Chapter Fourteen

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Rylie's P.O.V

Its been a few weeks since I've left the hospital, and Harry has constantly been by my side. He's too afraid to leave me alone. I've been spending a lot of time with the boys, sleeping over their house and going to their tour rehearsals when I didn't have class. The police still haven't found the man that attacked me and tried to rob me, and that scared me a lot. He was still out on the loose; who knows where he was. Ever since the incident happened, I always look around me when I'm out in public, to make sure no one is following me or looking at me. I've become a lot more paranoid.

Today was finally my last day of school, and I was going over to the boy's house to celebrate after. When I left their house this morning they made me close my eyes, and walked me to the front door because they didn't want me to see the decorations they put up for me. 

I finished my last class, and walked out of the building towards the bus stop. I sat on the bench for about ten minutes, until the bus arrived. The doors opened, and I climbed up the steps and took a seat next to the window. As I was waiting for the rest of the students to get on I looked out the window, at nothing in particular. Until I saw him. Staring right at me.

My eyes widened as the man from the club, in which I learned from the police that his name was Dave Fregger, continued staring at me, with an evil smirk on his face. I quickly turned my head, and closed my eyes, praying that he wouldn't hurt me. I looked back to see where he was, and he was gone. I sighed in relief, until I heard his voice at the front of the bus.

"Please let me on sir I need to be somewhere right now!" Dave said to the bus driver.

"I'm sorry but there are no more available seats, the next bus will arrive in fifteen minutes" The bus driver said to him.

He sighed in frustration and looked at me, giving me an evil look, before walking off of the bus.

This was getting too far. I'm sick of always being followed, or watched by someone, who just wants money. Maybe I'll just give it to him, to make him go away. No I can't do that, I can't ask my parents for extra money, they already give me enough as it is. What would have happened if he got on the bus? Would he have gotten off at the same stop as me? Would he have followed me? I don't know, but all I know is that he's still after me, and I was utterly terrified.

Throughout the bus ride I did some serious thinking. I couldn't stay here any longer, I can't live my entire life in fear, knowing that someone is after me. I know I'm going to regret this decision entirely, but I need to leave. But leaving London also means leaving the boys, and it broke my heart even thinking about it. Maybe I'll come back, if the police eventually find the guy. But for right now, I need to get the hell out of here.

The bus stopped near the boy's house. I didn't get off. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the bus pulled away from the bus stop and continued to the next stop. I might never see the boys again, at least not for awhile. I hated to leave the boys without saying goodbye, but I just couldn't face them.

I got home and took out a suitcase, packing my clothes into it. I decided that I would stay at my parent's house in Bradford, even though I didn't want to. They knew about the man stalking and attacking me, but they didn't seem to care. They agreed to let me stay for awhile though. I finished packing all of my stuff up, and went downstairs to write a goodbye letter to the boys. I got out a piece of paper and a pen and sat down.

Dear Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam,

I absolutely hate that I'm saying this right now, but I'm leaving London. I know I am going to regret this decision, but I can't live my life in fear anymore, knowing that someone is stalking my every move. I saw the man again today, he was at my school and tried to get on the bus with me. Luckily, there were no more seats. I wake up every day petrified, that he is going to find me, and hurt me even more. I can't thank you boys enough for being there for me throughout it all, and protecting me in any way that you could. I couldn't build up the courage to say goodbye to you guys face to face. I knew you wouldn't let me leave, but it's something I need to do. I don't know if I'm coming back, but I'm changing my phone number so the man has no way of finding me. Don't worry about me while I'm gone, enjoy your fantastic and amazing lives and I know I'll be seeing you everywhere, even though you won't see me. I'll miss you guys more than words can describe, and thank you guys for being the most amazing friends a girl can have. And Harry, thank you for everything, you made me feel like a princess every single day, and took such good care of me. I love you Harry. So much.

                                                     Until we meet again, Rylie xx

I wiped the tears off of my face, and folded up the note, putting it in my coat pocket. I called a cab, and about fifteen minutes it arrived. I put my suitcase in the back, and slid inside the taxi. I told him to take me to the boy's house first, and then to drive me to my parent's. 

When we got to the boy's flat I quickly got out of the car and walked to the front door, I took a small rock from the ground and put the note on the floor in front of the door, with the rock holding it down. I rang the doorbell and quickly ran back into the cab, telling the driver to go fast. He sped away.

I looked back one last time, to see Harry picking up the note. I turned back around, not wanting to see his reaction. I know I broke his heart, and I will never forgive myself for it.

Harry's P.O.V

Rylie should be on her way here now after her last day of school. The boys and I were waiting in the kitchen for her to arrive. We decorated the house and even made a cake for her. 

The doorbell rang, and I went to go open it. The boys followed behind me, getting their silly string and party poppers ready. I opened the door and the boys and I 'woooo'ed and sprayed the silly string. But there was no one there. On the floor was a note that was secured under a rock. I picked up the note, and brought it inside and read it.

Dear Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam,

I absolutely hate that I'm saying this right now, but I'm leaving London. I can't live my life in fear anymore, knowing that someone is stalking my every move. I saw the man again today, he was at my school and tried to get on the bus with me. Luckily, there were no more seats. I wake up every day petrified, that he is going to find me, and hurt me even more. I can't thank you boys enough for being there for me throughout it all, and protecting me in any way that you could. I couldn't build up the courage to say goodbye to you guys face to face. I knew you wouldn't let me leave, but it's something I  need to do. I don't know if I'm coming back, but I'm changing my phone number so the man has no way of finding me. Don't worry about me while I'm gone, enjoy your fantastic and amazing lives and I know I'll be seeing you everywhere, even though you won't see me. I'll miss you guys more than words can describe, and thank you guys for being the most amazing friends a girl can have. And Harry, thank you for everything, you made me feel like a princess every single day, and took such good care of me. I love you Harry. So much.

                                                     Until we meet again, Rylie xx

I dropped the note in shock. She's gone. 

"Whats wrong Harry?" Zayn said while picking up the note.

"Sh-She's gone. She left." I said, practically speechless.

"What do you mean she left?!" Niall said, grabbing the note out of Zayn's hand. The boy's read the note, then we all looked up at each other. 

"He..found her again?" Louis said quietly. I've never seen him so serious.

"And she's not coming back?" Liam asked.

And thats when it hit me. I'll never see her again. The girl I loved, just walked out of my life. She even said in the note that she loved me too. Why couldn't we talk about this? We all could have taken a little vacation somewhere else before the tour started. The tour. This means she's not coming on tour either. My heart felt like it collapsed. She's really gone. 

Tears poured out of my eyes and I collapsed to the ground, sobbing. The boys rushed over to me, trying to comfort me, but nothing they said or did could make me feel better right now. I stayed on the floor, for who knows how long. I was completely numb.

About thirty minutes later Niall walked through the front door and I looked up. He threw the keys on the kitchen counter and sighed.

"Her apartment is locked and all of the blinds are closed and everything" He said sadly.

"This can't be happening" I whispered. "She can't leave."

But it did happen, and she did leave.

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