8. Broken cars

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I don't know how long I sat there but I guess it must've been a long time. I couldn't hear the bell here and when I looked at my phone clock it was already a half past 2 which meant I missed class for over thirty minutes. I never skipped class before. I stood up and grabbed my bag and walked to our math class. While I was walking I thought about a excuse I could tell the teacher to explain my absence. I decided to say something about getting sick and being in the toilet for a pretty long time. Teachers couldn't check that and I was sure I looked miserable enough to apply as a sick person. My eyes were still red from all the crying and I was pretty pale by myself.

I knocked on the door before I entered - I was a polite student you know. "Come in" Our Teacher Mr Headcoff said - we had Math. "Oh Jasmine, There you are. Why are you so late?" he asked with a stringent voice. "I was sick and I've spent the last hour on the toilet. But I feel better now." "Are you sure you don't look very healthy. Maybe it is the best if you go to the school nurse, Miss Dansley can call your parents and give you something to feel better." Mr Headcoff said. "No thank you, sir. I feel fine and I already missed a part of the class." I stated. He smiled but I could saw still a little worry in his eyes. I took the only empty seat in class, next to Logan's. He looked even more worried than Mr Headcoff. I really wasn't in the mood of talking to him nor explaining him about why I missed the first half of the lesson. I know that he just wanted to be my friend but I couldn't take his friendship, not today and I wondered if that would ever change again.

"Where have you been?" he asked, concerned about me. Logan looked at me with his beautiful eyes full of questions. I looked away before I started drooling. "I was sick" I was happy I turned away because I had a hard time lying in general and to a friend - Logan - it was even harder. "I don't believe you Jaz. It had something to do with this noon right?" he asked. Oh, did he knew... "No of course not." I said but not really convincing. "C'mon Jaz, I know you! You never been this great of a liar. You know that one time in kindergarden when you told me you didn't broke my toy - that yellow car, I used to love that one - and I saw you were lying." "I still feel bad about it" I said blushing. I did broke his car, but it was an accident. I loved playing with it but it was also Logan's favorite so once I took it away without him knowing and I was playing with it when I accidently broke a mirror, the left door and the rest of the car had some scrapes, too. But it wasn't my fault, my niece Mia was playing together with me and she kinda crashed into mine, I swear I wasn't in fault. But long story short I broke his car and lied about it but he knew I was lying. I felt really sorry for him, but Logan was shocked at first but later he was actually very sweet. He understood it was a accident and didn't blame me. But it didn't felt good to me so I bought him a new toy car and for all that I know he still has it.

"You have no idea how good I know you, Jaz. There's something bothering you and I just want to be a friend but I can't be one if you don't tell me what's wrong. You know I can be serious sometimes and I can also be a good friend but you have to let me prove that to you." he was such a sweetheart. I wish he was mine. But he wasn't and I had to get over it. Though it was so hard.  "Logan that's really sweet of you but this isn't the right place or time. I will tell you when I think it's the perfect moment. But if you don't mind, I would like to follow the lesson since I already missed a big part of it." "What you want" he said, he seemed not quite happy. "So Mr Watson can you go me an answer on this question?" Mr Headcoff asked Logan. I was happy he didn't called my name. I kinda felt bad for him though, the whole class was staring and he didn't know the answer. "Like I thought, If you would follow the class you might could've answered it. So please stop the dialogue between you and misses Kang and pay attention." with that he answered the question himself and I followed attentive.

The bell had rung and before Logan could say something I got up and left him alone. I knew he was going to bring the subject on again so I didn't want to give him a chance. In the break I avoided my friends and just hang out on the other side of the building. I didn't risk to go to the roof because I didn't have long and I didn't want to miss my other classes either.

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