6. Feeling bad about it

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"So how are things with Jenna?" I asked Logan. We were sitting at our lunch table. Garrett, Delia and Lindy were also here. "Good I guess..." Logan said. I avoid his eyes because I didn't want him to see that I was a little upset. I knew that I had to let it go but it was too soon. "Good I guess? Don't you know how things are with your girlfriend?!" Lindy said looking a bit confused. "Girlfriend?!" Delia and Garrett said at the same time, they looked pretty shocked. So it was official?! They were dating? The feeling I had right now was similar to a knife in my heart. It tore me apart. "Didn't you guys knew?" Lindy asked. "Why didn't you tell them Logan?" "Yeah why didn't you tell us?" Garrett said a little defended. "I thought we were friends..." Delia said, she looked a bit mad at Logan. "Did you knew Jas?" she asked me. But I could barely hear that. I couldn't speak. "Jas?" she repeated. I looked at her and said: "No but I, uhm, expected it." I hoped it sounded like my normal happy voice. "Yeah, that's right you two fake dated to get Jenna and Mike jealous right?" Garrett said. I just nodded and Logan said: "Yes and I'm really thankfull for that because now I got all Jenna's attention" I tried to smile happy but it really didn't work out well. "I'm happy for you" I said like someone with toothache and I was pretty sure that was how my smile looked right now. "Are you okay Jaz?" Logan asked really concerned. Like he cared... "I'm fine" I said while I took my plate and got up. "I forgot I have to do something, bye" I said unhappy. I just couldn't take it any longer. I wanted to go away so I didn't have to pretend I was happy anymore. I also didn't wanted to know every little detail of Logan's relationship because I knew that was the next subject. "Oh okay, bye" Delia said. My four friends looked very confused but I didn't want to explain anything. Just when I was about to left the cafeteria Jenna came in and hugged Logan before she took my place at their table. I gave them a last jealous look and was about to cry. I ran away as fast as I could. But the image of Jenna and Logan was still fresh in my mind and I couldn't think about something else.

Logan P.O.V:

"That was weird" I said still looking at Jasmine who was about to leave. She was putting her lunch away and was about to leave. I wondered what was wrong with her. She really looked sad. I wasn't the only one who was confused. I saw the same look on the faces of Delia and Garrett. Only Lindy wasn't really confused. "Indeed" Garrett said. "She acted so not-Jasmine you know" Delia said and I agreed with her. Lindy was the only one who didn't say something about the situation. "Do you know what's wrong with her?" I asked Lindy she was about to answer when Jenna hugged me from behind. "Hi Pup" she said with a big smile. "So I was thinking you, me janitors closet." she said winking. "I'm sorry Jenn, I'm not in the mood" I said honest. I was thinking about Jaz and I was really anxiously. Jenna took my hand and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I heard my friends giggling and I knew that they were laughing at us. It must've looked very stupid, like it was. If I knew Jenna would be this devoted I would never fake dated Jasmine. Even though I actually enjoyed those moments with her. She was a pretty awesome girlfriend. A better one than Jenna would ever be. She was so corny and she didn't leave me alone, she was always there. I was lucky she didn't came over when I was hanging out with my friends at my place or that she didn't have much classes together with me. 

"If you don't mind Jenna, I was actually talking with my friends about a good friend. She's really upset and we all want to figure out what's wrong with her." I said and Jenna's face turned from happiness into anger. "A girl friend you mean, because the last time I checked I was your girlfriend!" she said really jealous. Oh no, this wasn't gonna end well. "But okay if you want to be with that stupid and ugly friend of yours I don't stop you, just remember I'm more perfect than she will ever be. By the way I know you are talking about that annoying friend of yours, Jasmine." "Excuse me?!!" Lindy said and she was about to burst out bad things so I stopped her by saying: "I don't know if you know but Jasmine is a really beautiful girl and she is really fun. She's awesome and no one is as perfect as she is! No one talks about a friend of me like that! Understood! And certainly not when she is one of the coolest persons I've ever met! And she's a better girlfriend than you will ever be. I'm sorry Jenna but if that's the way you think about my friends it's over! I don't want to see you ever again!" I stood up in anger and what did that girl think that she could talk about Jaz like that?! I looked at Jenna and my friends and they had all the same face expression: shocked. Delia and Garrett's mouths were wide open and Lindy looked senseless.  "If that's what you want, I never liked you anyway!" Jenna said in anger she slapped me in the face before she left but I didn't feel the pain because of all those emotions I felt inside. "That felt good."

"So Lindy please tell me what's wrong with Jaz?" I asked. It took some time before she acted normal again. "I promised her I wouldn't tell you, I'm sorry" Lindy said but I knew she didn't agree with that. "But we really care about her" Delia said, she found her voice again too. "Yeah I mean were friends right?!" Garrett said and there was no way Lindy wouldn't tell us about what happened. "Okay but don't tell her I told you, okay?" Garrett, Delia and I nodded and Lindy start telling: "So I saw her a while ago in the hallway and I saw she was crying so I sat down with her. She told me she liked this boy that didn't saw her like that and she was really upset because he had a girlfriend. She wanted to tell him but I think it didn't work out well I mean she's really down the last days. It probably has to do something with that." Lindy said. I felt bad for Jaz I knew how that felt - or actually I didn't but I could imagine it. "Oh, Pour Jas" Delia said and Garrett and I nodded. I really wanted to comfort her and tell her everything would be fine. Jaz didn't deserve to be unhappy she was one of the greatest girls in the world and she deserved so much better than a boy who didn't notice how great she was! "Do you know who's the boy she's talking about?" I asked because I wanted to know so I could punch that guy in the face. Ugh, I hated that boy.

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