7. On the roof of the world - Sorta

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Jasmine P.O.V:

I was sitting on  a bench in the school garden when I got a text. My phone buzzed and I looked at it I saw I had one from Lindy. She was very worried, I could tell by the message. "Where are you Jas?? Are you OK?? You looked very upset can I do something for you?? You know you can always tell me, right?!" I knew that it would be relieving if I would tell her but I couldn't do that. She probably thought it was already suspicious I was acting so weird in lunch. I decided to ignore Lindy's text. What I needed right now was a good cry and just some alone time. Maybe music would work, too. I grapped my bag and searched for earphones. I found them but I was pretty scared when I saw other students walking by. I decided this was a too dangerous place so I had to find another place, without other students...

On the second floor I saw a door I decided to take a look even though it was a bit scary. Who knew what was behind that door. But my curiously won it from my fear. I opened the door, it wasn't locked so it wasn't like forbidden territory because otherwise they should've put a sighnboard: Forbidden for students on the door or something. So I looked around in case I wasn't suppose to go inside. There was no student nor teacher in sight so I got in the chamber. All there was was a stair. It looked pretty intact so I dared to use it. At the end of the stairs there was a door I wondered where it led you to. When I was there I opened it, again lucky it wasn't locked.

What I saw was unbelievable. I stood on a deserted place, there was lots of green. It looked like here wasn't been a human for a very long time, yet the plants begged the differ. They looked like they were planted yesterday. I couldn't believe my eyes, our school had an awesome roof where nobody knew about. There were even some benches. Who knew about this? Why did we have this if nobody used it? I couldn't believe me eyes. But all I could think about was that this was the perfect place to listen some music and just be alone. This would become my new place and maybe after all this drama I would tell Lindy, Delia, Garrett and Logan about this and we could hang out here all together. Yeah, I was going to do that, but after the time I needed it to be alone. Because if they knew I couldn't use this as my place anymore. I couldn't wait to show them this place and see the shocked eyes and later on they would be really thankfull I showed them this! As long as Logan didn't take is girlfriend here for a make-out session I was happy.

I took a seat on one of the benches, I decided to sit on a jumper since it had been raining a bit and I didn't want my pants to get wet. I took my phone, plugged in my earphones and started my playlist: I hate liking you. I made this one a few days ago, the same day everything had changed. After Logan and I 'broke-up', sort of. My eyes were filled with tears when I heard the first song: What hurts the most by Rascal Flats. 

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