21. True Love

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Jasmine Pov:

So if you would ask me yesterday who my favourite artist was I would say without any doubt Jordan Fisher. If you ask me today I think I would say I don't have one but two, because you could say what you want but this awesome concert of Jordan Fisher wouldn't be this great if he wasn't accompanied by my friend and the most amazing drummer ever Logan Watson. Like seriously, that boy just got it. The charm, the rhythm, the looks... Everything! Maybe that's why I liked him so much... Those things but also the fact that he was the best friend you could ask for. I mean, a surprise concert of your favorite artist just to make you smile again. He was the sweetest. The whole song I didn't look much at Jordan, my eyes were focused on the drummer. He looked so good in that white shirt and those torn blue jeans... He looked so strong! And hot! He was the most handsome boy I had ever seen.

But the lyrics of the song Jordan was singing didn't pass me, I understood every word. It was like I had written it by myself. And I saw that Logan felt the same way. It was just that look in his eyes. When he saw me looking he smiled and I smiled back, trying to speak with my eyes. He gave me a cute smile and a nodded his head to show he got what I was trying to tell him. We understood each other without words and that was something really special. After tonight, I could never look at him the same way. Maybe there was something between us and he realized that too. The first song ended and everyone cheered and gave them a big applause. They deserved it. "They were awesome, weren't they?!" Delia whispered in my ear. "Totally" I responded.

"For the next song, I would like to perform it as a duet to be honest. Because someone told me, there is a great singer in this room!" Jordan said. I looked around, who could he be talking about and when I looked back to the stage I saw Jordan leave it and come my way. Wait, he didn't mean me right. I couldn't see and definitely not in front of all this people! "Will you be my duet partner?" Jordan asked me while extending his arm. It was a great gesture. I was speechless, did Logan plan this too?! Did he want me to humiliate myself in front of everyone! How did he even know I was a good singer. Not that I was one... I looked to my friends who were nodding and sighing I should grab his hand and sing with him. "I don't know" I said, a little defensive. "Please, I'm right beside you so nothing could go wrong." Jordan looked at me with a sweet smile and how could I say no to him. I looked at Logan who was encouraging me from where he was. Giving me a smile that said: I know you can do it. So I took Jordan's hand and went on stage with him. Lindy handed me a mic and whispered: good look. Delia stook her two thumbs towards me and Garrett smiled. Okay, I had to do this, I would totally rock. And Jordan was by my side and so was Logan. "So what do you wanna sing?" Jordan asked me. I knew the perfect song, which I whispered into his ear. "Okay, we won't need a drummer for this part so Logan maybe you should take a seat on Jasmine's place." Jordan said and Logan shrugged and sat down in the couch. I catch his look and never let it go. He's the one who inspired me to pick this song. Jordan start playing on his guitar and he's the first one to sing.

Logan Pov:

I was really curious which song they were going to sing. It was my idea to let Jasmine perform a song together with Jordan Fisher. I knew she could sing, of course I knew I knew almost everything about her. She was an angel with a heavily voice. I seriously loved to hear her sing, but she didn't like to sing in front of many people and it had been a while since I last heard her.

Jordan start playing on his guitar and I look at Jasmine. She doesn't look away and holds my look. Her eyes say the words she doesn't say out loud. And those make me really happy. She's looking at me again, so I have the feeling this surprise worked out as great as I hoped for it to do.

Jordan: Hmm-mmm-mmm

If I could do it all over, baby I'd do it different
Maybe I wouldn't be here, in this position

Jasmine: I found you and I lost you, looking back is torture

And it hurts to know I let you go, you live right around the corner"

Wow, this song was so... True. Did she choose it on purpose?

Jordan&Jasmine: "And I could've had it all, could've had it all

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: I know I had it

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: was so hard to find

Together: True love, if I could get it back, yeah

I'd never let it go this time

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: Is an inspiration

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: it was mine oh mine

Together: True love, if I could get it back yeah

Never let it go, I'd never let it go this time"

The fact that Jaz looked at me with so many emotions made me realize this song WAS about us. Did she mean we should try to date? Or was I getting the message wrong?

Jasmine: "Feeling it all around me, wondering how I blew it

And I wanna know the secret of how they do it

There's no such thing as perfection, I'm still learning that lesson.

Jordan: To forgive is key to forgetting me

And I'm staring at my reflection

Together: And I could've had it all, could've had it all 

Jordan: It all, yeah

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: was so hard to find

Together: True love, if I could get it back, yeah

I'd never let it go this time

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: Is an inspiration

Jordan: True love

Jasmine: it was mine oh mine

Together: True love, if I could get it back yeah

Never let it go, I'd never let it go this time

Jasmine: If I knew then what I'd do now, I'd be with you tonight

If I knew then what I'd do no, we'd be alright (Be alright!)

And I could've had it all

Jordan: Could've had it all

Jasmine: True love (True Love)

True love (Hmmmm)

True love

I'd never let it go this

Together: Time"

Wow, I was speechless. This song felt like our story and she regretted a part of it and so did I, but this song meant something different, like she was going to give 'us' another chance. Not that we had like a chance before we kinda broke up before we even had something. I hoped she would give us a chance, I wouldn't blew it. We were perfect for each other and I was pretty sure she had realized that too. I couldn't believe it took me so long but I was ready, ready to take our relationship to a whole new level.

I stood up and cheered the hell out of me. I had a huge smile on my face. The whole room was going crazy and I saw Jasmine standing a little shy on the stage. She looked at me and at Jordan. She looked so happy and that made me happy, too. She hugged Jordan and after that she hugged Lindy. Man I would do anything for a hug too but I was sure that was just about time before she would lay in my arms.

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