eight : don't move

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I'm sitting alone by the fire. Someone walks up beside me. I look up at him. He has long dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and a fair skin tone.

"Hey. I'm Lucas. You're Briar, right?" He sits down beside me with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you Lucas." I say, returning a smile.

We talk and laugh for a while, getting to know each other and creating a bond.

"Ahem! What do you think you're doing, Briar?" Gavin says grabbing my arm and standing me up.

"I'm making a new friend." I say while looking at Lucas. He stands up.

"Hey man, I'm Lucas." He puts his hand out to shake Gavin's. But Gavin just looks at him and then back to me.

"You listen to me. I do not want you talking to any other guys. None other than me. Got it?" He says as he gets close to my face. I roll my eyes. Gavin grabs my face hard.

"Dude! Let go of her!" Lucas grabs Gavin's hand and attempts to pull it away from my face. He lets go to punch Lucas, then comes back and slaps me in the face. I gasp and look back at him. A group of people gather around us. I try to punch him in the stomach, but he grabs my hand and punches me in the jaw.
"Hey!" Someone yells and pushes Gavin to the ground. She gets on top of him and starts punching him. Gavin throws her off and then comes to me. He pulls out a knife and puts it to my neck.

"No one move! I will kill her!" He yells to everyone, and they all stand still. Tear form in my eyes and I look to Octavia who has tears running down her face. I mouth to her-

"I love you." Tears fall quicker down her cheeks, but she doesn't move a muscle. I see Finn and Clarke walk over.

"Don't move! I will slit her throat!" Gavin yells to them. Finn starts moving closer with his hand in front of him.

"You don't want to do this. Gavin, right?" Finn asks, trying to help. Gavin nods, I can feel the knife move against my neck as he does.

"Why are you doing this?" Finn asks while walking closer.

"Do not get any closer!" Gavin yells.

Finn stops.

"Why are you doing this?" Finn asks again, more calm this time.

"Because she's mine. No one can have her but me." He says pushing the knife closer to my skin.

"Well, you can't have her if you kill her." Finn says starting to move closer again.

Gavin loosens his grip a bit, but not enough for me to get away.

"How about you let her go, and I will make sure that no guy touches her, okay?" Finn says, convincingly. Gavin loosens enough for me to get out and I run over to Finn. He puts me behind him.

"Listen, Gavin. You need to take a walk. Think about what you just did." Finn says and motions for Gavin to leave the camp. He walks out of the gates. I drop to the ground, taking deep breaths. A group of people surround me. I hear multiple people mumbling. "Alright everyone, back it up!" Finn yells and pushes people back. Clarke comes and sits by me.

"Can I look at your face, Briar?" She asks in a soft tone. I look up at her. She puts her hands on my face, exploring my bruise. Then, she looks at my neck.
"You're neck looks fine. There's no laceration. Your jaw is bruised, and your lip is split. Overall, you'll be fine, but I would recommend not going near Gavin again." I look at her with a 'You think?' look on my face. She gets up and stands by Finn. Bellamy and Octavia come and sit down beside me. Octavia hugs me tightly.

"Oh my god. He almost killed you." She says while sobbing.

"But he didn't. Octavia, I'm here. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." I calm her down by rubbing up and down her back. She lets go, and I stand up. Bellamy stands up, too. He just looks at me.

"What did you want me to do?" I ask while he looks at me. "If I told you anything, he threatened to hurt Octavia! I wasn't going to let that happen! I would rather something happen to me than something happen to either of you. Go ahead, be mad, but I don't regret it. I still wouldn't have even if he did slit my neck!" He just keeps looking at me, not saying anything. I walk past him to the dropship.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now