Chapter Nine

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Rylie's P.O.V

It's been about two weeks since me and Harry went on our first date when he asked me out. Since then we've been on two more dates, and I was falling for him more and more everyday. It is so strange to think that I thought he was a crazy stalker when I first met him, and that I would never like him. Getting to know him has completely changed my thoughts about him. He's still a huge flirt, but now I'm used to it.

Me and the boys were sitting on the couch at their house, just sitting around and talking. I've gotten really close with all of them. Niall and I were still good friends, leaving the past behind us. I'd say I've gotten the closest with Zayn. We get along really well and he's just nice to talk to, about anything. Harry gets angry sometimes when I hangout with Zayn, though I always assure him that we are just friends. And besides, Zayn has Perrie.

"So Rylie, when do you finish up with school?" Louis asked me.

"Next month, the second week of May" I said to him. His face lit up. Oh gosh, what is he thinking of in that crazy brain of his?

"Boys" He said, using both of his index fingers to usher the boys to come closer to him. They all scrambled out of their seats and got into a group huddle. What the hell were they doing? And why wasn't I allowed in on the secret?!

They whispered to each other for a minute or two, then separated from the huddle and all sat back onto one couch, smiling at me.

"Harry, you may do the honors" Louis said.

"No I want to!" Zayn said.

"Okay then Zayn tell her" Louis said.

"No me!" Harry yelled back.

"Me!" Zayn argued. 

As Harry and Zayn were arguing, Niall shook his head.

"DO YOU WANT TO COME ON TOUR WITH US!!!" Niall screamed over the other two boy's shouts.

On tour with them? Like on the road and stuff?

"What?" I asked surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah, we start the American tour in the beginning of June so you won't have school and we can live on the tour bus together and have a slumber party every night and stay up till 4 A.M and-"

Louis was interrupted by Liam. "Lou, she didn't even agree yet"

" will you?!" Louis asked, looking at me.

"'re going to have to give me more details here boys. How long is the tour? What am I going to do about my apartment? And won't I annoy you guys, always having a girl around?"

"The tour goes until the end of August, so you'll be back before school starts again!" Zayn said.

"And for your hires someone to look after our house while were gone, so well just tell them to look after yours as well!" Niall said.

"And lastly, you will most definitely not annoy us, and besides..our girlfriends will be coming at various times, so you'll have some girls to hangout with for a change!" Liam said, referring to him, Louis and Zayn.

They all stared at me..waiting for me to answer.

This was a big risk to take. Was I ready to live on the road for two months? Was I ready to live together with Harry, and the rest of the boys? I would say 'Was I ready to leave my parents?' but they could give two shits about where I am. This is going to be a big test, to see if mine and Harry's relationship would work out. I guess l'll just dive into it head first, and not second guess anything.

After sorting things out with myself for a minute or two, and the boys staring at me, I finally gave them an answer.

"Okay I'll go" I said, smiling at them. They all jumped up and engulfed me into a hug. l could barely breathe because of how tight they were hugging me. It feels good to be loved by people for once. After the boys hugged me they let go and jumped on the couch, screaming and shouting. Harry looked at me and pulled me into a hug of his own.

"I'm so glad you're coming with us" He said.

"Me  too" I said to him, as we pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other. He leaned his head in and pressed his warm lips against mine. He kept his arms around my waist as he kissed me. After a few seconds, the boys all jumped on us to make us stop, and tackled us to the ground.

"Ow" I mumbled from the bottom of the pile. They all got off of me and Harry helped me get up.

"I think we should celebrate tonight!" Louis said.

"Yeah! Lets go to the club!" Niall added.

"Do you want to?" Harry asked me.

"Sure!" I said, smiling. This should be fun.

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