17. What do I have to do?

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Logan P.O.V:

I was laying in the couch in our basement. Just by myself. I was such a mess. I mean first gets a special girl really upset, when I tried to be a friend and figured out - at the same time - it had something to do with me that same girld told me she didn't want to be around me anymore, later on my best friend made me realize I liked her. For short one big mess.

And wasn't even sure I really really like seriously liked Jasmine as more than I friend... I mean I've always liked her. She's cool, sweet, funny, beautiful and she has the prettiest eyes. She makes me laugh and when I'm around her I feel like I can do anything... Oh man, I like her!! Like, really really like her! I could continuing denying but what was the point?! I really liked Jaz. That was a fact!

I had no idea what to do with those feelings! I knew that she liked me, too. But that was before she told me she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I mean she kinda broke up with me, even before we were a thing. Would we ever be together?

I knew I was the one to make things right but how could I possibly do that when she avoided me and spent all her time with other boys?!

I sighted and closed my eyes. This was so unfair! I finally found a really good girl who I really like and then we can't even be together. All my fault. 

What can I do? What should I do? I knew feeling bad for myself wasn't the right thing, but what was the right thing?! If only someone could tell me. At that moment someone walked down the stairs. I sat up and saw the person was my twin sister. She looked pretty surprised when she saw me sitting here with a very sad look on my face.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Rumble Juice with Garrett, did something happen? You look really upset!" she asked concerned and she took place next to me on the bench. "Well to be honest, yes." I said. I decided I could better tell her before Gar did. "Tell!" she demanded.

"I know why Jaz is not around us anymore..." I started, it was better to tell her the whole thing. "Really? How? What's wrong?" she asked a little shocked I knew more than her! "It started when I saw her running away upset when Jenna hugged me-" "Wait what?! Jenna? I thought you two broke up...?!" Lindy said confused. She absolutely didn't like Jenna anymore, after all the bad things she said and I totally agreed with her! "Miss understanding, she thought I didn't mean it when I broke up with her in the first place and she just hugged me again but believe me I made it very clear I didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore! I seriously hope she gets it!" "okay good" Lindy said with a small smile. "Go on about Jas" "So When she ran away upset I followed her to a cool roof hang out place, I will show you tommorow because that place is the bomb! But I saw Jaz sitting there crying and listening to music. I asked her what was wrong and I linked the stituation with me and Jenna so I asked her if it had something to do with that. She asked really strange and said she didn't like me but the way she said it it was like she liked me! She ran away from me, leaving me confused." "Wow" Lindy was speechless. "When you think about it, it concurs with what she said me about the boy she had an enormous crush on! You and her pretend to be a couple to let Jenna take notice of you!" "A huge mistake if you ask me, even though... The part of being a couple with Jasmine wasn't a mistake. It actually felt good. But I wasn't finished with my story yet. So I wanted explanation about what just happened so I confront her, that's when she told me she didn't want to be my friend anymore. She said she needed time which was acually a conformation of liking me. But what I didn't knew then was how much I liked her back. I noticed when I got jealous and later on Garrett helped me figure out my feelings. He knew it before I." "Y-you look Jas?!" Lindy stared at me with her mouth open. "I guess..." I said looking away. I kinda forgot she was Jaz's best friend. This must be really weird for her: she first found out her best friend had a crush on her twin brother and a few seconds later she found out that same brother had a crush on her best friend too.

"I'm happy for you guys, really! It's just a shock. I mean I never expect that to happen. I mean you guys do have a lot chemistry but... Wow... I should've known it, I mean the way you guys were pretending to be a couple even when Mike and Jenna weren't around. Garr said even something about it but I said he was being ridiculous. Guess he wasn't!" she smiled but you could still see the confusing in her eyes. "I wish I could be happy too. But she doesn't talk to me anymore, remember! I have seriously no idea what I have to do to make things right. Because if I learned something the few days it is that without Jaz I'm totally lost!" "You guys are so sweet. I think it's more than just a crush! You're really in love with her!" "Don't go to fast Lins, please. Is liking not enough for now? I never even had a serious girlfriend? But I want Jaz to be mine! Can you help me?!" I was desperate.

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