Chapter Twelve

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Rylie's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up to an empty spot next to me. Where was Harry? I sat up in bed, and a piece of paper fell off of my stomach. I picked it up and read it.


Had to go to tour rehearsal this morning, I'll be done around 7. In the meantime, enjoy the breakfast I made you, you might have to heat it up cause I know you sleep until 12 :) 

Love, Harry

P.S You look cute when you sleep <3 

I looked at my phone to check the time. 12:26.

I smiled at Harry's note and went downstairs and into the kitchen. On the table was a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns, along with a glass of orange juice on the side. I heated the plate up and sat down, starting to eat it. I picked up my phone and took a picture of me eating the eggs, and sent it to Harry.

Me: Thanks for breakfast! It's amazing!

I laughed at myself and put my phone back down. It vibrated as soon as I placed it on the table, so I picked it up and opened the text from Harry.

Harry: Glad you like it, good morning beautiful

Me: Good morning <3

Who knew I could smile this much. especially when I just woke up. Only Harry has that effect on me.

I put my plate in the sink when l was finished, and went upstairs to take a shower. After my shower I put on some black leggings and a big sweatshirt, and went downstairs to watch a movie. I picked out Pitch Perfect; it was my favorite movie, and put it in the dvd player. I sat back down and grabbed the remote, about to press play, when the doorbell rang. I hopped off of the couch and headed to the door. I opened it, revealing a spanish man holding a bouquet of roses.

"Ms. Lare?" The man asked me.

"That's me" I said.

"These are for you" He said, handing the roses over to me. I looked at them surprised.

"Thank you very much" I said. He nodded and walked back into his truck. I closed the door and set the flowers on the kitchen table, and took out the note that was attached to it.

Thought you would enjoy some roses while I'm gone for the day, Miss you already xx -Harry

I smiled, and got butterflies in my stomach. Harry was so sweet. At first I had some doubts last night before I fell asleep, that Harry got what he wanted, and he would dump me. But knowing that he's doing caring things for me just to make me smile, makes me feel so overjoyed.

I texted Harry and thanked him for the flowers, and sat back down on the couch to watch the movie.


The ending credits were rolling, and it was now dark outside. It was 5 P.M which means that Harry would be done with rehearsal in two hours. Wow, now that I think about it, thats a long day, rehearsing from 9-7. I guess they had to, if they wanted their tour to be really good.

I was scrolling through twitter, reading some of the tweets people sent me, some were mean,  but most of them were nice and the fans were very supportive. A few seconds later the doorbell rang again. What was Harry sending me now? He's done so much for me today already what more could he do! 

I walked to the front door, and opened it, revealing something I never expected, and never wanted to see again.

The man from the club.

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