Chapter Three

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Rylie's P.O.V

On the bus ride to Harry's house we got to know each other a little bit more. I don't know why, but I felt comfortable talking to him. I told him all about my family, how high maintenance they were, and how I didn't wanted to be associated with them and be considered a 'snob.'

He told me about his family, and how difficult it was to deal with his parent's divorce. It was weird telling your life story to someone who you just met, especially when their a celebrity. But talking to him made me realize that celebrities are just normal people as well; they all have a story.

For some reason I still had a weird feeling about all of this though. Why would a huge celebrity talk to me, and want to take me to their house to meet their friends? The only reason I could think of is that he wanted to get in my pants, and I was certainly not going to do that. I'd have to keep an eye out on him.

We arrived at the bus stop and got off. One Direction's flat was only a few blocks away, so we decided to walk. It's strange to say that. Like 'Oh I'm just going to One Direction's flat no big deal.' Most teenage girls would die to be saying that right now, but it doesn't really phase me. The whole 'I'm One Direction I'm sooo famous' thing doesn't phase me either. After talking with Harry on the  bus, I realized that they are just normal people, and I am gong to treat them that way no matter what kind of famous card they pull on me. 

We turned the corner and Harry pointed to a flat, which I'm guessing was his. I imagined it to be this huge bachelor pad with girls coming and going as they please, but it was just a normal flat.

Me and Harry walked up the walkway, and he opened the door, allowing me to enter first. 

"Harreh is that you?! Where have you been all day mate?" A figure came into our view. I knew all of the boy's names and faces, I mean who wouldn't, their everywhere! But I wasn't sure if it was Louis or Liam, the L names always mixed me up. Any other girl would probably gasp at me for not knowing who was who, but can you blame me? I'm not a fan!

"Oh hello!" He said looking at me. "I'm Louis" He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Rylie"

"I thought you were just going to the ATM Harry, not coming back with a pretty lady!" Louis said.

"Well yeah it's kind of a funny story.." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Actually it wasn't even funny...he basically stalked me" I said, blowing up his spot.

Louis gave us a confused look, and then turned around when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The other three boys of One Direction came trotting into the kitchen where we were standing.

"Boys, this is Rylie, Harry stalked her and brought her home with him" Louis said bluntly.

"Hey I'm Zayn" 

"I'm Liam"

"And I'm Niall"

I nodded and said hello. Niall kept his gaze on me for a bit longer than the others. I quickly looked at him to see if he was still looking at me. He was. I blushed and look down, and he was finally knocked out of his daze.

"So you stalked her Haz?" Zayn asked.

"It's not exactly like that" He started saying, "We bumped into each other and I accidentally knocked her down. When she stood up I thought she was really pretty so I went to ask what her name was but she said she was going to be late for school and ran off and-"

I interrupted him. "He saw the sign on the bus that said I was going to BU so he got the next bus and followed me there and waited at the bus stop for me to come back"

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