Chapter Eight

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Rylie's P.O.V

Today was Monday, which means back to my usual routine of going to class. I got to class a bit early, so I sat down in a seat and took out my phone. I opened up twitter and saw that I gained about 2,000 followers. The boys have been tagging me in several tweets, and Zayn put up a picture of me with cake batter smeared on my face from yesterday when we made a cake for no reason at all. My mentions were filled with One Direction fans asking me how l know the boys  or telling me how luck l am. I guess to any directioner I would be considered lucky, but to me their just normal friends, with not so normal lives. 

More and more people starting piling into class and a few minutes later the professor walked in. He started up the projector screen and pulled up a powerpoint presentation, in which we had to copy down notes. This particular class was a lecture class, meaning there were about 60 or 70 people in an auditorium-like room, and the professor spoke and we took notes. It was rather boring, but I had to take the class to get the credits.

I was copying the notes on the screen when my phone vibrated on my desk. I picked it up and saw that I had a text from Harry.

Harry: I see you :) Come outside!

I looked to my right, at the door, and saw Harry's head peaking through the glass. What the hell?!

Me: What are you doing here?! I can't just ditch class!

Harry: I'm here to take you on our first date :) Yes you can, your teacher looks like a blind bat that can't even stand up straight, he won't even realize you're gone, especially with the 70 other people in the room!

Me: Ugh fine, but if I get caught I'm blaming you!

I closed my book and grabbed my belongings. Luckily, I wasn't too far from the aisle, so I just had to pass a few people to get to the door. I successfully made my way through and walked out of the door. Harry was standing there waiting for me.

"The things I do for you Styles" I said, shaking my head.

"Hello I'm great, thanks for asking" Harry said sarcastically. 

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. We started walking down the hall towards the exit.

"So where are we going?" I asked, turning my head to look at Harry.

"Well I'm reaaally in the mood for ice cream so l thought we could go to La Gelatiera!" Harry said, acting like a giddy five year old.

"Sounds good to me" I said laughing at him.

We walked out of the building and made our way to the gelato shop.


Harry held the door for me as I walked into the ice cream store. I thanked him, and he followed me inside. We walked up to the counter, and pondered about what flavor we were going to get. 

"I'm gonna get..." I said, trying to decide.

"Chocolate" Me and Harry said at the same time.

We looked at each other, our eyes were wide open. "Awesome!" Harry said, high fiving me. I swear I think he's a five year old stuck in an eighteen year olds body.

We ordered the ice cream, and the man behind the counter handed us our cups. We thanked him, and Harry paid for both of our ice creams. We sat down at a small table, and started talking and eating.

"Sooo, how was class?" Harry asked me.

"Boring as usual, until my prince charming came and saved me" I said in a dramatic way.

Harry laughed, almost spitting his ice cream out of his mouth.

"I know I know, I'm just good like that" He said, flipping his curls.

"Oh don't flatter yourself Harry" I said sarcastically.

His mouth opened as he stared at me. "Rude" He said. What a diva. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued eating my ice cream.

Me and Harry talked about everything; from our favorite foods, favorite color, what we like to do in our free time, our families, and a lot more.  We were both getting down to the end of our ice cream.

I scooped the ice cream into my spoon, scraping the bottom of the cup, when I saw letters. Who puts letters on the bottom of an ice cream cup?

I looked at the word... "Will"

I looked over at Harry's cup, and saw that it was empty, with no writing on the bottom.

"Why does my cup have writing on it?" I asked Harry. He shrugged. "Maybe you got the special cup!" He said with a huge grin on his face.

"What a weirdo.." I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?" Harry asked me, even though he knew what I said.

"Nothing" I replied back.

"Yeah yeah, finish your ice cream" He said in a sarcastic way.

I took another scoop of ice cream and put it in my mouth, looking down at the cup again. Another word: "You"

Another scoop... "Be"

And another.. "My"

I scooped the last bit of ice cream that revealed the last word: "Girlfriend?" 

Will you be my girlfriend?

I looked up at Harry with a confused face. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Soo..what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend Rylie?"

What! Harry did this?! This was the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me!

"Of course!" I said smiling, and he leaned over the table to kiss me.

"How did you even do that?!" I asked him, looking at the bottom of the cup where the sentence was formed.

"I came here before I came to your class and told Enzo, the guy at the counter, what I was going to do. I wrote on the cup with Sharpie and he left it aside for when we came in" The smile on Harry's face showed that he was proud of what he did.

"Well it was lovely, thank you Harry. No ones ever done anything nice like that to me before" I said.

"No ones ever done anything nice for you? Like give you flowers? Or chocolate? Or stuffed teddy bears?!" He was so surprised by this.

"Nope. I didn't have many friends or boyfriends, mainly because my parents were so snobby and stuck up, and everyone else thought I was like that as well, which I'm not" 

"Well that, my love, is about to change very soon" He said. "Come on, lets go" Harry said, grabbing my cup and throwing it out for me. Then we walked out of the gelato shop, hand in hand.

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