20. By your side Part 2

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Hi guys, so I hope you enjoy the guest appearance of Jordan Fisher. I know he isn't that famous but I think he's a great musician and also a great actor so I thought why not bring him in the story. I also did it because in real life both Piper and Austin (and probably the rest of the cast) know him, so yeah I thought it would be cool. But let me know what you think of it. Enjoy ♥

Jasmine P.O.V:

"I'm sorry I'm late. Can we go Lo-, I mean Lover boy is gonna be mad otherwise." Delia said. Wait Lo- was she gonna say Logan?! "Delia, did you meant to say Logan?! Is Logan gonna be there because if he is there's no way I'm going!" I said. How could she do that? "No, what Logan?! Delia didn't mean Logan!" Garrett gave Delia a warning look, maybe he thought I didn't see that but I did notice. "Of course not, Lover boy is my new nickname for... Lindy..." "Guys, seriously?! You want me to believe that? Lindy isn't even a boy nor a loved one! And why would Lindy get met! I thought it was just gonna be the three of us!" "Well, yeah but Lindy wanted to come as a surprise. After all the drama between you and her brother she was a little afraid you didn't want to see her anymore!" "You want me to fall for that one?!" I said a little mad. "Okay, maybe that's not really true. But please Jaz come. They have a really great surprise for you and you're gonna regret it if you don't come" Delia looked at me and I had to look away otherwise I would agree in no time! "What surprise?" I ask. "A really nice one" Garrett directly answers. Damn it, they know how much I like surprises! "For me?" I ask - just to be sure. "Yes, and I really think you're gonna love it!" Delia says and this makes me wonder why I even think about going. I'm even considering it. Which is weird since I know the surprise is from Logan. But wait why would Logan even plan a surprise for me, it's not like he likes me. Or wait, does he? No that's impossible... Or is it?!

"So will you please come with us?!" Garrett and Delia beg me. "Okay, but only to see what it is. I can't promise to stay!" "Aww, that's great! I mean that you're coming! And I'm totally sure you will stay!" she gave me a wink and we all go to Rumble Juice. I can feel the tension when we walk. They probably already gave away too much. "You really won't tell me what kinda thing is gonna happen?" I can't give up so easily, right. Otherwise I wouldn't be Jasmine Kang. That's why everyone calls me The Queen of Surprises. Not really, actually no one calls me like that. Even I don't... "If we told you Logan and Lindy would kill us. And you already know too much!"

Garrett opens the door for me and I'm totally surprised to see there are more people than usual here. Normally it's rather calm at this hour. I look to my left and see there's built a stage. Weird the stage isn't normally there, would that be a part of the surprise? I see a microphone, amp and drum kit and wonder who's gonna enact something. "For who's the stage?" I ask out loud. "You'll see." Delia says with a huge smile on her face. "Guys, you're here good! I kept some seats at the front row for you. Jasmine, I'm really happy to see you!" she gave me a slight hug and guide us to the seats she retained for us. It was the couch which was standing in front of the stage. We had the best seats. Well it was kinda normal since it was a surprise for me. Still wondered who it was, though. I looked around but couldn't see anyone famous. Lindy came up the stage and grabbed the mic. "So now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Here is our special guest: Jordan Fisher!" I couldn't believe it! JORDAN FISHER - THE JORDAN FISHER WAS GOING TO PERFORM! This was the best day of my life! I was kinda a huge fan of him! He wasn't really, really famous but I'd been following ever since we were quite young. Suddenly he came out of nowhere from behind me. I couldn't believe I didn't see him before. I was so fangirling inside. The crowd - well the people who attended here - went wild. And of course as the major fangirl I was I was pretty excited too. I looked to my right where Garrett and Delia were sitting and they gave me a look that said more than a thousand words. I looked back over to Jordan, who was actually here. Standing only a few footsteps away from me. Unbelievable, how did Logan set up this?! I didn't even knew he knew I was such a big fan of Jordan. Behind Jordan came Logan on stage. I wondered why. Then suddenly a bell started to rung - in my head - Logan was a pretty awesome drummer, maybe he would perform together with Jordan. He was so lucky. I think it was cool Logan was a drummer. I always loved music and it's cool we share the same passion. I knew I was right when Logan sat down on the crutch behind the drums. While he did that Jordan took his guitar, plugged it in and Lindy gave him the mic, which he put on a stand. "Hi, how is everyone doing?" he asked with his way too attractive voice! And again everyone in this room was cheering. I saw Lindy standing next to the stage looking starstruck. I laughed at that idea. Lindy always knew how to act around anyone but around Jordan she had know idea.

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