I was afraid the cause would upset me. "Yeah?" I said, I tried to be careless but it didn't work out well... "I guess we don't have to anymore" he said. Damn it, my feeling was right. I tried to be happy for him but I wasn't that great of an actress... "Oh, why not?" I said trying to ban the sad look off my face. "Well, I really think it's time Jenna finds out we are, you know, falling apart. I'm pretty sure she wants to comfort me." He said really enjoying the idea of Jenna comforting him. "That's great. Everything you wanted. I'm sorry Logan, I'll see you around" I said and I left him alone. I had to think about this whole situation. Why did it upset me so much? I bit my lip and thought about everything he said. It was more upsetting than it should've.

When I was walking through the hallway, I didn't want to see Logan. Maybe he was already with Jenna now. Only the thought of that made me wanna puke. I saw a scene in my head were Logan was pretending to be upset about the 'break-up' and Jenna pulling him close, stroking his hair while she said he deserved better. And with that she meant herself. It gave me such a nasty feeling... I didn't want him to date that girl. I didn't want him to date any girl. I was confused. Was I jealous? Did I want Logan for myself? Did I like him?

While I was thinking I bump against someone, I recognize a blonde girl and see it's my best friend Lindy. Maybe she knew what I was going through... But wait I couldn't tell her because Logan was her brother. But I could use some advice... I was in a battle with my self there was this one side that wanted to tell Lindy everything and the other part of me wanted to keep it a secret. I wasn't sure what to do when Lindy asked me: "Hey Jas, are you alright?" I shrugged and knew she saw I wasn't alright at all. "What's wrong?" she asked and we took a sit on the bench close to us. It was standing against a blue wall I noticed we were on the second floor. I didn't remember taking the stairs.

"So Jas tell me what's up?" Lindy said sweet and I knew that I could trust her, but still I didn't want to tell I might like her brother. "Nothing Lin" I said trying to convince her but by the second it came out my mouth I knew that she wouldn't believe me. I decided to take the middle way by telling her something but not everything. "I know you and you're not okay. Please tell me you know you can trust me. I will always be there for you"
I bit my lip while I thought about Logan, my thoughts dealt to him and the question that he and Jenna were dating already.
"Thanks..." I said and I took a deep breath I had to be carefull with what I said. "You're right there's something bothering me" I said looking down at my shoes. "Tell me" Lindy stated. "Well there is this boy and he's really cute and all but you know, I actually don't know how I exactly feel about him." I began. Lindy looked at me with a thrifty smile. "I suspected it had something to do with a boy. But go on." "So the thing is We've been hanging out more lately and he's really great and I love being with him. But that doesn't mean I like him right? I just don't know anymore" I sighed "and the worst part of it all is that all he thinks about is this other girl and maybe even more stupid I helped him getting her attention..." I said it was a relief that I said all my struggles out loud. I knew that Lindy could help me even though she didn't know who I was talking about. She always knew what to do. I bite my lip and wonder what Logan is doing right now, for the umpteenth time this minute.

"That's a tough situation" Lin said after a few seconds in silence. "I know" I said, I was a little desperate. I needed some good advice, but even my best friend was pretty quiet. "So what do you think?" I asked her. She was thinking for a while before she answered. "I think we can't question the fact you like that boy." "What do you mean?" I asked, was it so clear? Then why didn't I see it? "I mean, I know you Jas, you're one of my best friends and I know you since we were little and I can see it when you like a guy. You have this sparkle in your eyes when you talk or even think about him and you bite your lip and have this dreamy look on your face." I turned red. Would Logan see those signs of crushing, too? Wait we were talking about Logan... So he probably didn't see it. Luckily he wasn't that smart. But it was cute though. I didn't even notice I was daydreaming about Logan until his sister woke me up by saying: "The problem is does he like you back?" I groaned. "No he doesn't" I said, it was true he didn't saw me like that. There was no way he liked me back. "You don't know that for sure" Lindy said cheering me up. I tried to smile but it looked crooked. "How could he not like a beautiful, sweet and fun girl like you Jas?!" she said and it made me feel better. "Aw, thanks Lindy!" I said hugging her. She was the best. "No problem, that's what friends are for." I felt a lot better now. But then I looked in her eyes and that made me think of her brother. "So all we gotta do is find out this boy likes you to. So tell me who it is and I will be - subtle of course - asking about his feelings" Oh oh, here came the trouble. "No you don't have to that" I said laughing fake. I didn't want her to do that because I absolutely didn't want her to know I was talking about her brother all the time. "Why not?" she asked disbelieved. "Don't be offended, but I want to solve this problem by myself. The more people who know the more hurtfull it'll be if you know, it doesn't work out." She looked at me a little aggrieved. "But I am the only who knows... I promise I won't tell anyone. Even not Delia, Garrett or Logan." she said and I believed her - even though they would probably find out when Lindy knew. "I'm sorry Lins, i just... I don't know I guess I'm just afraid and I am the only one who has to get to guts to ask him right away about his feelings." I lied. I would never do anything like that. "Okay if you really want that... But you know you can always come to me right?" she said and it made me feel bad. She was this great friend but still I lied about that one boy. I really felt bad. "I do and thank you. You really helped me. I finally know how I feel" I hugged her again. She smiled: "There's only one thing I want you to do..." Lindy said which made me a little scared. "I want to know every little detail once you two are a couple!" she said and I smiled relieved. I chuckled a bit, I doubted she really wanted to know once me and Logan were dating. However she probably wanted to know how that could happen. Plus it wouldn't happen...

"I promise I will tell you everything, later." I said honest. I was willing to tell her everything over five year when I got over the fact her brother turned me down... "And when it doesn't turn out well I will be the one that slaps him in the face because if he dares to do that... Well the point is, he doesn't know what he's missing with you, Jasmine!" "Aw thanks Lins" We talked and laughed a lot for a while and I almost forget about the whole Logan and Jenna situation. Almost because there was still a part of my brain constantly thinking about them.

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