Chapter Sixteen

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Harry's P.O.V

l woke up this morning feeling the same way I always do. Sad. Depressed. Angry. Lonely. But something inside me tried to be more lively today. Since we were going to America, I had to talk to the boys, and actually show some emotion, so I walked downstairs with a small skip in my step.

I saw Zayn already downstairs eating in the kitchen. Weird, Zayn is always up last. Well ever since...Rylie left...I have been the one to always wake up at random hours in the afternoon.

"Morning Zayn" I said while grabbing a bowl out of the cabinet.

He stared at me with his mouth open.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"You talked!!" He said happily.

"Were going on tour, I have to get out of this funk and get ready to perform. I'm sorry for being such a downer the past few weeks. It's just been really hard to deal with..." I sighed.

"No need to apologize mate, I would feel the same way. I'm glad you're coming alive again though my dude" He said while getting up and patting my back.

I finished my breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready. I finished brushing my teeth and put my toothbrush and toothpaste into my suitcase and carried it downstairs. I repeated this action four times. What? I had a lot of clothes!

"THE BUS IS HERE" Louis yelled so loud the neighbors probably woke up from it.

We all scrambled outside, pulling our suitcases behind us. The boys all put their stuff in first, and hopped on the bus, leaving me to be last and doing it by myself. I pushed my first suitcase in with no problem, but the second one I had to keep pushing in to make it stay put. I gave it one last push, but it still fell out. Then I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Do you mind putting my stuff in too?" I knew that voice from anywhere. My heart basically stopped as I turned around. It was Rylie, and she was pulling two suitcases behind her.

"RYLIE!" I basically screamed. I let my suitcase fall out of the storage unit and ran over to her, attacking her in a hug. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, holding onto each other tightly, never wanting to let go. I can't believe she was back, and I was holding her right now. I smiled and sighed a breath of relief into the crook of her neck. She sniffled and I pulled away to look at her. She was crying.

"I missed you s-so much Harry" She said in between sobs. I wiped the tears off of her face and hugged her again. I wanted to stay like this forever. "I missed you too Rylie, more than you can ever imagine" I pulled away from the hug and kissed her, for the first time in almost a month. And let me tell you, it felt amazing to kiss her again.

A few seconds later we were interrupted by the boys running off of the bus and engulfing Rylie into a hug. She laughed and hugged them back. Instantly, my mood changed, and I felt better, going back to the way I was before Rylie left.

"I knew you would come!" Zayn said excitedly. 

"Wait..what do you mean you knew she would come?" I asked confused.

"Oh right..well.." He said, looking at Rylie.

"Me and Zayn bumped into each other last night in Bradford in a drugstore, and he convinced me to come on tour with you guys, and here I am" She said smiling.

"You knew and didn't tell me? You dick!" I said, playfully pushing Zayn.

"I'm sorry bro!" He said laughing. "She told me not to tell you guys that I saw her!"

"Sorry to interrupt but we've got to get on that bus right now if we want to catch our flight in time. We can catch up more on the bus!" Liam said, ushering us onto the bus.

Paul, our bodyguard, stuffed mine and Rylie's suitcases onto the bottom of the bus as we got on and all sat down on the couches. I sat down and pulled Rylie onto my lap, wanting to be as close to her as possible.

I leaned my head on her shoulder, smiling, while the others talked to her. I was too happy to talk, I can't believe she came back.

"So you were staying in Bradford?" Liam asked her.

"Yeah, my parents live there so I just stayed with them" She replied.

"And Dave hasn't been able to find you right?" Niall asked.

"Nope, and even if he did he wouldn't been able to know where I was because I never left my house. Going to the drugstore yesterday was one of the first times I went outside, and I'm sure as hell glad I did" She said looking at Zayn.

"Me too!" I said, still smiling. She looked at me and pecked my lips softly.

We finally got to the airport, and hopped off of the bus. We managed to make our way inside, squeezing through the screaming fans. Most of them were screaming Rylie's name, wondering when she came back. Our fans have actually been really supportive of mine and Rylie's relationship, though there are a few haters, but we don't pay any mind to them.

We made it to the gate where our private jet was waiting for us. We walked outside onto the runway and headed towards the plane. The door to the plane opened, and I let Rylie go up the stairs and onto the plane first. We made it onto the plane and sat down next to each other, waiting for the plane to take off.

The plane started to move, and Rylie grabbed my hand tightly. She didn't like the takeoff part of the flight. I looked at her and smile, and she smiled back, nervously.

"It'll be okay" I said rubbing her hand. She curled up next to me and waited for the plane to accelerate into the air. 

Once we were up in the air, she calmed down a bit, and we started talking and catching up.

"So you stayed with your parents? How was that? I mean..I know you don't like them very much" I said to her.

"It was alright, they didn't even seem to care that I was there. They didn't even care about me getting attacked and stalked..." She said quietly.

"Really? Wow, they must be awful people.." I said.

"Yeah and they raised an awful person as well. Harry, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for  leaving, and not saying goodbye. I feel terrible, and when Zayn told me that you completely shut down I hated myself even more for doing it"

"Don't apologize, it's something that you felt you needed to do, and I respect you decision. I'm just glad you're back" I said, wrapping her in a hug. "I've missed you so much"

"I missed you too Harry" She said yawning.

"Tired?" I asked her.

"Mhm. I didn't get much sleep last night, I kept going back and forth with my decision to come with you guys. But I'm really happy I did" She said.

"Me too" I said smiling. "Now get some sleep, we have a long flight ahead of us" I said.

She nodded and rested her head in my lap, and I played with her hair until she fell asleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I've been uploading a lot this weekend because I'm so busy with school and work during the week that I barely have time to update! So I'm trying to make up for it by updating a lot! Thank for reading! And read my other story too! 

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