three : injuries

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We get Octavia out of the water. She has a huge bite mark on her thigh. Clarke and I both go to grab a piece of Jasper's shirt. I let Clarke do it. She creates a tourniquet around the wound. Octavia is laying against Jasper's chest.

"Note to self, next time, save the girl." Monty says. We all laugh a bit.

We all settle down in the middle of a group of trees. I'm laying by Octavia and Monty. Tavia is cuddled up to Jasper. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

I'm dancing with Gavin when I feel someone grab my arm. I turn and see 4 guards.
"What's going on?" I ask, a bit scared.
"Briar Whitlock, you are under arrest for helping hide an illegal second child." The guard say while putting handcuffs on me.
"Bri? What's going on?" Gavin asks while following us.
"It's fine. I'll see you again. I promise. I will somehow." I say while leaving the ballroom.

I wake up to the sunrise. It's gorgeous. I get up and walk around. I hear someone break a stick behind me. I turn around quickly.
"Hey, hey, calm down. It's just me." Monty is standing with his hand out in front of him.

"Sorry, you scared me. Did I wake you?"

I calm myself down.

"Yeah, but it's alright. The sunrise is beautiful." He says while turning to look at it.

"Yeah, it is." I admire the sunrise with Monty.


We found another river. Finn is about to cross it with a homemade rope. He keeps pulling on it.

"Oh, quit stalling, spacewalker!!" I yell, and I hear him and Jasper laugh.

He's about to go across when Jasper wants to do it instead. Jasper grabs hold and goes across. He makes it and we all yell 'whoo! Go Jasper!'
He holds up a sign that says 'Mount Weather' on it.

"We made it!" He yells to us and we celebrate more, then a dagger goes flying through the air and hits Jasper right in the chest.

"Jasper!" I yell.

"Briar! Run back to camp! You know the way right?" Finn orders me.

I nod and start running.


I'm almost there when I trip and fall. I feel something stinging on my leg, but I ignore it and being running again.

I get there and run in.

"Bellamy! Bell!" I yell, hoping he would hear me. I see him run over.

"What?! What happened?!" He asks frantically.

"Jasper... he, uh, sorry." I catch my breath.

"Jasper got speared through the chest. We aren't alone down here." I say and his eyes go wide and then back to normal.

"Where is he? and the others?"

"I don't know. They just told me to run back, so I did."

He looks down at the ground. Then at my leg.

"What happened?" He asks as he goes to touch it.

"I fell. Don't touch it!" I say and back up.

"You're bleeding bad, Briar." He says and goes to look at it closer.

"I know. I'll just go patch it up in the dropship. Then I'll be fine." I say, brushing it off.

Gavin runs over.

"Briar, your leg! What did you do?" He asks all panicky.

"I tripped running here. I'm fine." I answer still acting like it's nothing. Gavin grabs my arm and pulls me to the dropship. I sit down and rip my pant leg. I have a wound from my mid-thigh to above my kneecap.

"Ouch." I say, wincing.

"Oh my god. What do you need? I can help." Gavin says getting up.

"I need water and a shirt." I answer and he runs off to go get it.

Bellamy walks in and sits by me.

"Hey, Bri." He sighs.

"What's wrong, Bell?" I'm concerned. He only sits down and sighs when something is wrong.

"Well, when you were in lockup, Gavin-"

He stops when Gavin walks in with the stuff I need. He sets it down beside me.

"Thanks, Gav."

"No problem. Just trying to help." He says and sits on the floor.

I get the part of the pant leg that I ripped and dip in the the water. I put it on my leg trying to clean the dirt off.

"Ah! Ouch!" I wince and inhale sharply.

I clean all the dirt and blood off and then I wrap the shirt around my wound, to keep any more bacteria off of it. I stand up.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you rest?" Gavin says. I chuckle a bit.

"Have you met her? She wouldn't rest if her leg got cut off." Bellamy says while smiling.

"You need to rest. It could get worse." Gavin keeps nagging to try and get me to rest.

"Gavin, you sound like my dad. I'm fine."

"Then I'll be the one to tell you that you're resting!" He says getting louder. I start to walk off.

"You're not my father, Gavin. You're my boyfriend."

"Obviously, I'm not your father. He's dead!" He yells loud enough for everyone outside the drop ship to hear.

I stop walking, tears pooling in my eyes. I turn around as people start looking to see what's going on.

"My father was an amazing man. Better than you will ever be, Gavin. Because he was there for me, always. He knew what to say and when to say it. He didn't bring up old stuff that he knew would hurt my feelings! Because, Gavin, he had a good heart, and he loved me. He loved me enough to die for me! That's why he's dead. Because he was protecting me!"

Tears are pouring down my face and I'm on the verge of having a breakdown.

"I'm sorry, Bri. I-" He tries to apologize.

"No! No, you don't get to just apologize!" I walk out of the dropship. He follows me, along with everyone else. He grabs my wrist, whipping me around to face him.

"Briar. Listen to me." He demands. I yank my wrist from his grip.

"Do. not. tell. me. what. to. do." I walk into the forest to clear my head.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now