Chapter Twenty One

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Harry's P.O.V

I threw my phone across the room. It bounced off of the couch opposite me and landed on the floor. I stood up, and walked out of the room furiously, and headed outside to get some fresh air, but not before bumping into Zayn and Lou.

"Hey Haz, where are you going?" Zayn asked.

I ignored them and pushed past them. "Harry whats wrong mate?" Lou said, running after me.

I started to run, to get away from the boys as fast as I could. I know I shouldn't take it out on them, but I'm so angry. So upset. So hurt.

When I finally lost the boys, I opened the back door of the arena and stepped outside. I huffed and ran my hands through my hair. 

Why would she do that to me? I never thought she would cheat on me. I thought she loved me. We just talked about getting married and having kids last night; we planned out our future together...

That just threw me over the edge. I kicked the brick building, and pounded my fist into the hard surface. I would probably be wincing in pain at the moment, but my anger has my blood boiled so high, I was completely numb.

After my anger subsided, I slide down the wall with my head in my hands. I took a deep breath, and tried to sort this mess out. My first instinct was: why would she cheat on me? I don't think she would do that to me. I didn't think she would do that to me. But I saw the pictures, and the article, with my own eyes.

Before I had more time to think, the door flew open and revealed an out of breath Niall.

"Harry! What are you doing! Were on in 5 minutes!" Niall yelled, but then saw the state I was in.

"Whats wrong?!" He asked worried, running over to me.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, let's go" I said, while walking back into the building. How was I supposed to perform like this? I quickly ran into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, in the hopes that it would calm me down a bit. I needed to put on a  good performance, for my fans, and I couldn't let the boys down. 

When I finished in the bathroom, I walked through the doors that led to the backstage area. As I entered, the backstage crew attached my in-ears and gave me my microphone, and I immediately ran onto the stage a few steps behind the boys.


Rylie's P.O.V

After the girls and I got back to the hotel, we dropped our bags off and fixed up our hair and makeup in Lou and Eleanor's room, because I had forgotten my key in my room, and then made our way to the venue for the boy's concert.

We got to the concert and followed Preston backstage to where the boy's dressing room was. We approached the room right as the boys were exiting. They looked pretty stressed, and worried. What happened? And where was Harry?

"Lads were on in ten minutes we need to find him now" Liam said nervously.

"Whats wrong?" Danielle asked him.

"And wheres Harry?" I added.

"We don't know. Me and Lou bumped into him about fifteen minutes ago but he ignored us and ran away. He seemed really angry" Zayn said.

"Angry? Angry about what?" I asked.

Louis shrugged. "My guess is as good as yours, but we need to find him right now"

"I'll go look for him" Niall said, while running down the hallway.

I started to get really worried. Where was he? And what was wrong with him? My hands started to sweat and I was getting nervous, not knowing what happened to Harry that had made him angry.

A few minutes later Niall came backstage stating that he had found Harry, then quickly put his in-ears in and got ready to go onstage.

Then the backstage door opened again, and a disheveled looking Harry walked through. His hair was a mess and his right hand was scraped up. What the hell happened to him?

The backstage crew helped him clip his stuff on, and he grabbed his microphone and ran on stage, not even looking over to me once.


Harry was off the entire concert; he wasn't himself at all. He usually looks at me during a few songs, and sings them to me, but he didn't do that at all tonight. I really wanted the concert to be over, so I could ask him what was bothering him. Did he get bad news before me and the girls arrived? I was so anxious to know what happened.

After the last song of the concert the boys came running off, dripping with sweat, yet jumping up and down with excitement. Except for Harry. After the boys hugged each other Harry stormed off into the dressing room. I went to follow him but Zayn called my name, wanting a hug.

"Congrats Zayn! You guys were amazing!" I said.

"Thanks Ry!" He replied.

"Did you guys find out what was wrong with Harry?" I asked him.

"No, not yet. I'll go check now" He said, while running off to the dressing room.

About five minutes later Zayn returned backstage.

"Thats weird. He wasn't in the dressing room. And all of his stuff is gone as well" Zayn said, attracting the attention of the rest of the boys, and Eleanor and Danielle.

"Do you think he went back to the hotel?" I asked everyone.

Louis shrugged. "Let's go check"

We all agreed, and quickly grabbed our stuff, wanting to get to Harry as fast as we could.

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