14. Jealous

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Logan P.O.V:

She left. Why didn't she even wanted to be friends with me anymore? I didn't understand. I thought we had something stronger, something nothing could possibly tear apart. Why did everything change? I wish I had never followed her this morning. One second I thought she was in love with me and the next she told me herself that she didn't want us to be friends anymore. I was way too obsessed with her. That was the problem. The feelings she gave me were so weird and at the same time I didn't want it to stop. She gave me the best feeling ever. And now I had lost her just when I realized I might like her as more than just a friend. I had to tell her but how could I when she didn't want to have me around. Maybe I had to give her some time. When she wanted me to be in her life again she would tell me. Now the only question I had was one for myself. How was I suppose to survive without her by my side? How was I suppose to get on in my life without seeing her?

I was extremely sad when it was lunch time and Jasmine wasn't joining us. She sat together with some friends from her chemistry class. Another upsetting thing was seeing that there were some boys at her table too. I got this really jealous feeling and I wanted to punch that guy who was talking to her right now.

"Why isn't Jasmine sitting with us?" Delia asked all at sudden asked. She looked over at the other table. "I have no idea, but when I tried to speak to her in Spanish class she was acting really strange. I think it's still that boy. Maybe he's the one who's talking to her right now. He is really cute." Lindy said. "No he isn't!" I couldn't hide my jealousy anymore. "Logan? What's up? Why do you act so strange? Are you mad Jasmine isn't sitting with us?" Lindy asked frowning. "No." I said but I knew they could tell I was lying. "Really?! Are you fighting with Jasmine? Because I saw you guys in the hallway this morning and it looked like something was going on!" Lindy said. Did she see us? Had she seen my sad look when Jasmine left? Did she know I liked Jasmine?

"Tell us what's wrong Logan, we are your friends aren't we?!" Delia said and I looked at my friends. "It's something between me and Jaz" I said, I took my plate and left. Before I told them everything. I didn't want them to know, because honestly I felt so stupid.

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