thirteen : violent actions

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When I get to the middle of camp, I hear Murphy yelling.

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" He demands. He waits for a response. "Bring the girl out now!" He commands again. He waits for Bellamy to come out with Charlotte.

"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out." He says to Clarke, still trying to get Charlotte out. Bellamy comes out of the tent.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us." He says while Bellamy walks closer to him.

"Dial it down and back off." Bellamy demands.

"Or what? What are you going to do? Hang me?" He taunts and walks closer to Bell.

"I was just giving the people what they wanted." He defends his decision to kick the crate.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now? So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor??" He asks and looks around to see if anyone is raising their hand.

"I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!" He yells while staring at the crowd of people.

"Hey Murphy! It's over." Bellamy says and turns to walk back into the tent.

Murphy runs towards Bellamy and hits him over the head, making him go unconscious. He looks in the tent. I walk over, and as he's turning around I throw a punch at him. He dodges it.

"Nice try." He says and punches me in the stomach. I curl over, grabbing my abdomen and retch, feeling like I'm going to puke. I stand up. He goes to punch me in my stomach again, but I flex my ab muscles. The punch loses some of it's power. I punch him in the jaw. I shake my hand and back up.

"Giving up, are we?" He says, breathlessly. I take a step forward and punch him in the nose, causing blood to pour out. He touches his nose and notices the blood. He throws a punch to the side of my face. I taste a metallic warm liquid in my mouth. I spit, blood goes flying out of my mouth as Murphy strikes my face again. Nearly falling over, I kick his side. As I stand up straight, he punches me in the nose. Then, I punch him in the throat. He chokes, but then quickly retaliates by grabbing my hair. I grab his wrist with both of my hands and hold it close to my head. I quickly slide my hand up to his pinky. I pull it back towards his wrist. He cries out in pain and lets go. I kick him in his side again. He nearly falls over. I go to kick him to the ground, but he puts a hand up in defense.

"Alright! Okay. I surrender." He hollers, backing up. I lean over, putting my hands on my knees and take a breather.

When I look up, I notice that there was a crowd of people watching us.

Someone touches my back. I jump and swing at them. They dodge it, thankfully.

"Woah!" Monty shouts.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"It's fine. We should get you cleaned up. No offense, but you look terrible." He says, leading me into the dropship.

When I sit down, all the pain becomes more authentic. I have a splitting headache, my knuckles are stinging, and my stomach is sore. Monty walks back in with water and some fabric. He kneels in front of me and starts to clean me up. He stops my nose bleed and cleans the blood from my face. Then, he grabs my hand and cleans the blood from it.

"Thanks, Monty." I say, hoarsely.

"Do you want some water? I can go get some that's clean." He offers and stands up.

"Sure." I reply and give a small smile. He comes back with a cup of water. I drink it quickly. The fight really made me thirsty.

"Thanks again, Monty. I really appreciate it." I say.

"It's no problem, really. You should rest now. I'm sure that you're exhausted." He says and helps me move to a hammock.

"Sleep well, Briar." He says walking away. I slowly drift off into a sleep really needed.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now