thirty : war - part one

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"...the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead." I walk into the dropship in the middle of Raven talking. She's definitely in pain. I mean who wouldn't be, she just got shot.
"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?" Clarke suddenly got real interested, but we don't even have gunpowder. No thanks to Murphy.
"Enough to build 100 bombs... if we had any gunpowder left." She says through clenched teeth.
"Let's get back to the reapers. Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Bellamy suggests, looking at Clarke.
"Not this enemy." Clarke looks like she just had a flashback to whatever reapers are.
"We saw them. Trust me, it's not an option." Finn adds.
"Well, we can't just walk out there. It's not an option either, Finn." I cross my arms, suddenly feeling cold.
"There's no time for this." Clarke says.
"Can she walk or not?" Finn asks. I roll my eyes; Obviously she can't walk, she's just been shot.
"No. We have to carry her." Clarke tells him. They are actually considering this. Leaving the camp. The camp we built with our own hands. Well, that they built.
"The hell you will. I'm good to go." Raven says and tries to stand up. Clarke puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle, there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there. Is that clear?" Clarke explains to her.
"Clarke, we are somewhere safe! Nowhere is going to be safer than here! At least in this camp we know what is where! We don't know anything about the world outside of here!" I raise my voice at her.
"I'll get the stretcher." Finn ignores what I said again.
"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave." Bellamy follows Finn.
I walk over to Bellamy right before we leave the camp.
"B, are we sure about this?" I have a gun in my hands.
"We can't stay here alone. Everyone is with Clarke on leaving. Look, I don't want to leave either." He puts a hand on the side of my face.
"Bellamy, this is a suicide mission. We are going to lose someone out there. I can feel it." I look in his eyes.
"We will do anything we can to prevent it. And nothing is going to happen to you." He explains, keeping eye contact with me.
"Bell..." I look away.
"I heard what you said. When I was, um... Well you know." I look back at him when he says this.
"What did I say?" I smirk, knowing exactly what I said. He leans his face down to mine.
"I love you, too." He whispers softly into my ear, sending chills all over my body.
"Let's go!" Finn yells to all the teenagers. I take one more look at Bellamy and we walk through the gates.
~a bit later~
We are barely even 5 minutes away from the gate. I'm anxious. I know something is going to happen.
I see something ahead move and stop dead in my steps. Someone behind me bumps into me.
"Grounders." I whisper. I look over at Bellamy. He orders for everyone to run back to camp. I run and run, trying not to trip over anything. I feel something hit my lower back, but I keep running, ignoring the pain. I am going to die. This is it. No more life.
I'm out of breath by the time I pass the gate. I find Clarke.
"Clarke. I need some... help." I am hyperventilating. "Please."
She looks at the arrow sticking out of my back. "You may want something to bite on." I grab the nearest thing and put it in my mouth. She pushes the arrow all the way through so it protrudes out of my stomach. I yell loudly. She breaks the tip off and pulls the arrow back through my back. She must've heated a knife because that's how she closes the wounds. I yell again.
"What is going on in here? What happened?!" Bellamy rushes in and over to me.
"I got hit. I'm fine now. Thanks Clarke." I stand up straight and clench my jaw.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now